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1086981 No. 1086981 ID: 681cb5

[Super NSFW]
May contain breeding, vore, transformation etc…

”Prurient Passage”
A Lascivious Labyrinth side story.

Wiki and previous threads: https://tezakia.net/wiki/Lascivious_Labyrinth

Somewhere deep in the most tenebrous wilderness, far from civilization and decency, it is said that a grand temple of the demi-god Wjares lays hidden. In those ancient rumor-shadowed halls, acts of unbridled hedonism and profane rituals were indulged in wild abandon, all to please the demi-god the structure was dedicated too. It is a place where instinct and impulse is acted up- huh? You’ve already heard this before? Alright, fine…

Welcome to the Prurient Passage! Hope you enjoy your stay…
78 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1088294 ID: 64faaa

Any & all of these sound like a good way of distracting the one on Bahravus's face.
Shrinking her should be particularly useful.
No. 1088356 ID: 9d3b39

So how exactly would the imp even be eaten by the sister considering her helmet is stuck and won't let the imp through to her mouth? (Yes I know there's ub and av but she said feed which implies eating.)
No. 1088361 ID: 340fd5

well getting some distance with the imp wouldv been ideal but not much to be done about that now.
if you can telepathically link with the imp have him free the brother

magic may be hard from here but maybe her tail and/or that plug could do with a pull.
be a dirty old man and stick your thumb in there along side it.
No. 1089143 ID: 681cb5
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>What would happen if she did eat a demon? Could that negatively affect her in some way?
Her? No. But Maz would be reborn as mortal again, which he doesn’t want. Demons can’t multiply with each other, instead needing a mortal host to breed to create demon young… or they can corrupt a mortal by eating and digesting them, making their meal come back as a demon. The opposite is also true, as eating a demon will purify it and make its soul mortal again. So if you want Maz the imp to remain an imp, don’t let him get nommed.
>Unbind the lizard boy.
You focus for a second on his binds and return them to their natural state… which is just a bunch of carpet parts. Now, let’s see what he does…

>Would foresight allow you to see if removing the buttplug is a good idea?
The buttplug being removed will end with you taking a guided tour through her digestive system, unless you can ensure she’s “beaten” beforehand.
>Can’t we use auto transmutation to make our fur real bristly and stingy to give her a real ache if she tries any funny business?
Sure, you would become quite the pain in her ass if you really wanted too… but that would be rude, not to mention unsexy.

Grabbing two handfuls of that ass, you begin to greedily lap at the virgin pussy in front of you, sticking your tongue deep into her strawberry flavored folds.

Sakkilian Lady: “Ngg… that’s good…” she moans while moving her hips to give you a better angle, “But not good enough, gramps. I have enough toys back- AH!?” and then you hit her with one of your old tricks, the massive vibrating tongue! “OH WJARES, THAT TONGUE!?”

For a second you consider pulling your seed from you sack into your tongue, but you rather not change yourself that much. Besides, you want her to beg you to breed her, not secretly knocking her up when she isn’t looking. That’s for weaklings and rogues. Instead, you start to focus on her form… and making her smaller…
No. 1089144 ID: 681cb5
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Her body starts to slowly shrink, as her mind is too distracted by the tongue kissing her lower lips and massaging her clit. In fact, she doesn’t even notice getting smaller at all…

Sakkilian Lady: “Ffffuck…” arcing her back, she moans, “I’m definitely keeping you, old man… t-this is the best… tongue…” Bucking her hips against your snout, you feel her whole body shiver as an orgasm washes over her, “Ever… ah…”

But even then you don’t give her a moment to breathe. In fact, you double your feast on her loins, changing the shape of your tongue so that it doesn’t just go deep, but also rub against both her g-spot and clit at the same time.

Sakkilian Lady: “Ngg… if you’ll g-give me boys with a tongue like this…” her breath is quick, her body shaking, “I m-might even l-let you breed me… ah…”
No. 1089145 ID: 681cb5
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And suddenly she finds herself slipping into your maw, as she’s now about the size of your imp.

Sakkilian Lady: “Huh?” she finally notice what you’ve been doing, “When did you get so big!?”

