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1087342 No. 1087342 ID: 15a025

Another experimental one shot.

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No. 1088412 ID: 15a025
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>ask why its dangerous out there.
Gretchen: “It’s dangerous out there? Well it’s about to get dangerous in here!”

Plague Doctor: “If you think you pose a threat to me, you’re mistaken.”

Plague Doctor: “To answer though, there’s a group of harvesters lurking around these parts.”

Gretchen: “A harvester? You mean a combine.”

Plague Doctor: ”This really is the sticks… They’re a group of ruthless carnivores who- hmm…“

Plague Doctor: “Who… ‘harvest natural products’ from us herbivores.”

Gretchen: “What do you mean by ‘natural products’?”

Plague Doctor: “Skin and blood, bones if things go south.”

Gretchen: “Then just say they eat us! Don’t pussyfoot around the question.”

Plague Doctor: “Oh no no. That would-“

Gretchen: “Look, I don’t care about some violent wolves or a bear running around.”

>“did you take my wheelbarrow of firewood?”

Gretchen: “Did you run off with my wood and wheelbarrow?”

Plague Doctor: “Yes. I needed wood for the stove to-“

Gretchen: “To what? Shack up inside and hide?”

Plague Doctor: “Well, to an extent. I have-“

Gretchen: “I don’t care what you have to do or need. I want what’s left of my wood so I can go home and make my stew!”

Plague Doctor: “I am trying to-“

Gretchen: “Trying to give me back my wood and wheelbarrow? You’re not doing a good job at that.”

No. 1088413 ID: 273c18

Tell him you still need your wheelbarrow. Where is it.
Also you want to see the patient, so you know he's telling the truth.
Also if it was that important he could've just ASKED YOU.

...wait, ask how much wood he took. Maybe that other set of footprints was another thief who grabbed a bunch of wood by hand.
No. 1088414 ID: 2f41db

Do harvesters like circus masks?
Cause i might have met one.

Lets see this patient.

Oh, and dont they teach you how to knock at plague medical school or is it a silly mask heavy curriculum?
He could have asked and maybe got some help instead of a doe with an axe and a vendetta.
No. 1088421 ID: ab46e9

...And you clearly didn't think to ASK like a halfway decent being?!

No. 1088422 ID: 5ebd37

Doctor seems unprepared for a confrontation they should have been expecting, seeing as they stole a wheel barrow full of wood THROUGH THE SNOW

So these harvesters, they don't happen to wear masks do they? Like the one you're wearing?
No. 1088432 ID: eb0a9c

"...Fine. Pay me for the wood. I'll order takeout."
No. 1088433 ID: 8f9bc4


Do they have cell service out here in the godforsaken snow-covered backcountry?

Medicine's fine anyway. But you're going to have a hard time surviving the winter without any wood. So he's curing one critter, by dooming two more. You can't just cut more wood either; that stuff needs to dry for a year at least.

He did take all the wood right?
No. 1088976 ID: 15a025
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>Do they have cell service out here in the godforsaken snow-covered backcountry?
Cell service? Are you trying to say shell service? We have a shell station couple miles down the road. I mean, I guess if we got cold we could gas up and stay warm in George’s truck. Not gonna help warm up a stew for dinner though.

>could've just ASKED YOU.
>dont they teach you how to knock at plague medical school
>you clearly didn't think to ASK like a halfway decent being?!
Gretchen: “Then why didn’t you just knock on the door and ask!?”

Plague Doctor: “If you had several dangerous folk hunting you down, would you knock on a random stranger’s door for help?”

Gretchen: “I…”

It’s a shitty point, but I don’t think I can really argue against that.

Plague Doctor: “I only took a wheelbarrow full of wood to get through the night. If you need it back, then take it. If you want to be a stickler about the wood, I have a small bit of cash but you’re not getting it back. I saw how much you had stored.”

Gretchen: “MY SHED IS EMPTY!”

