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File 152787662193.png - (398.07KB , 1024x1024 , disthread.png )
123379 No. 123379 ID: 891b91 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Wherein we discuss dead dust, and possibly other sorts of dust as well.
532 posts and 41 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 133769 ID: e7c7d3

I mean, a lot of people have inactive quests going on. I'm always happy to see this one to update though
No. 133774 ID: 9aaeef

Teegee said the rest are on hiatus, after this DD thread Flora is going to get updated, maybe WAA WAA is death though, shame we need more quest about Kobolds.
No. 133867 ID: dccdd0

According to the wiki Flora is a dead quest.
No. 133875 ID: f8fa51

"Dead" has a specific definition on that wiki, applying to quests that hit the graveyard in while in their first thread. Meanwhile, if they hit the graveyard one post into their second thread, they're "on hiatus," even if there's no realistic chance they'll ever be restarted.
No. 133921 ID: 3994a2

I just made a new catch-all disthread for all my quests: >>133919

See this post for a status update on all my quests: >>133920

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132818 No. 132818 ID: 8fb3ba hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Let's get eschatological.

Ask questions, tell me you love me, etc.
No. 132819 ID: fd2a9c

I love you.

No homo.
No. 132822 ID: 92cd26

Huh, I wonder how much this is going to take from Homestuck, and how far it's going to diverge. The irony is that, it would still be far more interesting of a story if it *actually* followed the session's conflicts instead of fucking off to go play dating sim instead.

As such, I'm particularly hopeful for the direction of this quest! It's going to be *great* once we start meeting the others, and we get unique takes on the mechanics that were sadly underutilised in the work that serves as an inspiration for this one.
No. 133877 ID: 8fb3ba

In hindsight this quest would probably fit better on Mspfa, maybe I'll mirror it like d3 got mirrored.
No. 133878 ID: f8fa51

If you don't mind some advice, I'd say don't feel the need to follow Homestuck's formula at any point. Use it for inspiration as much as you like, but diverge wherever it just works for your story to do something completely different.
No. 133879 ID: 8fb3ba

I won't be following Homestuck's formula entirely. Granted, there have been a lot of similarities, though they're mostly superficial, but I do want the story to go it's own way and have a sort of outline in my mind already.

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119639 No. 119639 ID: f9400c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Discussion for the new quest
15 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 133834 ID: 147147


I'm back, now with updated assets :V
No. 133835 ID: e7c7d3

Welcome back
No. 133838 ID: 864e49
File 160058772956.gif - (661.36KB , 480x360 , aYWVd12_460sv.gif )

Whalecum back.
No. 133839 ID: 1189d3

Welcome back!
No. 133846 ID: 913dff

wow, that hiatus was almost 3 years. I only just read this but I'm glad it came back, I'm enjoying it so far.

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116125 No. 116125 ID: d36af7 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

And the underground stuff, too. Drawing laughably inaccurate yet strategically indispensable maps is a big part of the old-school dungeon-crawling experience.

Wiki: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Please_do_not_Take_these_Organs
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4587981
home team: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/829557.html
away team: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/807859.html
discussion: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/116125
879 posts and 26 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 125651 ID: add037

So, would something like this be allowed?

Agatha Spires
Class: Townie
Ambitions: Giving things back to their rightful owners / candied apples
Phobia: Thunderstorms
left hip: lantern
right hip: coin purse
left shoulder: Azarthraine's spellbook. How fortuitous!
right shoulder: dried fruit
chest/neck: chain armor
top of head: helmet
somewhere uncomfortable: jade amulet
No. 125652 ID: 2007b6

Yeah, that's fine.
No. 125662 ID: 094652

From Azure's mentors:

"The core aspect of modern dancing is the consistent fact that it is a physical art recorded by the concept of vision. As you move, you concentrate the focus of the vision of your audience in the corresponding direction of your force. Do not, under any circumstances, discard this force. If you must be the center of attraction, balance every outward motion with an accompanying inward one. If your show and its producers demand a sacrifice of attention towards the scenery (read: other dancers), be sure to move the force towards the ones that have been demanded in turn to return it back to you once their meager display is complete. And finally, understand the limits and tendencies of your audience. Though we are unable to truly comprehend the scope and range of vision itself, we can say with certainty that those who live in the Blood Mire have a certain tendency: when they crane their heads upward, they get a crick in their necks and feel the compulsion to re-align them back. What goes up must come down, so to speak. Thus, usually you can perform an upward show of hands as your flourish and expect the focus to come back down relatively quickly. Just be sure to catch it."
No. 126081 ID: 2007b6

Now that Azarthraine has his spellbook back, I can't keep playing him as an NPC. Who's going to take over being the lizard wizard?
No. 126083 ID: afdebc

I'm juggling less characters than Santova, Kome and Strgy, and I'm already ostensibly in-charge of the Fire Hawks through Dav, so my taking over the other leadership character might make sense.