Usually, you just eat your prey at this point, but you’re here to impregnate gals, not turn them into goat fat. Besides, you’re sure Maz will need help with the other warrior anyway…
No. 1089146 ID: a7a180

Since you're not wearing pants, just keep her tucked away like a bit of chewing gum until you finish taming her sister. Maybe you'll end up using your tongue again, and she'll be stuck between your mouth and a soft place.
No. 1089150 ID: eb0a9c

Stick her in her sister
No. 1089154 ID: 365de0

Wear her like a condom.
No. 1089157 ID: 64faaa

This for now

this & this for later.

Need to help out your imp before he stops being an imp. Can you make him bigger?
Or maybe as mentioned here, open some holes as a quick distraction. Offer up other demons, to save the one that's actually "loyal" to you. It's a trick on your part (unless she actually manages to eat some of them, in which case that's totally what you meant to do.)
No. 1089158 ID: 37587f

Ayo, imp's in trouble. Can you turn the clothes on the active siblings into bindings? Or make the imp taste real bad?
No. 1089162 ID: 2a82d3

Both of you are have basically have hostages now. There's no way to make that sexy...

... unless you know how to do a hostage swap via kissing. How good are you at sucking face? Is there a way to have the kid help? Could you mould her helmet (thrown nearby) into something you could use to your advantage?
No. 1089164 ID: 5ebd37

Ooh yes, swap spit and hostages.
No. 1089170 ID: 340fd5

i repeat backup is about to go by-by
seems like you can only transform things by touching them
can you open a portal-o-demon dick right into her?
she seems the sort that would just make quicker work of a meal if you tried just enticing her.
youd have to be clear about it. yell "oi thats my imp." or something
and hey youved lived through a few scrapes, and advice come to mind? maybe something the imp could do to slow her down even if you cant?

No. 1089179 ID: 7c55ad

yeet the Sakkilian Lady at the other Sakkilian Lady eating your imp
No. 1089992 ID: 681cb5
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>Can you open a portal-o-demon dick right into her?
You need a flat surface you can touch to make a portal, something like a wall or the backside of that buttplug one of the Sakkilian had. Then you can just shove it right into her.
>Wear her like a condom.
The whole point is knocking gals up, not to have safe sex! Still, she would make a good cock warmer later…

>Swap spit and hostages.
Running up towards her, you take her by surprise. Not expecting such an aggressive action from some elderly goat, all she has time to do is turn towards you to say something. You expect she was trying to threaten to swallow Maz, but as soon as she opens her maw you shove your own snout into it, kissing her deeply. While you’ve never been a good kisser, you’re good enough to grab the imp with your tongue and pull him out from her mouth, especially as she’s still stumped by your action.

After all, who expect the wizard to charge you with a kiss?
No. 1089993 ID: 681cb5
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It isn’t until you pull away you notice your blunder. Maz didn’t let the other Sakkilian get swapped, instead opting to grab her and start breeding her while still in your mouth, her massive ass hanging out from your jaw as the imp starts pounding it, both of them too big to fit inside at the same time.
No. 1089994 ID: 681cb5
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Scared Sakkilian: “Alright, enough foreplay, old man!” the normal sized Sakkilian barks out as she kicks the spear on the ground up into her grip, “I challenge you to a proper duel of ownership! Let see of those ancient bones can keep up!”
Bahravus: ”Mfff?” you try to ask her what she means, but you almost swallow your friend instead, “Mff…”
Scared Sakkilian: “Oh, you don’t know the code?” giving you a big, toothy smile, she explains, “It’s simple. A duel between just the two of us, so no annoying imp, useless sister or annoying brother, and whoever loses all their clothes first is made a thrall for the winner.” She swing her weapon in the air, which suddenly have a lot of torn clothing on it, “So get ready to serve under my fat ass for all eternity, dork, and you better pass on some of that magic to our clutches.”

It isn’t until you feel the breeze that you notice what she did… all of your clothes below the waist is suddenly gone, belt and all.

Scared Sakkilian: “Oh, and by the way…” she gives you a coy smile as she readies her spear for another attack, “Nice cock.”

She bigger, better, faster and stronger than you by a large margin, so there’s no way you can win an even fight. Then again… serving under a big, muscular rump like that wouldn’t be that bad…
No. 1089996 ID: ea9c0a

Bah! You can win! Just turn what clothes you have left into something really tough! Don't underestimate her strength, either, something REALLY tough. She only has one piece of clothing left on her. Get in close where her weapon will be hard to use, and when she grabs or claws your clothes, use the moment where she's surprised by how tough they are to make your own play. You'll have a hard time pulling it off her legs, so just sever the sides.

