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File 131673013574.png - (81.80KB , 357x367 , Helo there.png )
7232 No. 7232 ID: 0448b9

Another Soqdraw thread.
This time I promise to start a quest of my own before this thread dies.

Also I can paint a little now.
207 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 9578 ID: 2eac65

A shark who is also a nurse, or just a ginglymostoma cirratum?
No. 9585 ID: 0448b9
File 132492894421.png - (253.19KB , 781x922 , terrible nurse.png )

Ginglymostoma cirratum!
No. 9589 ID: 2eac65


Don't let it get you down. You just need to find your own special talent.
No. 9592 ID: 0448b9
File 132495044146.png - (366.21KB , 1180x1003 , This gy.png )

"Thank you thank you~!"
No. 9598 ID: 2eac65

I like your art style. The characters are detailed enough to be distinctive, but simple enough to take it all in easily. Perfect for questing.

Plus, they're cute. Which is also perfect for questing.
No. 9603 ID: 0448b9

Thank you, thank you. I really should get back to trying to start a quest again, shouldn't I? Hmmm...
No. 9614 ID: 0448b9
File 132503036240.png - (172.71KB , 919x624 , questconcept1.png )

If I tried to start another quest it'd probably look something like this.
No. 9615 ID: 453e62

hnnnnng, do it.
No. 9616 ID: 85d876

No. 9617 ID: 0448b9

Holy shit I have fans. I'm going to do this! I'll do my best to start another quest within a week and maybe even finish it.
No. 9618 ID: 2eac65

I'd prefer to see where you were going with your old quest. There's too much unfinished business here.
No. 9624 ID: 1854db

If you do you'd bloody well stick with it instead of abandoning it after like 5 updates goddamn it.
No. 9628 ID: 0448b9

I might, I went on an art rage and decided to drop it for a while. Maybe, maybe..
This is my life's goal.
No. 9645 ID: 0448b9
File 132513578515.png - (725.64KB , 1428x1510 , dodoles.png )

I like to scribble, and then color the doodle that I like best.
This is another result of the process.
No. 9667 ID: 0448b9
File 132522360299.png - (294.34KB , 750x793 , dodoles.png )

No. 9688 ID: 0448b9
File 132527587230.png - (263.94KB , 956x964 , Nix is cool.png )

Black Company Nix is cool.
No. 9692 ID: ff8425


A cool sniper who wears obscenely light colours in a non-snowy location.
No. 9703 ID: 0448b9
File 132529257965.png - (614.88KB , 2000x1040 , scribbliessmall.png )

He's fucked.
No. 9708 ID: 0448b9
File 132530924158.png - (592.62KB , 460x718 , img096.png )

I like having my own little corner on the internet to do whatever I want and dump any doodles I want into.
Hello, /Draw/thread~! How are you today?
No. 9711 ID: 0448b9
File 132531472785.png - (212.20KB , 1000x622 , perspecticeandhip.png )

Scribbles scribbles scribbles scribbles
and hips
No. 9742 ID: 2eac65

With a tail like that, it can't be very easy for her to find clothes that fit well. Maybe she could just get an open-backed skirt.
No. 9789 ID: 0448b9
File 132562960399.png - (539.66KB , 500x732 , img097.png )

< Working on that.
No. 9794 ID: 0448b9
File 132565661933.jpg - (359.77KB , 1536x2048 , IMG_20120103_235332.jpg )

No. 9795 ID: 0448b9
File 132565701302.jpg - (260.85KB , 1536x2048 , IMG_20120103_235339.jpg )

*Yawn* These are fanart of this lady. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7119746/ . Really nice style. Remind me to show these to the artist tomorrow, will you? I need some sleep for hell- er.. "school" tomorrow!
No. 9806 ID: 2eac65

Don't be shy. It looks good on you; you should be proud!