Plague Doctor: “Maybe you should invest in getting a lock for your shed then. I only took one load. Don’t have the time or safety to keep running back and forth hauling wood.”
Plague Doctor: “Every second I’m outside, every set of tracks I leave, is more time and clues they have to catch me.”

>Do harvesters like circus masks?
>So these harvesters, they don't happen to wear masks do they?
Gretchen: “Okay, what do these assholes even look like? Do they run around wearing creepy clown masks?”

Plague Doctor: “Well, they do conceal their faces. Clown mask? Why do you ask?”

Gretchen: “Some clown dog bozo attacked me with throwing knives on my way here.”

Plague Doctor: “I can’t say for certain, but consider yourself lucky to make it here.”

>Also you want to see the patient, so you know he's telling the truth.
>Lets see this patient.
Gretchen: “Alright, I want proof. Show me the patient, doc.”

Plague Doctor: “See to them yourself if you desire. I need to keep watch on my stems.”

Gretchen: “Where are they?”

Plague Doctor: “Just walk downstairs into the basement.”
No. 1088977 ID: 15a025
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I grumble to myself and start stomping down the stairs. Not too bad, could make a decent storm shelter down here or something.

I find deer in rough shape sitting on a bed.

Patient: “I-who are you? ”

Gretchen: “Just an angry wife looking to get her fire wood back. I take it you're the patient?”

Patient: ”I- wait are you an actual doctor?”

Gretchen: “I-no? Do I look like a doctor?!”

Patient: ”Look, I don't know why she let you down here, but you need to get me out before we’re both trapped!”
No. 1088983 ID: 5ebd37

they look to be in pretty rough shape to be running off anywhere. Ask them trapped by whom, the doctor or the harvesters?
No. 1089006 ID: 273c18

Bite wounds. She's probably delirious from whatever it is. Go back upstairs immediately, ask what she's infected with.
No. 1089017 ID: 184595

I think it's worth asking for the patient's story now. The plague doctor is confident enough to give you free access to the patient, so let's make good on it, and confirm their stories jibe. The bite marks might suggest there's truth to the risk of predation tonight.

Bummer about that firewood, though. If we really want it back, then talking to these strangers is turning out to be a dead end. If there are theives still out there, they're getting away, and we should leave now to pursue a different set of tracks in the snow.
No. 1089023 ID: 2f41db

Theres a good chance you're about to hear a door close and lock behind you now gretchen, so you might as well ask for her story.
Lets hear from the deer.
Find out who the buck stops with.
No. 1089933 ID: 15a025
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>She's probably delirious from whatever it is. Go back upstairs immediately, ask what she's infected with.
Gretchen: “I’m gonna go grab the doctor, you don’t look like you’re doing too well.”

Patient: “N-don’t! Please, get me out of here!”

>they look to be in pretty rough shape to be running off anywhere.
Gretchen: “You don’t like you’re in shape to be running anywhere. Look, the doctor upstairs is-“

Patient: She’s not a doctor! Not the kind that’d help anyways.”

>I think it's worth asking for the patient's story now.
>you might as well ask for her story.
Gretchen: “Alright then, what’s the story here? Door wasn’t locked or anything when I came down. If you wanted to leave, why haven’t you?”

Patient: “I-I’m too weak to run or resist; I’m starving and thirsty. She let’s those wolves in here and takes my blood! They bite me- and- and..."

They get down on their knees and start begging

No. 1089934 ID: dd3fe0


So.... blood harvesters? Vampires? People who think they are vampires due to being insane?

The plague doctor guy warned against 'harvesters' though. He trying to play both sides or something?
No. 1089935 ID: eb0a9c

Sneak back upstairs and knoc the doc out. Hold out here for the night.
No. 1089938 ID: 273c18

No way is that story true. This patient is a recently-turned vampire and the doctor is trying to cure vampirism. If the patient's story was true the doctor would not have let you down here. Let's just go get the wheelbarrow and the rest of the wood.
No. 1089939 ID: 2f41db

She has bitemarks aplenty.
That could back up her story or indicate an attack and infection.