I'm really not at all confident about being able to manage the resources an nth level caster provides, though (good gods the spell per day preparation), and it feels pretty weird having a PC 10+ levels higher than everyone else.

Any reason why he doesn't work as an npc? I get not wanting one very powerful npc to overshadow player agency, but I sort of thought his position was going to be advice, artillery, logistical support, getting us jobs, crafting spirit sanctums and stuff in exchange for divine or magical favors / resources, etc.

Also I sort of liked having a character in a position to refine plans and rein us in when we come up with plans that don't make sense in-setting, or badly use resources we don't understand well.

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111978 No. 111978 ID: 8a947d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

I made a quest, guess I should make one of these too!

615 posts and 74 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 126166 ID: 1872dc

No. 126173 ID: eeb7d9

Yeap, make a new thread for that, it will get kinda messy if you don't.
No. 126174 ID: eeb7d9

That is a nasty Stand!
No. 133770 ID: 864e49

Anybody know how Heretic's doing?
No. 133779 ID: e7c7d3

They've been posting imps on their twitter, and they did briefly pop in the discord to briefly talk about quests

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127013 No. 127013 ID: fc3e27 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Quest: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/915048.html

Disthread for my first ever Quest! I'm very new to this and probably really awful, so I'd love feedback and suggestions. Actually, the quest will probably die without them. Especially if I keep railroading this badly. Haha.
307 posts and 44 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 130544 ID: 2976ba
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>Spots moans in culinary ecstasy.

This calls for a classic.
No. 130547 ID: eeb7d9

Noooo i had got rid of that mental image!
No. 133751 ID: ff3732

SOOOO... we using this again or Deer makes a new one?
No. 133752 ID: a8ec2e

This one is a dumpster fire. I'll make a new one
No. 133754 ID: a8ec2e

Please direct discussion of the EthQuest Reboot here: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/133753.html

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133416 No. 133416 ID: 11f77a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

It's the month of the chest, and all are welcome here!

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No. 133580 ID: 12b116
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a quick sketch
No. 133611 ID: 6f7a5a
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My from King of Pentacles

Vivian Hearth dragging Nethar into a womens changing room
Sabria is there
No. 133613 ID: df76b1

Yeah, I'm sure he Hates it.
No. 133622 ID: ba56e6

Under water, tits can't give you back pain.
No. 133737 ID: 6f7a5a
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Princess Reefa "I believe my late submission to the holiday should suffice. if you desire access to it's contents bring me me his head."

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74609 No. 74609 ID: 2964de hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Making a discussion thread because it will probably be necessary soon or eventually. Comments/praise/criticism/questions welcome.
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No. 133687 ID: b1b4f3

I think it's an acceptable amount of words.
No. 133688 ID: 470289

I think more text is fine, as long as it's formatted to be easily readable. pacing is more an art than a science, but I wouldn't worry about it to much, at least imo.
No. 133689 ID: 9c6850

Here's some specific examples beyond the one I got too anxious to post:
No. 133690 ID: 9c6850

No. 133692 ID: b1b4f3

It's fine.

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108985 No. 108985 ID: 6cbace hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Thought this might be a good thing to have.

661 posts and 67 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 132502 ID: e7703b

I'm actually drawing out of an ipad.
No. 132505 ID: e7703b

So I'd like to clear up some matters.

Slime can use ice and fire magic, BECAUSE she had consumed those who had ice and fire magic. This allowed her to access a higher ability to control temperature.
As she gains more abilities, they'll unlock higher abilities she can use, and access to spells that relate to it.

