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File 141097192828.jpg - (128.14KB , 800x600 , Sammi Concept 1.jpg )
24700 No. 24700 ID: 3009b4

Hopefully less crap. I've been working on character concepts. This one is Sammi. I've not decided on the colours yet, but I like the overall concept.

Sammi is a "Bit" -- a Rollien. Since she'd older than Nem parts of her quest might get more NSFW. I haven't decided yet.
36 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 27102 ID: 3009b4
File 143287115689.png - (379.19KB , 640x720 , Modern Nem Concept.png )

Is my stuff even worth a shit anymore?
No. 27103 ID: 4754ce

I like your stuff.
No. 27104 ID: b9cef6

Better than what I can do, and some people seem to consider my stuff worth a shit.
So yes. Worth more than a shit! I won't go so far as to say people would give a rat's ass for it, but worth at least 2.5 shits.
No. 27135 ID: 1f8505


Yes, absolutely. Keep drawing, damn you!
No. 27136 ID: a19cd5

yes. you've improved a fair deal since you got here. keep going.
No. 27152 ID: 3009b4
File 143331075130.jpg - (191.41KB , 640x720 , Sami Template test.jpg )

This is a work in progress of Sami's new adventure template.
No. 27495 ID: 3009b4
File 143572356517.jpg - (290.81KB , 640x720 , Some asked for Macha punching dicks.jpg )

Someone asked for Macha punching dicks.
No. 27529 ID: 3009b4
File 143580427025.jpg - (188.84KB , 640x720 , Pan Template.jpg )

Roughing up concepts for Pan for Grind.
No. 27722 ID: 3009b4
File 143838854703.jpg - (243.15KB , 690x897 , Sami_Zoey.jpg )

Working on one of Sami's alter ego, Zoey. I'm not sure if she'll be in the final version due to re-write but I might use her in Coffee Quest
No. 27742 ID: 3009b4
File 143857564094.jpg - (266.37KB , 640x720 , Modern Nem Quickie Sketch.jpg )

Anon44 asked for this during a stream. Done very quickly and without any references. I haven't taken a good look on how panties are worn in awhile and I think the picture is off as a result.
No. 27750 ID: 3009b4
File 143873522913.jpg - (76.18KB , 640x720 , stream_request.jpg )

This is a Stream request from Heimdall. He wanted his character to look terrified while trying to not look terrified.
No. 27756 ID: 3009b4
File 143875531503.jpg - (196.56KB , 640x720 , Little Sami.jpg )

Stream post -- Little Sami!
No. 27757 ID: 3009b4
File 143875549805.jpg - (259.32KB , 690x897 , Zoey_V1.jpg )

I also did Zoey but messed up the layers.
No. 27768 ID: 3009b4
File 143882454297.jpg - (380.10KB , 640x720 , Grace v Macha.jpg )

A drawing from a stream I'm not happy with for Cragum.
No. 27769 ID: 3009b4
File 143882456479.jpg - (123.55KB , 640x720 , Shiggy Diggy.jpg )

Another item streamed for Heimdall
No. 27773 ID: 3009b4
File 143900659018.jpg - (76.19KB , 640x720 , Skully in CQ.jpg )

Trying to decide if the player should be human or not in coffee quest.
No. 27774 ID: 3009b4
File 143900899475.jpg - (171.77KB , 833x720 , Skully in CQ2.jpg )

So I went with the Imp version by popular request.
No. 27816 ID: 1f8505


Yes to human peoples.
No. 27825 ID: 3009b4
File 143943214135.jpg - (0.97MB , 1914x1146 , colour selection.jpg )

So I'm wondering which version of imp Molly I should use.
No. 27828 ID: b9cef6

I vote either two, or one with a change in the color of her dress. Something darker.
No. 27863 ID: 3009b4
File 143952987372.jpg - (107.26KB , 640x720 , Mad Sami.jpg )

Riot asked for Mad Max Sami
No. 27864 ID: 3009b4
File 143953172359.jpg - (154.16KB , 640x720 , Mad Nem.jpg )

Hey kids! Mad Max version of Nem is a cannibalistic mutant called The Quiet One! But don't worry, she only preys on unsuspecting baddies like Lord Humongous.
No. 27865 ID: 3009b4
File 143953596776.jpg - (143.04KB , 640x720 , help Anon.jpg )

Helping ANon44 with breast movement, although 'm hardly an expert
No. 27936 ID: 3009b4
File 144040359406.jpg - (545.66KB , 640x720 , My God What Did I Do.jpg )

OK so I looked back at what I did when I was 10-14 when it came to characters.

And I remember them.