No one is being completely straight with you gretchin.
Thats gotta be making you angry.

Dont let her close to you.
Just incase.
Time to see doctor snootmask.
What theyre doing when you sneak back up should be interesting.

Ask what her "treatment" entails.
No. 1089941 ID: 971922

God dammit you didn't come here for all this shit. Where's you wheelbarrow and the rest of you wood!
No. 1089948 ID: 5ebd37

Now if she's telling the truth then the only reason the doctor would let you down here is to trap you. So if you can just walk right back up then this lady is probably suffering paranoia or schizophrenia or something. Either way you're not a doctor, so nothing to be gained yammering down here.
No. 1089977 ID: 184595

At this point, if you stay here any longer, you're gonna need to be ready to stay here for the rest of the night, because your wood is getting away. You can go up before you get locked in here, too, and ask the "doctor" to comment on the patient's story, but you don't have to stay any longer than you feel like, if you can't get any more wood back here. I'm curious to know if the wolves the doctor lets in here wear masks, though; ask the patient about that before ditching to go back upstairs.
No. 1090004 ID: cd10d0

Whatever's wrong with them, they need a real doctor. Some quack in the woods isn't curing anything.
No. 1090402 ID: 15a025
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>So.... blood harvesters? Vampires? People who think they are vampires due to being insane?
>No way is that story true. This patient is a recently-turned vampire and the doctor is trying to cure vampirism.

There’s no such thing as vampires. Though that doesn’t really stop others from believing in them I guess.

Gretchen: “This isn’t some kind of vampire bullshit going or-“

Patient: “No, vampires aren’t real. They’re not real, right?”

Gretchen: “No.”

>Time to see doctor snootmask.
>What theyre doing when you sneak back up should be interesting.
>you didn't come here for all this shit. Where's you wheelbarrow and the rest of you wood!

Gretchen: “I’m heading back upstairs and getting to the bottom of this. I ain’t leaving without my wood.”

Patient: “P-please! Take me with you!”

I march back upstairs.
No. 1090403 ID: 15a025
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Gretchen: “Alright doctor snootmask or whoever you are. What the hell is going on here. I come here for wood and my wheelbarrow, and you show me patient with bite marks saying your friends with some wolves and taking his blood.”

Doctor Snootmask: “And now you’re here to stay under my care!”

This crazy quack comes out of nowhere and tries to jab me with a damn needle! I jerk my arm out of the way just in time.
No. 1090404 ID: feecf0

I mean. There's only one real reasonable response to someone trying that stuff with you isn't there?
No. 1090405 ID: 273c18


Ok, enact violence upon the crazy person. You got your axe? Use it. Try not to inflict an immediately fatal wound, you probably want to interrogate her a bit to see what she was trying to do.
First target is her arms/hands so she can't inject you.
No. 1090406 ID: c5529d

slap him in the face and sternly say NO!
No. 1090413 ID: 5ebd37

smack that syringe with the flat of the axe. It will drop or shatter, and then its time for a mask pull.
No. 1090414 ID: 8f9bc4

Oh no! He was a mime all along!
No. 1090420 ID: 7cbed7

Another experience in favor of clocking anyone wearing a mask on sight. Defend yourself, and clobber this cook. Might as well let that "patient" free when you're done up here, but you can't stick around. You've got wood to find and burn.
No. 1090453 ID: 2f41db

Axe is too unweildy for close struggles.

Time for the old angry one-two gretchin!
Grab their snoot and yank it so the eyeholes arent aligned right then Kick for the crotch,

Then grab nearest object and chuck it right at them.

Then get the distance to decide your next move.

You are a svelt, agile deer and doctor snootmask has robes and a restricted field of vision.