Spit out that traitorous imp if you can. You're the one with a curse to lift, here! Unless you can poke his balls to swap your seed in for his, or something.
No. 1090003 ID: b83802

Hot as the scenario is, if that imp knocks up the sister, he will be making up for that womb, one way or another. Let your opponent get a good view of her sister being bred and your dick. Win or lose, your spawn will be legendary.

She may be quicker, but you can know her next move: Use divination to see how she will attack, catch and put a portal on the flat of her blade (assuming touch is necessary), then nab her panties while tentacles/an eager demon dick goes for her face.

For your clothes, you can either make them denser, ie tougher and smaller and more predictable to defend, or multiple unconnected pierces, straps that cannot be removed in one swoop.

The brother may try something sneaky, so be aware of him as well.
No. 1090005 ID: 365de0

She's already broken the rules of her own duel. She tore off your bottoms while your mouth is stuffed by her sister and the imp. If she's going to fight dirty, you should, too.
No. 1090013 ID: 2a82d3

"You fool! That was you plan all along! Noone catches a divination wizard by surprise!" That perfect quip is what you would say if your mouth wasn't too full.

Or did you forget use the makeout sesh as an opportunity turn her spear to that of a pool noodle? Two can play slight of hand, after all. If you didn't, did you (and can you) delay the effect to catch her by surprise. If so, it should kick in right about now. Enough time to spit and get ready to cast.

Wait a minute. Where did the boy go? Is he sneaking up on her, or us?
No. 1090023 ID: a7a180

...Can you turn her sister into something to wear?
I've half a mind to swallow that fool familiar and summon him again after he's learned his lesson.
No. 1090031 ID: 5ebd37

If you can grab the spear right behind the head it should be a simple transmutation to snap it off. Then you not only disarm her, you now have a weapon.
No. 1090042 ID: 340fd5

if we cant do this ^

then there is at least the fact she went after us before we accepted her challenge so she cant call us a bad sport for
doing a divination now pulling the imp out just as he nuts so she gets the blast in her face
spit her sister out
casually saying "i accept" tossing the imp aside and snatching her last precious article of clothes.
No. 1090048 ID: 5a7a53

Swallow the gal in your mouth. it would be nice to knock up the first ten predators you find but this is Wjares' turf. If your imp happens to end up in your belly too, well.. you can probably breed him into someone. Maybe he'll appreciate being larger.
No. 1090051 ID: f72b35

>If your imp happens to end up in your belly too, well.. you can probably breed him into someone. Maybe he'll appreciate being larger.
We were given very specific reasons on why the imp should not get eaten: >>1089143

So it might be best if we don't nom the imp.
No. 1090057 ID: 37587f

For the love of all wizardry, you are a professional. DO NOT FALL TO HER HONEYED WORDS. Use your transmutation to make your clothes impossible to be ripped appart. Turn your fur into something sticky so that your clothes cannot be removed or even she sticks to you and she cant get away. Shrink the couple in your mouth a little more, or make your head and throat large enough to fit them without bothering you, like a cheek pouch or something? Use divination to predict her move! Are you really gonna let this youngling school your ass? You are a freaking wizzard, with powers that bypass the "think outside the box" and go straight to the "fuck the box, the box is whatever I choose to be, I choose it to be a pyramid or circle", YOU ARE ON A MISSION FOR WJARES SAKE!
No. 1090059 ID: f2320a

This all this
No. 1090066 ID: dd3fe0


No. 1090102 ID: 681cb5
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>"You fool! That was you plan all along! No one catches a divination wizard by surprise!"
Is exactly what a foolish wizard would bellow before getting surprised. You are a divination wizard; you know not to tempt fate.
>Can you poke his balls to swap your seed in for his, or something?
While you could turn his balls into an empty sack, if you want to get your own seed in there you’ll need to get him closer to your own seed storage.

As expected, the traitorous imp is trying to put his own young into these ladies before you can, as his demon nature would demand. Though seeing how it’s in his contract that he can have anything he can get his grubby claws on, you can’t punish him… too much. Instead, you simply opt to ruin his fun.

Holding up a single finger while pointing at the copulating couple in your mouth, you force the warrior in front of you to stop in her tracks, making her wait for a moment for your plan to come to fruition. Of course, giving her a front row seat of her sister losing her virginity and getting bred is a bonus. With the help of your future sight, you wait for the very moment before Maz blows his load to spit both him and the small Sakkilian out from your mouth. While the imp manages to fly up and land on the larger Sakkilian’s face, the smaller lizard is dragged down by her massive rear and falls to the ground.