Another thing is regarding Absorbing and Consuming.
Absorbing allows Slime to skim the core of a target, copying a small bit of their core.
Consuming allows slime to take in all their abilities.
Slime has no wind or air related abilities, so it can't replicate Lily's spell.
No. 133403 ID: f133dc

Some more questions since arguments are popping up in the main thread.

The arm thing, Emils made an arm out of... well, itself, and had the option to burn biomass to create more arm. This implies abilities that are quite broad, widely useful, and powerful.

Now I was under the impression regardless of what's on that character sheet that Emils learns and grows in abilities by using them, and things like mana sense and solid material manipulation as "abilities" might be gone, but those skills still exist in same basic manner and are usable, we just aren't copying some base level competence with them, just blindly flailing around with dangerous magics like the chlid Emils is.

So can we manipulate solids into new shapes and functions? Is learning abilities and magic something we hold a few copied abilities in but those same abilities become learned skills as Emils uses and master them?
No. 133404 ID: e19a40

>Absorbing and Consuming
I'm frequently confuse with distinctions like this. Back at the cemetery there was a thing about consume or eat that I didn't get at all.

If I'm understanding this correctly Absorbing is what we did to copy Bea's and Alice's spells. Does skimming cores result in negative consequences for the target?

If I'm not understanding this correctly and absorption is something more lethal, than what is the advantage of absolve over consume?
No. 133671 ID: df628b

So stuff happened.
I’m closing my patreon, and planning to open up commissions.
For more details there’s these;

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120347 No. 120347 ID: d36af7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

To make relevant subjects easier to find instead of being buried under the minutia of Pdn[T]tO.

https://tgchan.org/wiki/Fluorine_Quest which was actually about playing as a calcified raksha, but dang did I do a bad job making that clear. Not that most people would know what it was even if I did, since it's derived from an obscure section of the errata to what's arguably the whole Ex2e line's most editorially mangled and ungameable volume. The errata which replaced almost entire chapters, and which is so massive I can't even post it all here as a PDF, 'cause it's above the max file size.

Maybe I like this stuff so much because my reach exceeds my grasp so much out of character?

Anyway, the new one, where you can finally play as actual exalts: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/865044.html
290 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 132617 ID: afdebc

For posterity, here's the sheet for Gilly's character, which has not been posted to the board yet.

Name: Patches in Reality
Demihuman: God Blooded

Iconic Anima (from Aura of Power): Moon Bunny
Motivation: To experience and chronicle wondrous and worthy stories.

Attributes: [6/5/4]

[4] Strength 1 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3
[5] Charisma 4 Manipulation 1 Appearance 3
[6] Perception 2 Intelligence 4 Wits 3

Virtues: [Assign 5, capped at 4 w/o BP, +1 from BP]
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No. 133430 ID: 4424d1
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Motivation: Discover the fate of Denandsor and return to preserve its splendor.
Tell: Jolts of Moonsilver colored essence sporadically jolt across her hair, leaving a very faint
Odor of ozone.

Strength 1 Dexterity 5 Stamina 5(Favored)
Charisma 5 Manipulation 1 Appearance 3
Perception 2 Intelligence 5 Wits 1

Essence 3
Willpower 10/10
Compassion 3
Conviction 2
Temperance 5
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
No. 133432 ID: 4424d1

Minor addendum: Viatrix Senta wears a pair of short, steel toed heavy duty black work boots, and they don't look like they're made entirely from leather, or made by any ordinary shoemaker at all, given their unusual make and symmetry.
No. 133443 ID: f57349

You seem to have mysteriously dropped two dots in Occult while adding one in Survival, relative to the previous character sheet draft. Craft (Lightning) specialty in "repair" seems too broad - could change that to "skyships," or swap it out entirely for initiate-level Art of Elemental Air, which (per houserules) also encompasses weather-working.
No. 133454 ID: 4424d1

That was probably a mistake in copying over an earlier sheet. I suppose that I could always shift that specialty dot into Thaumaturgy, but I'll look up weather-working anyway.

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112260 No. 112260 ID: 65a774 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Because people was asking for a new one.
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No. 132082 ID: feecd8

The fact that Kaktus seems to think everything needs to be a long drawn out adventure.

Not everything needs to be complicated, it's ok to have short and simple objectives every once and a while.