Does she have a backstory, or is she just a random sharkgirl?
No. 9807 ID: f98ba1

Random shark"girl", currently. I figured out a bit about her personality and interests .etc, but haven't done anything about backstory.. I should fix that!
No. 9811 ID: 0448b9
File 132571672846.png - (3.12MB , 2391x882 , img101.png )

This is how I doodle like at school.
What's going on here.
No. 9858 ID: 0448b9
File 132580715376.png - (667.62KB , 538x614 , avzsveux.png )

I'm yours~
No. 9870 ID: becb83

nope, obviusly a trap with a tail
maybe man eating crotch or something
No. 9885 ID: 0448b9
File 132589172117.png - (1.73MB , 800x1167 , cats.png )

No. 9903 ID: 0448b9
File 132591616978.png - (279.30KB , 752x842 , pajamas.png )

No. 9910 ID: 0d7a83

>apply tape to nipples
>you are now ready for bed
No. 9919 ID: 0448b9
File 132599524907.png - (113.88KB , 671x625 , notfinishingthis.png )

Thank you.
Alternate color scheme. Might finish..
Also I'll start that quest in due time..
No. 9921 ID: 0448b9
File 132599681619.png - (101.61KB , 671x625 , notfinishingthis.png )

>Reflect for a moment after posting.
>Realize that the only reason you didn't want to finish it is because your painting skills aren't nearly as good as you want them to be.
>Go "FUCK THAT SHIT" and finish it.
No. 9930 ID: 073c39

she's adorable
No. 9943 ID: 0448b9
File 132605358101.png - (131.66KB , 546x603 , idunno.png )

I still have no idea what I'm doing or why I'm posting this
No. 9944 ID: 0448b9
File 132605804663.png - (452.44KB , 500x780 , catsare.png )

No. 9988 ID: 0448b9
File 132623442870.png - (1.86MB , 1228x892 , img106.png )

No. 10020 ID: 0448b9
File 132632290904.png - (0.96MB , 641x889 , img107.png )

No. 10049 ID: 0448b9
File 132640762436.png - (1.37MB , 1167x837 , img108.png )

This is the sequel the love story posted above.
No. 10055 ID: 0448b9
File 132642012106.png - (121.16KB , 1285x919 , lonelyhips_png.png )

<< wip
No. 10073 ID: 2eac65

That makes me wonder just where she sleeps.

The obvious solution here would be to ask a tentacle monster for help. Then everyone can have fun at once!
No. 10075 ID: 0448b9
File 132649573784.png - (516.38KB , 550x646 , img111.png )

Working on it..
No. 10086 ID: 98efb4
File 132650999311.jpg - (70.22KB , 625x725 , fishophilia.jpg )

I really like this fishpersongirl but i cant't help to notice her tail usually looks like it is coming out from an awkward place in her back when it should be coming out of a sexy place near her holiest of the holiest.
No. 10087 ID: 011ced

I think it's a trap
No. 10088 ID: 0448b9
File 132651427429.png - (42.33KB , 333x379 , gaynurseshark.png )

Oh thanks, thanks~ I'm still working on anatomy and I guess I'll pay more attention to the taiil.
I like it.

Fuck it. I don't mind, I got fanart! I love fanart.
No. 10089 ID: 98efb4

>>a trap

You will always be working on anatomy. ALWAYS.
No. 10129 ID: 0448b9
File 132659347939.png - (306.44KB , 916x881 , lonelyhips.png )

No. 10163 ID: 0448b9
File 132666358709.png - (686.76KB , 1500x1500 , iforgotthisguysname.png )

RVR-87 Specineff
Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram
Drawing giant robot things is hard.
No. 10167 ID: 0448b9
File 132667152960.png - (783.21KB , 2968x1860 , somethinglikethisbad.png )

Here have some porn scribbles.
No. 10183 ID: 0448b9
File 132668356292.png - (792.05KB , 1500x2428 , Livestreamscribblesss.png )

Livestream scribblessss.