Scarred Sakkilian: “What th-” she’s interrupted as the imp on her face starts humping and arcing his back, “Guh!? Did you just cum in my nose!?”
Maz: ”A hole is a hole, babe!”
Bahravus: ”Seeing as you’d already broken the rules of the duel…”
Scarred Sakkilian: “I was just leveling the playing field before we begun!”
Bahravus: ”Well, in that case… I accept your duel.”
Scarred Sakkilian: “Gah, get off my face, you… alright, fine, let’s fight old man!”

No. 1090103 ID: 681cb5
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Without hesitation, she quickly charges you for the kill. Her speed would be impossible to dodge, yet alone react too, with your old bones and reflexes. Of course, as you can know how to glimpse the future, you know where she’s striking before she does. Leaning slightly to the side, you feel her spear pass you with barely a hair from your shoulder, leaving you the opportunity the grab a hold of it right under the blade. She on her part expected this, as she quickly pulls it back with her whole body, either trying to pull you towards her or, if you let go of the spear, cut off your clothes as the blade passes by again. What she wasn’t expecting was for the spear to just pop in two, leaving her fumbling backwards.
No. 1090104 ID: 681cb5
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Though, with surprising speed she manage to recover and counter attack, this time to so ferociously that even if you’d see it coming you’d wouldn’t stand a chance trying to avoid it. In one swift motion she not only disarms you, throwing what’s left of the spear to the side, she also grab what’s left of your clothes and pull you close.

Scarred Sakkilian: “Looks like you made a basic mistake, old man.” she growls as she digs her claws into what’s left of your clothes, “You got into arms reach of a hungry Sakkilian.”
Bahravus: ”Oh…”
Scarred Sakkilian: “Now, I’ll just rip off your clothes and shove you down my cleavage. A pervy old goat like you deserves to bounce on my chest for the rest of your days.” a toothy smile spreads across her face, “Or maybe I should just feed you to my ass?” She licks her lips before whispering, “Any last words, food?”
Bahravus: ”I got your panties…” you tell her matter of factly while showing them off in your left hand.
Scarred Sakkilian: “What?” looking down, she has to make sure you’re telling the truth, “How did you- no way you’re strong enough to rip them off barehanded!?”
Bahravus: ”Magic.”
Scarred Sakkilian: For what seems like an eternity, she just stares at you, her toothy smile never wavering, before finally muttering, “I can still just rip of your clothes and feed you to my tits without you have any chance to stop me, goat.”
Bahravus: ”But you won’t because I bested you honorably.”
Scarred Sakkilian: “…yes.”
Maz: ”And we have a winner!” the imp proclaims while lying on top of her snout, “Ding! Ding! The old man dominated to wannabe lizard warrior!”
Scarred Sakkilian: “…I’m still going to eat your imp though.”
Bahravus: ”I still need him. Of course, if you’re still around when I’m done…”
Scarred Sakkilian: “Hmpf…”

No. 1090105 ID: 681cb5
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Scarred Sakkilian: “Alright, ‘old master’, what’s your plan for us?” she takes a step back to properly show off her nude body, “Are you just going to tie us up and use us as breeding stock? I bet this virgin pussy would be able to pop out a lot of strong children for you.” before continuing, she takes a moment to flex her muscles, “Or are we food? Lot of proteins in these muscles. Might even make a fat cock if that’s your thing.” She then slaps her ass loudly, “And I bet this fat ass would make a massive load inside that fat dick of yours!”

Scarred Sakkilian: She gets slightly distracted as her brother moans behind her, “Oh, and I guess my sis and bro are on the menu as well. I’m sure they won’t mind getting churned either.”

Scarred Sakkilian: “So, what will it be, Old Master…” she lets her hands slowly caress down her body, “What kind of sexy fatal fate do you have in store for us?”