Also the destroyed painting no one could figure out is the very first image on the disthread here. It's right there, if we want to continue trying to figure it out.
No. 132083 ID: b1b4f3

The full painting was also shown in the quest.
No. 133466 ID: 2c5282

As the current New Horizon thread is drawing to a close, I’m just going to post this is all my dis-thread to see what people is interested in seeing next. Whoever wins isn’t guaranteed to picked, but I will take it into consideration. Multiple picks are welcomed as well. (I’ll probably shift between 2 quests at once for a while if all goes well.)

For those that are unfamiliar with some of those quests, here’s all the wiki’s:

As for Boldly Coming in particular, I’d like to continue and finish it, but I can’t find a way to change its current state into something I actually want to do, so sadly I’ve taken the decision to reboot it and try again, this time with some more experience behind me.
No. 133471 ID: b1b4f3

Will Boldly Coming have entirely new waifus?
No. 133474 ID: 2c5282

My current plan is to add a few new waifus to seduce (as well as possible husbandos, but we’ll see). The old waifus will all be back though slightly redesigned and improved as well. I’m going to post a few ideas and stuff in the Boldly Coming disc thread, so any input or question you’d like to give there would be welcomed.

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132526 No. 132526 ID: f56a2b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

A place for all things Blue Star Discussion related.
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No. 133002 ID: f56a2b

He's using all the right words that Gokmar's used to, but his word order is very unfamiliar. It's almost like he's trying to replace another language's words with the local language while keeping the structure.
No. 133166 ID: d63ea8

Sorry I wasn't able to join in on the 'what are (you)' conversation, I've been busy will a couple of my own projects. I'll try to respond faster in the future.
No. 133167 ID: f56a2b

You're still free to answer the question, it's not a first suggestion takes all kind of situation; I just wanted to knock out an update while I was feeling the flow.
No. 133406 ID: d63ea8

Crack-pot theory:
The Prince is the butterfly.

((Also I want to burn that dryad.))
No. 133467 ID: d63ea8

Wow, I really like the art direction of this panel.

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120031 No. 120031 ID: 65a774 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Because the other discussion thread was for Strange bedfellows and was kind of cluttered, I guess?

Either way, feel free to discuss who to eat / fuck / fuck and eat here.

Also, vote for best husbando! (I mean, there’s like only one other girl introduced yet so…)
238 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 131840 ID: 4854ef

First bug lewds! But yeah I'm glad to see your art improved as it is too
No. 132418 ID: 7fafab

I support bug lewds!

Kaktus, you got a gallery anywhere, or are you a mysterious entity known only to TGChan?
No. 132426 ID: 1301e8

>Kaktus, you got a gallery anywhere, or are you a mysterious entity known only to TGChan?
I am currently just another friendly neighborhood poster here on this board, mostly because I mostly only draw for updates for my quest anyway. So no, I don’t have a gallery, never thought I really needed one.
>I support bug lewds!
Bug lewds require all the support it can get. There is a frightening lack of bug lewds out there… and weird alien lewds as well.

And I apologize for not updating for a while, but all my creative juices was spent moving my D&D group from a physical version into a digital one. Hopefully my normal update pace will return now that’s done.
No. 132472 ID: 7fafab

More bug lewds!

bug lewd quest when
No. 133465 ID: 2c5282

As the current New Horizon thread is drawing to a close, I’m just going to post this is all my dis-thread to see what people is interested in seeing next. Whoever wins isn’t guaranteed to picked, but I will take it into consideration. Multiple picks are welcomed as well. (I’ll probably shift between 2 quests at once for a while if all goes well.)

For those that are unfamiliar with some of those quests, here’s all the wiki’s:

As for Boldly Coming in particular, I’d like to continue and finish it, but I can’t find a way to change its current state into something I actually want to do, so sadly I’ve taken the decision to reboot it and try again, this time with some more experience behind me.

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133156 No. 133156 ID: a307f1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Discussion Thread for Gay Little Animal’s Day Off, baby’s first quest

The update I’m working on at the time of this writing is taking a little longer and I have a handful of behind the scenes images to share so I figured a discussion thread couldn’t hurt.