Use mobility.
No. 1090461 ID: 465392

I think they must not have heard you the first time, you're not here to stay under their care, you're here for your wood and wheelbarrow.

Maybe make that clear to them with your axe. You feeling choppy or smashy?
No. 1090819 ID: 15a025
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>Axe is too unwieldy for close struggles.
>Time for the old angry one-two gretchin! Grab their snoot and yank it so the eyeholes arent aligned right then Kick for the crotch.
Right, lifting that thing up is leaving me wide open for needle jabbin. I ain’t putting my arms out to get jabbed either.

>You are a svelt, agile deer and doctor snootmask has robes and a restricted field of vision. Use mobility.
>Try not to inflict an immediately fatal wound, you probably want to interrogate her a bit to see what she was trying to do.
>grab nearest object and chuck it right at them.

I quickly prance over to the stove and chuck the pot at them! It makes a very satisfying clunk when it hits. I can hear the needle shatter too.
No. 1090820 ID: 15a025
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Gretchen: “What are you trying to pull here? What was in that needle, you mangy bag of robes?!”

Doctor Snootmask: “Heard your little conversation down there and had to act fast. Didn’t realize she was starting to come to already.”

Gretchen: “What was in the needle, and where’s my property?!”

Doctor Snootmask: “A little something to make you sleepy dear. You saw how my other patient is, she probably ain’t lastin much longer. Without her, I’ll have nothing left for the harvesters!”

Gretchen: “I- so you’re actually working for them? You know what, I don’t care. I just want my wood and wheelbarrow. Where’s it all at?”

Doctor Snootmask: “Out in my shed. Keep in mind, as night draws closer. So too will the harvesters.”

Not exactly dark out yet, still got an hour of light left maybe. Question is, am I just letting this quack off scotch free? Do I take their patient with me too?
No. 1090821 ID: 9975b1

Who cares about them. Just take the wheelbarrow amf wood. Then you can get back to dealing with your main problem: your husband
No. 1090823 ID: dd3fe0

You just KNOW that you're going to encounter those 'I'm so crazy I think I'm a vampire and am also a dangerous, violent criminal who is in a gang of people just like me!' dumbfucks. Ugh. Might as well go get your property and return home, the sooner you can get you, your rightful property, and your dumb husband on one side of a bunch of locks and barricades, and leave all of this madness on the OTHER side, the better! Eyes and ears on a swivel, stay away from obvious ambush spots, move swiftly and with purpose, keep your weapon at hand.
No. 1090824 ID: 2f41db

The anger were feeling towards snootmask is justified.
Their victim isnt a patient.
Theyre being dispensed to the harvesters one bit at a time.

My initial instinct is to suggest that you:
Knock the doc out.
Tie them to a chair facing the door to the outside.
Rescue the victim.
Have them help start to recover the wood and cart.
Break the hinges of the front door with the axe sufficiently that the door hangs open.
Finish cart recovery and hustle back home.

Doc snootmask had someone trapped, without hope and knowing things were coming to feed on her.
Its only fair she experiences it too.

On a more practical side, when the harvesters turn up, theyll want their meal.
If left alone and secure doc will point them after you and ring the dinner bell.
No. 1090825 ID: dd3fe0

Also, the patient will slow you down, and be a liability and someone you have to protect in your inevitable violent confrontation with this harvester gang. Besides, when you deal with them (because no one else around here seems competent, ugh), that removes the whole 'I must appease these criminals by doing crimes of my own rather than anything actually reasonable!' dynamic the quack has going on with their victim. Ugh. Aren't you supposed to live in a country with LAWS? And people with a monopoly on force to enforce them?!
No. 1090827 ID: eb0a9c

Tie her up, let her 'patient' keep watch on her.
Hunker down here for the night. Wait out the rest of the night.