And a little dicks. u.u
No. 10185 ID: 0448b9
File 132668565233.png - (323.20KB , 1444x1538 , cupcake~.png )

Oriole's character. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/oriole/
No. 10189 ID: becb83

totally called it
No. 10198 ID: 9a34be

I am okay with this.
No. 10234 ID: 0448b9
File 132685530039.png - (204.74KB , 629x708 , kenkubutt.png )

No. 10267 ID: 0448b9
File 132693674266.jpg - (55.37KB , 350x776 , hahahaha, last night was crazy.jpg )

<< Hahaha. Last night was crazy.
No. 10281 ID: 0448b9
File 132701369331.png - (779.11KB , 892x657 , img114.png )

< Porn. For the purpose of these doodles, she has 2 dicks.
No. 10282 ID: 0448b9
File 132701380994.png - (736.69KB , 851x675 , img115.png )

<Porn. For the purpose of these doodles, Dasaki turned him into a girl and she is now laying eggs for whatever reason.
No. 10287 ID: 2eac65

It's amazing what the magic of porn can do.
No. 10288 ID: 1854db

No. 10291 ID: 56f9e4

I agree, they should draw me instead
No. 10299 ID: 62c829

Because he asks for it nonstop.
No. 10310 ID: 0448b9
File 132711144851.png - (153.18KB , 732x755 , Oceandesigna.png )

I just like drawing the character, don't mind me~

< Trying to decide on this fag's colors....
No. 10312 ID: 0448b9
File 132711490282.png - (330.43KB , 1201x1051 , level 40 nurseshark.png )

No. 10314 ID: 9c7c3b

So, uh, not to be rude or anything, but is any character you draw a genetic female? Because there is a disproportionate amount of traps in this thread.
No. 10315 ID: 0448b9

My chubby cyclops girl that no one likes but me. I was straight when I started this thread too if you want my earlier stuff too.
No. 10322 ID: 4fa8ce

Not bad for someone who still has stupid 45 levels to go.
No. 10411 ID: 0448b9
File 132728216229.png - (446.16KB , 1063x731 , idunnoporna.png )

Did someone say something about drawing too many Dasakis?~
No. 10412 ID: 0448b9
File 132728301565.png - (221.71KB , 1075x622 , well is hot.png )

No. 10447 ID: 4f6150

No. 10463 ID: 87fa55

I'd read it.
No. 10464 ID: 0448b9
File 132737123031.png - (172.09KB , 663x959 , rozdolls.png )

I'm procrastinating again.. so maybe this summer, eh? We'll see..
No. 10466 ID: 0448b9
File 132737401556.png - (185.75KB , 639x996 , paintingiscoolguise.png )

<15 minute practice...

I have decided to try painting more often because
No. 10468 ID: 87fa55

Summer's a long ways off. Sucks if you're too busy until then, or if you're just not interested. But, if it is just procrastination...

There's an old saying. I can't remember the right wording, but it's something like "As long as you keep marching, you keep marching."

The basic metric of success for a quest comes from whether you keep posting updates. No matter how stupid you think it is. And while you may feel dumb making a quest about some kind of big-hipped trap shark boy, if it's something you enjoy drawing and writing about, then that's probably all that matters. Sometimes, the more self-indulgent a quest is, the better, because author interest is the main limiting factor.

There's a handful of exceptions to the rule: quests which die because nobody at all replies, but for the most part, as long as you keep updating, you keep updating.

I don't know if this is helpful. Nice shine on the painting.
No. 10474 ID: db0509

We're doing this man, we're making this happen.
"Soq's Self Indulgence Quest", sounds perfectly reasonable! Give a while to think and this'll probably be a thing sooon~ >>10468
No. 10486 ID: 87fa55

That's the spirit.
No. 10490 ID: 9c7c3b

I'm getting the feeling that there is going to be a lot of penises in our future.
No. 10491 ID: 0448b9
File 132745792225.png - (158.38KB , 538x620 , It\'sOcean.png )

It's funny because it's true.