I only have one request for you guys and it’s that I don’t want to hear anyone’s little thoughts on the characters’ body types or pronouns, unless it’s a genuine honest clarifying question asked in good faith. But I think questden has grown a lot over time so I’m not Too worried.
Thanx gang.
9 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 133212 ID: a307f1


No. 133240 ID: a307f1
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for my maid dress freaks
No. 133244 ID: e7c7d3

Internet vs. IRL
No. 133252 ID: a0dfd2


A modest muffin-top for a modest bunnicorn. Imagine an OK-hand emoji here.
No. 133392 ID: 4efca3

Hell yeah

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133383 No. 133383 ID: 7f716e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Not much to discuss right now, but eventually important decisions will have to be made in the story, so feel free to discuss it here. Also i can answer questions about the story and world if i think it wont spoil anything, so feel free to ask about that too :)

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132009 No. 132009 ID: 6f7a5a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Romance Festival!

Turn to the fire of romance to fend off the cold winter winds!

* A place for romantically involved quest characters to be drawn spending time together!
* Perhaps a quest character fancies another? Maybe from another world or quest entirely? Perhaps they should risk a date invitation?
* Calling all quest suggesters! Send a valentine to your quest character sweetie! Let them know how you truly feel!
* Maybe romance isn't a character's thing? Draw them enjoying some warm tea, enjoying a nice book, or chatting with the other festival goers!

And feel free to post any Valentine's content you like!
59 posts and 30 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 133267 ID: 2bd15b
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Pink: To be honest I came here mostly for the pleasant ambiance, as for the staff personally they did give me any trouble. But hey, drinking isn't the best remedy for a bad experience, even though I should be the last person here to preach to you about anything.
No. 133272 ID: b28818

What kind of romance are you looking for? There has to be something you're into
No. 133275 ID: 2bd15b
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Pink: "Strange I could swear I heard something just now...Oh well, maybe it is just the wind."
No. 133276 ID: 2bd15b
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Pink: "But that wind has a good point, what kind of romance are you looking for? Little wolf lady."
No. 133277 ID: 6f7a5a
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Remia: "The romance wardens are here"

Mifal: "to deal with all criminals"

Fason: "and make them all suffer"

Solia: "that is what is right"

Laret: "good punishments for bad kitties"

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129729 No. 129729 ID: 4cfeaf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Discussion for Adventure quest. While I would normally prefer for you to ask stuff to the protagonist and/or other characters from within the quest, if there is something you wish to ask but you think it would be better to ask it here, go ahead.

Now, first things first: I won’t be uploading this as regularely as I would like. I intended this quest to be another pastime while I’m studying for college, and while I’m doing another project (Maybe I shouldn’t be working on two things at the same time, but too late for regrets). That being said, I inhave intentions to update this quest as long as I can.
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 131208 ID: 4fd362

Sorry if I'm taking long in this update. A lot of stuff is happening rightn ow with college and I barely have time to work with anything. I don't know when I'll be able to update the quest, but I'll do it as soon as I'm finished with everything else.
No. 131214 ID: e5e15e

Take your time dude. real life takes precedence.
No. 132325 ID: 4fd362

Again, Sorry for taking long on the update. It's mostly done, I'm just having troubles with one drawing in particular that's giving me some troubles. As soon as I manage to figure it out, the update should be out.
No. 133182 ID: 4fd362

Sorry for the delay in this update: My mouse is acting very weird for some time and making it hard to draw anything. I tried to get a new one, but I haven't been able to buy a new one yet...
No. 133186 ID: b1b4f3

Good to hear you're still working on it.

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132168 No. 132168 ID: b5fb67 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


Post your quest characters as maids/butlers/both, the fanciest of all service industry folks. Extra points for cuteness!

(note: points cannot be redeemed for anything and are not considered legal tender)
5 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 132259 ID: 11f77a
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Unlockable Costume for The Cleaner
No. 132392 ID: 6f7a5a
File 158485642277.png - (218.23KB , 662x998 , GnollMaids2020.png )

Limmeria from "a most holy quest"
No. 132393 ID: 470289
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She's not mad because she doesn't know what a maid is.

From The God Damned.
No. 132394 ID: 470289
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Glinp cleans up.

From Nice Save
No. 133173 ID: 15a025
File 159252961819.png - (1.95KB , 200x200 , maid marsh.png )

Marsh: "You know, just because this doesn't look half bad on me doesn't mean I don't want to still knock your lights out for making me wear this."