No. 1090106 ID: ea9c0a

You're going to start clearing that curse, for a start! 'Make ten predators bear your child'. And/or 'fuck at least ten predators silly'. You've got two at hand, possibly three. A good start. Get to it! They need to be fucked silly AND pregnant before you do anything else with them. I'm assuming the amount of children you have with them doesn't count, just how many you have children with, but might as well push that to the maximum. Which means getting yourself in before those other two dick-havers go first! They can have their turns after you, unless you want to go with that 'turn the boy into a dispenser of your own seed' thing you mentioned before.
No. 1090109 ID: 40ef3b

Make the two males produce your seed (temporarily) before they knock up the other sister, and see about boosting all three of your output. Maz is gonna knock stuff up whenever he can, and Bro is encouraged to knock up his sisters at this point. The sisters kissing could be hot, but she'd basically be sucking bro off at that point, with the smaller sis in her mouth.

Much as she might make for a high protein meal, explain that ten predators have to bare your spawn (and probably be fucked silly) in a week. Turning her temple of a body into a highly efficient, re-impregnating 'temple' to egglaying would be a purely selfish indulgence. Whether or not you use any magic on her womb, rub those abs.
Any info on breedable preds and where they bathe would be persuasive in turning her into a meal. Need to feed her to your cock at earliest convenience, to not lose Maz.

Could tell her about your potential future children as you breed her? Their achievements as warriors and such. Or, use your knowledge of Transmutation and Divination to make her see those visions herself. Can Transmutation be used to substitute hypnosis (given enough time and contact)?

Also, make some flat disks from the scrap metal lying around, for use as portal 'fleshlights/buttplugs' now and in the future. Demons might appreciate a little action now as tribute.
No. 1090110 ID: 37587f

My dude your objective is the knocking. Why aren't you knocking yet? I mean, when you abuse transmutation and the limitless power of altering flesh, the possibilities are endless... Just, uh, don't get "Daemonculaba" or "Axolotl tank" or "Tzimisce" levels of creative.
No. 1090112 ID: 365de0

Breed them all, including the brother's balls.
No. 1090149 ID: a7a180

First, give her what you took from her sister, cross two ladies off your list, and then ask them about the dungeon they guard. Where can you find more mates?
No. 1090150 ID: 56db77

Ohh I have an idea for an experiment. We have to knock up predators right? And we know unbirth guarantees pregnancy so what if we use the shrunk siter as a condom while fucking the large sister. With luck we'll knock up the little one directly and the forciable unbirth will count as us impregnanting the big one.
No. 1090151 ID: 2a82d3

Go for the "big prize", then. As scar lady will be your first in a long time, she will receive the strongest, most pent-up load you have. She'd better live up to her word about "popping out a lot of strong children". Use divination both to ensure that is the case, and to provide sweet/dirty talk to her. Ramp her up with an vivid, enticing prophecy of how swollen with she will be in her future. If you impress her enough, she might seek to live with you in the future. You should learn their names, in that case. She and her family would make a nice trophies/companions, if you weren't here on business.

It should go without saying no one here goes without bearing your burden of a curse. That includes the dude. Being a wizard is all about going hard on exploiting loopholes. There's a perfect opportunity to attack his behind while he's distracted by the dick sandwich. You could kill two birds with one stone. Rub his dick with yours to convert it, have him breed his sister, then have you breed him. (Conversation from dick to pussy optional.) Efficient!

Would they be interested in becoming your gear, like being transmute into clothes, staff, or accessories? That seems more your style, but some might consider it a fate worse than death. Of course, some wouldn't entertain the concept of being shrunk and being eaten as snacks, like they would.

You should probably interrogate them about the Passage, while you have them. (Bring out the S&M if y'all are still horny and worked up.) In no particular order:
What creatures or traps might you find in there?
What happened to any past adventurers who ventured before you?
Could you find any friendly helpful folks down there? (Perhaps there's a queen or midboss that'll be sympathetic to your cause.)
Is there anything important going down there?
They didn't happen to see any witches running in there, did they? (Lifting the curse naturally will be fun, but you never know.)
No. 1090204 ID: 64faaa

Make the two males produce your seed, so if they decide to get some, the kid will be yours.

Then impregnate the 2 sisters.

Then keep the family together, & fuse the 3 siblings together. Give control of the shared body to the brother, since you can boss him around better than the sisters.