Later, since all this was the property of a mass-murdering quack anyway, you can sell it all on dbay and take a vacation!
No. 1090828 ID: 273c18

I like the way you think. Leaving the fake doctor behind as a "meal" should allow us to shelter for the night elsewhere and avoid retaliation. Is there any rope anywhere though? If not, straight up killing the quack is what we'll have to settle for.
We can carry the patient in the wheelbarrow with whatever wood is left.
No. 1090832 ID: 7c1f1c

I don't think that killing the quack is necessary. Just knock the quack out and leave the unconscious body on the floor with its lumps. Take the wood, take the prisoner, and wheel them back home. If the harvesters show up there, they can answer to George. Either he shoots them, or they eat him and leave with full stomachs, and either way we come out ahead.
No. 1091004 ID: a09489

Inject him. Take his clothes. Replace the 'patient's clothes with his. Swap their places. Take the wheelbarrow and go back to your house as a ''prisoner''.
No. 1092050 ID: 15a025
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>Knock the doc out.
>Just knock the quack out and leave the unconscious body on the floor with its lumps.
>Leaving the fake doctor behind as a "meal" should allow us to shelter for the night elsewhere.

Gretchen: “Time for a taste of your own medicine doc.”

I bash’em in the head with the blunt end of the axe. Should keep’em out cold for a bit.

>Tie them to a chair facing the door to the outside.
>Is there any rope anywhere
>Doc snootmask had someone trapped, without hope and knowing things were coming to feed on her. Its only fair she experiences it too.

Conveniently there is! I take a quick moment to tie this jerk to a chair.
No. 1092051 ID: 15a025
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>Rescue the victim.
>Have them help start to recover the wood and cart.
>We can carry the patient in the wheelbarrow with whatever wood is left.

I don’t waste anytime, I yell down the stairs for them to come up and meet me outside.
They don’t protest, and by the time they’re outside I’ve already got what’s left of my wood in the wheelbarrow.

Gretchen: “Think you can get in the wheelbarrow and hold my ax?”

Patient: “I-what?”

Gretchen: “You wanna get out of here or what? You don’t look like you can run for long, so I’ll just have to push ya in the wheelbarrow.”

Patient: “With all that wood? H-how am I gonna fit?”

I groan and I lift her up in the wheelbarrow, and give her the ax. I grunt as I lift up the wheelbarrow and get a move on.
No. 1092052 ID: 15a025
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As we make our get away, I start to notice the wheelbarrow tracks are fading. It’s getting harder to see.

Patient: “Oh, umm… excuse me. A-are we almost where you’re going? I-ah-ah’m-“
She let’s out a loud sneeze

Gretchen: ”Bless you…”

Patient: “It’s really cold.”

Well, if there’s anyone after us that sneeze probably alerted them. This poor sick deer probably isn’t going to last long in the cold either. I gotta get home quickly, but how am I going to find my way back?
No. 1092055 ID: 2f41db

If it hasnt snowed, your tracks should be visible.
Follow them back.

Just be careful the closer you get to the spot with the masked juggler you beaned on the way in.
No. 1092061 ID: 273c18

You've got wood. Do you have anything that can light it on fire? She'll be able to hold the makeshift torch.
No. 1092074 ID: 5ebd37

If you have even a little light you should still be able to find your way. Just keep an ear out for anyone stalking you.
No. 1092182 ID: 7c1f1c

In the Harvesters are anything to be worried about, then lighting a beacon may not be the best idea. Hightailing it home in spite of the patient's weak condition might be the best ticket, following the tracks while they last. I'm sure you can get at least to your backyard if you hurry, and from there you can go from experience.

If the patient is cold, maybe you can tuck them under some wood? Just pile it up on top? Might help keep a body in the wheelbarrow, too, instead of popping out on the first bump.
No. 1092240 ID: 5c15a4

Let's burn a couple logs.

But we won't huddle next to them, oh no.

We are setting up an ambush. When the daddy-long-legs or whatever they were called come to investigate, we lay in hiding nearby and get them.
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