Sugar: "Your fault for losing that game of poker. Now zip it and get cleaning."

File 158525802611.jpg - (85.45KB , 750x750 , Thigh Day 2020.jpg )
132420 No. 132420 ID: 470289 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


Gimmie your thiiiiiiiiiiighs!

Blue? from Whatever Quest.

Past Thigh Day threads:
10 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 132450 ID: 11f77a
File 158571038095.png - (270.21KB , 730x790 , everything_day_clean.png )

Alternate underwear version so it's actually more about thighs.
No. 132457 ID: 015bf2

Huh, never thought I'd see the day. Deem actually looks vaguely kind of... bashful?
No. 132462 ID: 11f77a
File 158577050787.png - (211.93KB , 734x804 , veisar_legday.png )

Veisar begins his workout morning routine!
No. 132524 ID: 6f7a5a
File 158718581237.png - (187.41KB , 736x936 , SmallDog.png )

Keimi from Inhabiting Malevolence


spoilered for panty shot
No. 133092 ID: e5e15e
File 159149270533.png - (1.15MB , 1542x1100 , Mac Thigh Day Graphy remaster.png )

I forgot this was made. I asked Graphy to do her version of my Mac thigh day pic from... last year? Probably.

Anyway yeah, it's Mac.

File 157566970057.png - (608.81KB , 755x710 , SS19_intro.png )
131539 No. 131539 ID: 11f77a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Hey QD! Cybil here. And it’s time for our fourth year of Secret Santa! After the ‘beach incident’ I had to find an old suit while my other one is in the shop. Red is festive anyway! We’re using The Dimensioner’s 4D technology and his Cnidarian servants to make sure everyone gets their gifts at the right coordinates!

Here are the previous years of gift-giving:
(2016) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/106091.html
(2017) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/118595.html
(2018) https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/126663.html

You can participate in two ways:

Quest Author/Sign-Up
For authors, all you need to do is post the quest characters you’d like to take part in this thread. Include their name and a link to the quest or wiki page. A picture is helpful as well. If posting multiple characters, you must state whether they’re a GROUP or INDIVIDUALS. Once we reach an appointed date, everyone will be randomly assigned their partner.

Pairings will be made on the 12th. Latecomers will have until 19th. They’ll be posted with spoiler tags to keep things a secret. Ssh…

Once a match is made, it is your job to write and illustrate what your character would give as a gift for their special someone! You’re not obligated to have a character respond to a gift. But the process of your character finding one is the least bit expected. One picture, ten; doesn’t matter as long as you don’t tire yourselves out. Posting early is no problem!
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60 posts and 45 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 131818 ID: 9876c4

Knowing Bonnie, she may have preferred the Magnum.
No. 133083 ID: 3994a2
File 159142684939.png - (171.67KB , 800x800 , secretsanta_2019_roz_1.png )

"Hi! It's me, your Secret Santa! Sorry if this got to ya a bit late, they told me it might get caught up in interdimensional customs or somethin... Anyway! I heard you live all on your lonesome 'n stuff, and that's no fun! Everybody needs some friends to keep 'em company! I can't give ya friends for the holidays, but I can give you the next best thing: simulated friendship!"

"If you're listenin' to this then you've already seen what it is! This baby's got 30 whole hours of holo-recordings of yours truly -- so while I can't be there in person, I can be your friend in spirit! I got a buncha holo-diaries in here so you can see what I've been doin and thinkin' 'n stuff!"
No. 133084 ID: 3994a2
File 159142688191.png - (207.32KB , 800x800 , secretsanta_2019_roz_2.png )

"Oh! I had a buncha space left over too, so I threw in a buncha recordings of my dance practice for the festival we have comin' up 'round here! Didn't have the costumes ready though, so I just did 'em all naked -- hope that's okay!"
No. 133085 ID: 3994a2
File 159142690557.png - (115.01KB , 800x800 , secretsanta_2019_roz_3.png )

Roz has given a Deluxe Holo-player to Bryn Edman (Runegard). PARENTAL ADVISORY: Material may not be suitable for all ages.

So sorry about taking way too long to get around to this! I should've gotten it done months ago, but better late than never, right?
No. 133088 ID: e51896

It's alright. but hey, maybe if you waited one more month to post, then it would have been a christmas in july kind of post, lol :D

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