Spike Von Skratchenpost, who was an 80's brawler with piledrivers and an explosive-based super-punch that took a lot of wind-up (I thought in terms of Streetfighter 2 moves). Very, very 80's. I combined Rambo with Double Dragon. Spike had issues 'cause he had a dog's name.

Kitty McMillion, who was a ninja lawyer who realized that she was a mook and that her only chance of not being killed off like everyone else in her clan was to go hero. She could shoot lighting, but it took some ninja-magic gestures first. I stole her look from the red ninja android in "Ninja Warriors" I chose ninja-lawyer because I thought it'd be far scarier than a regular ninja. Kitty's clan turned on her.

Together... they fought crime! Sam & Max style, replacing guns with punching things. And beating up Kitty's ninja clan.

I would draw my friends and turn them into super-heroes but I hated the way I looked so I'd never put myself in anything. I remember Kelly Rooney the most 'cause she was a pretty, freckled and fun-loving red-head and I kept her character's design for longer than anyone else's.

I never made a "Preston".
No. 28189 ID: 3009b4
File 144358978151.jpg - (227.24KB , 640x720 , Amy v1000c.jpg )

Amy in full colour. You guys better look after her, I'm getting attached.
No. 28194 ID: 3009b4
File 144367633388.jpg - (53.63KB , 260x263 , Nem Concept Head.jpg )

Trying an entirely different inking style and I'm not sure about it. What do y'all think?
No. 28195 ID: 1f8505


I like it.
No. 28197 ID: 39f669

The hair definitely looks better.
No. 28213 ID: 3009b4
File 144375520910.jpg - (85.08KB , 474x279 , Gah which one.jpg )

I don't know which one I like better.
No. 28345 ID: 3009b4
File 144494686654.jpg - (324.94KB , 640x720 , I dont know.jpg )

I don't know.
No. 28379 ID: 3009b4
File 144531824890.jpg - (145.65KB , 640x720 , Robogirl.jpg )

Robogirl, as requested by Riotmode.
"Janky but cute robogirl with holographic clothing"
No. 28380 ID: 3009b4
File 144532231177.gif - (238.61KB , 291x704 , Molly Walk North Test.gif )

Some asked
No. 28393 ID: 3009b4
File 144558364340.jpg - (172.82KB , 640x799 , Riot asked for a monster.jpg )

Work in progress.
No. 28394 ID: 3009b4
File 144558482209.jpg - (329.88KB , 640x799 , Riot asked for a monster2.jpg )

Getting more and more NSFW and weird.
No. 28395 ID: 3009b4
File 144558617980.jpg - (312.31KB , 640x799 , Riot asked for a monster with rough clothes.jpg )

I added rough clothing approx.
No. 28396 ID: 3009b4
File 144558858182.jpg - (277.49KB , 640x720 , quick medic monster.jpg )

Real quick concept for Medic
No. 28397 ID: 3009b4

Medic said was too scary so I will redo as tiny cute cloud monster girl later.
No. 28399 ID: 3009b4
File 144564670299.jpg - (467.01KB , 966x925 , Rain Cloud Girl for Medic V2.jpg )

Not sure if any better.
BUt I still think the Rain wants Medic to give her the D.
No. 28430 ID: 3009b4
File 144585265723.jpg - (218.42KB , 640x720 , Limebirthday.jpg )

For LimeBreaker birthday. NSFW
No. 28451 ID: 2f4b71

Arms usually swing forward in sync with the opposite leg, not the adjacent one.
No. 28474 ID: 3009b4
File 144633490549.jpg - (270.65KB , 501x800 , JackOLatern2015.jpg )

My mom has arthritis so she has me carve the pumpkin. I hope I came close.
No. 28858 ID: 3009b4
File 144987699222.jpg - (228.53KB , 640x720 , Basic Power Pixie Scary Concept.jpg )

So this is a basic concept of one of the "Power Pixies" that will show up in Nem's world. This one's "Scary Pixie"
No. 28859 ID: 3009b4
File 144987819964.jpg - (206.83KB , 640x720 , Basic Power Pixie Scary Concept2.jpg )

Made adjustments based on feedback
No. 28860 ID: 3009b4
File 144987858308.jpg - (206.73KB , 640x720 , Basic Power Pixie Scary Concept3.jpg )

Noticed that the style I'm trying to mimic seems to hate chins on girls so I really reduced it and it seems to work.
No. 28862 ID: 3009b4
File 144988917515.jpg - (220.57KB , 450x800 , payback on Norton.jpg )

Norton was bad.
No. 28876 ID: 2eeb65

>Smik's Drawings and Crap
I see a lot of Smik's drawings, but no crap
No. 28879 ID: 3009b4
File 145003798447.jpg - (162.07KB , 640x720 , Posh Power Pixe sketch.jpg )