Regardless of what you do, gloat the whole way through. Now that the actual fighting parts are done, you gotta maintain your image.
No. 1090765 ID: 340fd5

make sure your the one knowking up the ladies but id say dont transform the dude
seems like hes taking using that dick like a fish to water
probably better as an ally in this place than one more spent pair of legs.
the bigger mob that has your back (and protects your backside) the better.
if you dont have enough preds bred you can always knock him up last minute on the way out .
No. 1091085 ID: 681cb5
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Bahravus: ”The whole reason I’m here, ladies, is to come knocking.” grabbing your junk, you start to massage it lightly, just to get in the mood, “And knocking both of you up is my first task, young ones.”
Scar: ”Then come over here and put an egg in me, old man.” the Sakkilian with the scar says in a sultry tone, right as she turns around and bends over, showing of her massive rear to you, “Or you’d rather breed my sister first?”
Bahravus: ”First, I’m going to make sure any young you two bare is mine...” with a smirk, you start walking towards the imp and twink, all the while stroking your now hardening member, “So stop plowing and get over here, boys.”

With one swift motion, you grab the miniature Sakkilian and pull her off her brother’s dick, leaving both him and Maz blue balled for the moment.

Twink: ”Aw, come on!” he whines, “I was so close to popping my cherry in my sister’s tight pussy!”
Bahravus: ”Don’t worry, son.” putting a hand on his shoulder, you pull him closer, “You’ll have the chance to inbreed soon enough. I just need to transform your seed into mine first.”
Twink: ”Wait…” there is a slight confusion in his eyes, “Won’t that mean the kids won’t be mine?”
Maz: “HA!” the imp interjects, ”Like you’d ever get the chance to breed anyway, weak mortal.”
Bahravus: ”While I don’t want to be brash, the imp speaks the truth.” casually throwing away the now fucked silly pocket Sakkilian, you turn your attention towards the other males, “I’ve seen your future. You’ll pop your cherry, end up in a tummy then come back just to take your final trip sliding down a gal’s fat cock. Sorry, boy, you won’t amount to anything but a quick jerk in the end.”
Twink: ”Fuck…” his cock noticeably twitches in excitement, as he almost blows his load right here and now, “That’s hot…”
Bahravus: ”Now, come closer…” you tell them, before you start to chant your magic, “By the power of contracts, let these sacks be filled with my seed… and when the time comes, may they return to my need.”

A purple string of pure mana binds your tree sacks together, to make sure they both carry your seed from now on. Of course, seeing as your focus is elsewhere, the tiny sister returns to her original size once again. Not that it matters…

Twink: ”Um… return?”
Maz: ”Don’t think too hard about it.” the imp chuckles, trying to make sure the twink doesn’t realize just what he bound himself too, “It’s just a binding demon contract, nothing more.” Of course, Maz doesn’t seem to realize he too is now bound to your cock.
Bahravus: ”Now, stop loitering around and go breed the sisters!”

No. 1091086 ID: 681cb5
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Plap plap plap!

As the two sisters are making out, you and the twink flank them on each side, slamming your hips against their massive rumps over and over again, all the while your little imp is getting squished between their toned bodies.

Plap plap plap!

By Wjares, you love tight Sakkilian pussy! It’s been to long since you had the chance to plunge your member into the soft flesh of a lady, not to mention a virgin predator like this. There’s no point in foreplay or taking it slow, as you’re here to breed and nothing more!

Plap plap plap!

These soft lizard lips remind you of your second life mate, a large Sakkilian warrior who carried at least a dozen of your kids… before you turned her into prey chow. Grabbing a hold of the scarred ladies hips, you increase your speed significantly, thrusting yourself into her deepest reaches over and over again to kiss that sweet womb of hers before filling it.

Plap plap plap!

Get pregnant, you damn predator!

No. 1091087 ID: 681cb5
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>Could tell her about your potential future children as you breed her? Their achievements as warriors and such.
That’s odd. All you can see is the one child she’ll have now. Is it possible she won’t get pregnant again? You rather not look into it further, ‘lest you make it written in stone. Still, even if you see something or the lack there off, it might yet not come to pass.

Bahravus: ”You know… I can see the future…” you groan as you continue pounding her posterior, “And I’ve seen our future child…”
Scar: ”Ngg… then you better empty those fat nuts of yours into my fat ass!” she slaps her rear loudly, “To make sure that future comes to pass!”

One hand on your hip and the other grabbing her leg, you push yourself as deep as you possible can before you blow. Pressing your lower head against her cervix, you start shooting rope after rope of your fertile seed directly into her womb, feeding it with all the baby batter it should ever want.