Concept for Posh Pixie for the Power Pixies show-within-a-show in Nem's Quest.
No. 28885 ID: 1f8505


So where is Scary Pixie, Baby Pixie, Sporty Pixie, and Ginger Pixie?
No. 28903 ID: 3009b4
File 145030448001.jpg - (111.88KB , 877x552 , HastingNoticedMe.jpg )

No. 29042 ID: 3009b4
File 145214960856.jpg - (133.03KB , 1037x655 , Anon44Birthday.jpg )

Birthday picture for Anon44 featuring Nem & Sarah in sweaters & striped panties.
No. 29075 ID: 3009b4
File 145264289499.jpg - (117.27KB , 640x720 , Aoife Concept.jpg )

Rough concept of Nem's mom when she was her age.
No. 29169 ID: 3009b4
File 145394148935.jpg - (153.15KB , 640x938 , goblin.jpg )

Just messing around scribbling. Goblins were discussed so this was one of my old designs. NSFW
No. 29256 ID: 3009b4
File 145498539760.png - (257.44KB , 640x720 , Tiefling for Evashark onwhite.png )

Tiefling for Eveashark - on White paper
No. 29257 ID: 3009b4
File 145498541293.png - (182.48KB , 640x720 , Tiefling for Evashark nobk.png )

Same thing, no background.
No. 29533 ID: 3009b4
File 145777653926.jpg - (202.28KB , 640x931 , Nem in Cherry Dress.jpg )

Just a rough
No. 29719 ID: 3009b4
File 145919599649.jpg - (406.42KB , 777x1117 , BonnieConcept1.jpg )

So this is a rough concept of the Bridgekeeper for a game concept I'm working on.
No. 29720 ID: 3009b4
File 145919601879.png - (68.19KB , 204x255 , Bonnie_Test2.png )

In-game she'd get shrunk to this resolution because RPG Maker.
No. 29740 ID: 3009b4
File 145938893145.jpg - (326.07KB , 870x857 , thigh_test.jpg )

Does this count for thigh?
No. 29744 ID: 3009b4
File 145948660498.jpg - (54.00KB , 344x254 , BonnieConcept2.jpg )

Face test for the bridge guard.
No. 29770 ID: 3009b4
File 145975192556.jpg - (307.14KB , 820x865 , PlasticSunMonster.jpg )

The rough up of PlasticSun's custom monster girl. It is NSFW.
No. 29986 ID: 3009b4
File 146130720259.jpg - (482.71KB , 640x720 , NemsPornCollection1.jpg )

A concept naughty book cover from Nem's secret porn stash.
No. 29988 ID: 3009b4
File 146139567646.jpg - (301.62KB , 640x720 , MustBreakAnon44.jpg )

I did a fan art of one of Anon44's works.
No. 30072 ID: 3009b4
File 146252141581.jpg - (199.76KB , 640x720 , NemStream.jpg )

So here's a Nem from my stream, as requested by Anon44.
No. 30092 ID: 3009b4
File 146303408653.jpg - (262.78KB , 640x720 , NemStream2.jpg )

I did a rough stream with Space Nem at Anon44's request.
No. 30110 ID: 3009b4
File 146328508779.jpg - (361.18KB , 640x720 , ShifterMonster.jpg )

NSFW: Shifter55's Monster Person.
No. 30193 ID: 3009b4
File 146415361872.jpg - (169.32KB , 640x720 , MoreNem.jpg )

Another Nem conceptual rough.
No. 30202 ID: 3009b4
File 146423385423.jpg - (632.84KB , 732x850 , BaraMonster.jpg )

Baratop's monster. NSFW
No. 30298 ID: 3009b4
File 146533509125.jpg - (413.25KB , 943x1061 , Nem Stream 20160607.jpg )

Just practicing.
No. 30613 ID: 3009b4
File 146861982522.jpg - (346.91KB , 640x720 , ChestDayNem16.jpg )

Chest Day 2016 Nem, modeled after a Sophia Loren pose.
No. 32611 ID: e136ae
File 148358531523.jpg - (259.11KB , 740x915 , BirthdayNemForAnon44a.jpg )

Happy Birthday to Anon44!
No. 32972 ID: e136ae
File 148661807318.jpg - (397.23KB , 640x720 , ContestantTwo.jpg )

Tee hee
No. 32974 ID: e136ae
File 148662418318.jpg - (249.62KB , 640x720 , Zome.jpg )

Rough of Zome, 3rd contestant
No. 32975 ID: e136ae
File 148662631783.jpg - (237.60KB , 640x720 , Zome2p1.jpg )