Bahravus: ”F-feel that?” you stutter out between cock twitches, “This l-load will become our son… a powerful g-goat wizard.” Grabbing a hold of her ass, you plunge yourself even deeper, “He’ll breed a whole tribe of Jackals on his own.”
Scar: ”Push deeper!” she moans, “Make sure you pump our future son into my womb!”

Hilting yourself one final time, you empty what’s left of your ball batter into her, coating her womb with your life giving essence. You can feel your sack contract one final time, as your last shot finally overfill her hungry hips and makes your seed leak out around you.

Scar: ”Ah… Wjares damn, goat cock is amazing…” she whispers as you pull out your already softening member from her, making your seed gush out onto the grass below, “So, do you see any more kids you’ll pump into my rump?”
Bahravus: ”Sadly no.” you huff, looking around for somewhere to sit, “You’ll only carry one child… before either getting eaten or transformed permanently.”
Scar: ”Fuck…” she plunges her hand into her still seed filled nether and starts to pleasure herself, “That’s hot…”

Behind you, you can feel the twink finally knocking up his sister, having put her in a proper mating press not long ago.

Bahravus: ”By the way, what are your names?”
Scar: ”Who cares?” she gives you a tooth filled smile, “We’re just your playthings, nothing more, old master.”

No. 1091088 ID: 681cb5
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Taking a seat at the entrance to the passage, you try to catch your breath… but you barely manage to sit down before the two Sakkilian ladies are on you, craving your prey cock once again.

Gutslut: ”Damn, these nuts are soft…” the one you didn’t fuck whispers, nuzzling against your still rather hefty sack, “I wish I was bred by this mighty schlong instead of our brothers tiny ween.”
Scar: ”Well, I’m sure our old master won’t mind another round…” the lady with a scar lays down behind you, “Or do you have any other ideas for us, hmm?”
Gutslut: ”Mmm, can’t get enough of this sack…” the one between your legs mumble, before she starts kissing you balls over and over again, “I bet he would fit both of us in there… All snug and warm…”
Scar: ”Damn sis.” the other one smirks, as she watches you slowly growing hard again, “I knew you were a gutslut, but wanting to get churned by the first prey cock we run across?”
Gutslut: ”Oh please.” Sticking out her tongue towards her sister, she teases, “Like you haven’t been fantasizing about being turned into another inch on it.”
Scar: ”To be fair, it’s a sweet ass cock.”
Gutslut: ”Wjares, it is…”

Wjares damn it, girls, give an old man a break. You’d rather just lie down and take a nap right now, but these two thots won’t leave you alone. In fact, you’d rather just stay home and take a snooze in your hammock, if it wasn’t for this darn curse. *Sigh* but what is an old man too do…? Breeding is a hard but honest work, at least.

Bahravus: ”So, ladies…” you huff, “What do you know about the Passage? What can I expect inside?”
Scar: ”Huh? Why are you asking us?” the scarred lady smirks, “We don’t know.”
Gutslut: ”We’re just here to trade.” the other one says between nuzzles, “Our tribe is down there right now.”
Bahravus: ”Wait, so you know nothing?” as the one below continue worshipping your bag of baby holding, the other one grabs your now hard member and starts to jerk it slowly, “Nothing about the traps? Or creatures? Nothing important?”
Scar: ”Well, there is the market.” she says absent mindedly, being more focused on your cock, “You know, the one we’re trading with?”
Gutslut: ”It’s a holy day today!” the other one smiles widely towards you, “So all the predators around come here to trade and exchange hunting secrets.”
Bahravus: ”So… you can’t tell me anything?”
Scar: ”…we do know the password to get in.”
Gutslut: ”But we’re not telling… unless you make it worth our time~”

Gah, young people today… no respect for their elders… you’d rather take a nap than deal with these horny gals, but it is what it is…

No. 1091089 ID: 365de0

I want to bind them as more imp servants after they give birth. Have the mothers of your children flutter around you as small sexy trophies.
No. 1091095 ID: 5ebd37

That's a good idea.

In the meantime, maybe these two could introduce you to the tribe? You could clear your problem in one fell swoop.
No. 1091107 ID: aad029

Well, perhaps you can test out that idea of opening up some holes for demons to stick parts of themselves through. There are plenty of goat demons, if that's what they have a taste for. Perhaps the one you didn't oracle for can even take a couple bonus demons in her along with your offspring, restock the local population. Maybe some demon would even offer you something in return for the chance?
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