Made some adjustments from chat suggestions
No. 32980 ID: e136ae
File 148670393761.jpg - (65.73KB , 640x720 , Kerikronk1.jpg )

No. 32981 ID: 7b7ab3

No. 32982 ID: e136ae
File 148670735203.jpg - (269.23KB , 640x720 , Kraze Rough.jpg )

Trying to rough up a dark and gritty, super-manly Kraze.
No. 32983 ID: e136ae
File 148670739166.jpg - (282.28KB , 640x720 , Kraze Rough Verbal Tick.jpg )

With a verbal tick.
No. 32984 ID: e136ae
File 148670769930.jpg - (260.04KB , 640x720 , kraze no shadow.jpg )

No. 32985 ID: e136ae
File 148670995217.jpg - (59.85KB , 640x720 , Kronk Style Nem.jpg )

Kronk style Nem
No. 32987 ID: e136ae
File 148678857727.jpg - (67.65KB , 640x720 , Zome Style Nem.jpg )

Zome style (Tex Avery attempt) Nem
No. 33004 ID: e136ae
File 148696021013.jpg - (100.05KB , 640x720 , Zome1.jpg )

This is Zome done with some Tex Avery elements as well as being too medicated due to gout or something to give much of a crap right now.
No. 33016 ID: e136ae
File 148703540020.jpg - (131.29KB , 640x720 , Kraze1.jpg )

New Kraze.
No. 33017 ID: e136ae
File 148703798685.jpg - (95.55KB , 640x720 , Kraze Style Nem.jpg )

Kraze style Nem
No. 33079 ID: e136ae
File 148732120042.jpg - (332.62KB , 640x720 , thisisbadandifeelbad.jpg )

it's bad and I feel bad don't look it's terrible
No. 33517 ID: e136ae
File 149104580597.jpg - (557.11KB , 1542x1302 , ArtistRipOffMeme_RowDonePlusOne.jpg )

Imgur being stupid.
No. 33695 ID: e136ae
File 149236841414.jpg - (178.70KB , 640x720 , CoxKittyCrossover.jpg )

Wasn't sure where else to put this.
No. 33696 ID: e136ae
File 149236939568.jpg - (140.44KB , 640x720 , CoxSpikeCrossover.jpg )

My Coxwette style Spike and my attempt at Susanna need a lot of work.
No. 33733 ID: e136ae
File 149260770322.jpg - (202.02KB , 640x720 , DeemPimpsHin.jpg )

From IRC Chat:

Arhra: We should sell Hin hugs to raise funds.
Abeo: I'm certain it would be a profitable venture

They have LOTS of cash money!
Therefore Nem has looted lots of cash money!
No. 34228 ID: e136ae
File 149626461247.jpg - (118.18KB , 640x720 , Ep3Reward.jpg )

Drafting up the lewd reward for Date 3
No. 34244 ID: e136ae
File 149638343334.jpg - (184.62KB , 640x720 , Razzlewd.jpg )

Someone requested Razzay Lewd. This is how she masturbates.
No. 34248 ID: e136ae
File 149642439526.jpg - (181.35KB , 640x720 , RazzayTitle.jpg )

Working on a Title for Razzay Quest
No. 34249 ID: e136ae
File 149643029866.jpg - (72.08KB , 640x720 , SamiEpiloge3gah.jpg )

Gah something is off
No. 34255 ID: e136ae
File 149647471285.jpg - (1.26MB , 2240x1484 , RazzayCharacterSheet1.jpg )

Working on Razzay sheet.
No. 34256 ID: 3abd97

Are you experimenting with what height you want her to have, or does she magically size change for fun.
No. 34258 ID: e136ae
File 149651869004.jpg - (347.92KB , 1024x768 , RazzayCharacter2.jpg )

Experimenting with her height.
This is experimenting with her boob size, although she DOES have spells to enhance knockers.
No. 34269 ID: e136ae
File 149658478052.jpg - (255.05KB , 640x720 , Which to use.jpg )

Still not decided on the eventual style; how I handle Razzay will impact the rest of the quest.
No. 34353 ID: e136ae
File 149688369648.jpg - (211.67KB , 640x720 , RazzayQuestTitle.jpg )

Working on a title card for Razzay's Quest
No. 34471 ID: e136ae
File 149768517895.jpg - (135.36KB , 640x720 , RQ_Judging.jpg )

No. 35102 ID: e136ae
File 150139841754.jpg - (51.96KB , 640x720 , RazzayLube.jpg )

Anon44 said he needed this.
No. 35278 ID: e136ae
File 150226667483.jpg - (459.75KB , 1184x720 , BeachDayNemGroupFlats.jpg )

Group shot of Beach Day.
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