<< I have decided to make Ocean magical.
No. 10513 ID: 87fa55

Cool beans.

Careful where you put the mouth. Gotta look like a shark snout, even if it's highly stylized/abstracted. If you lay the mouth down without considering the shape of the face, the point of the snout just looks like a chin.
No. 10519 ID: 82a03b

Shut up, chins are better than snouts.
No. 10582 ID: 0448b9
File 132770575604.png - (1.92MB , 1637x1016 , img121.png )

Yes sir why thank you sir, I only realized how it looked a bit odd after the painting was done.
< Hopefully you can see that I've worked on that a little here.
No. 10584 ID: 0448b9
File 132771546943.png - (222.25KB , 666x810 , oceanisfat.png )

No. 10592 ID: 87fa55

Yeah, that face looks better

So do these, other than possibly the one at the top middle of the right page, in the scanned two-page spread to the bottom left.

no u
No. 10597 ID: 0448b9
File 132780857114.png - (224.04KB , 933x897 , Attempt1.png )

< Oh god. Soqwizard's uploading porn again.
No. 10598 ID: 0448b9
File 132780863498.png - (390.66KB , 905x890 , 1year difference thing.png )

<Oh god, Soqwizard did a quick little progress check.
No. 10605 ID: 0448b9
File 132785947676.png - (170.09KB , 800x485 , Lostincanadaagain.png )

I have a good idea for that quest and all, but I'm not in the mood to start it yet, sadly.

Not in the mood >>>> Procrastinating, right?
No. 10606 ID: 87fa55

>Not in the mood >>>> Procrastinating, right?
I think so. Doesn't make any sense to start a hobby if you don't want to.
No. 10612 ID: 42de26
File 132789497981.jpg - (36.68KB , 298x400 , 1262578161657.jpg )

No. 10719 ID: 0448b9
File 132840114364.png - (176.11KB , 626x931 , buttsbuttsbutts.png )

Oh look and I'm back in the mood to do some stuff again.
No. 10725 ID: 0448b9
File 132847880771.png - (275.32KB , 700x876 , trapclass2.png )

No. 10726 ID: 496845

I really like this guy, but...thinking about him realistically confuses me, so I dunno how I'd draw him.
No. 10791 ID: 0448b9
File 132864965189.png - (251.32KB , 714x861 , Untitled-3.png )

Soq's Mental Status: Good.
Have some scribbles I had with a fwend~
No. 10792 ID: 0448b9
File 132865455951.png - (41.34KB , 336x249 , adasdada.png )

No. 10797 ID: 2eac65

D'awwww, so huggable! <3

Ocean's magical now, right? Any thoughts on how, specifically, that works?
No. 10836 ID: 0448b9
File 132883572342.png - (217.67KB , 900x549 , HowSoqFeelsRightNow2.png )

Oooh haven't figured it out yet, I just said "she's magical" and was too busy doing everything else to actually finish writing the character.

Now if I could only stop dumping my emotions into this fag and get to drawing/writing stuff again..
No. 10867 ID: 0448b9
File 132893641569.png - (246.01KB , 744x733 , lunaaasticks.png )

Painted something for a fwend, they did the lineart. http://luna92323.deviantart.com/
No. 10868 ID: 0448b9
File 132893647244.png - (228.88KB , 713x710 , Bluh blugh Dicks.png )

Drew something with a dick for another friend~
http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rupertcole bluh
No. 10909 ID: 0448b9
File 132908859873.png - (338.83KB , 1085x1125 , sirsirsir.png )

Figured it out. She's just a cute little french sharktrap that was accidentally given the powers of the VOID. Has occasional bursts of maniacal evil once in a while, but quickly goes back to being cute before it goes too far~ Something like that.
No. 12036 ID: 1963d1

It's a she now? Wasn't it a trap before?
No. 12215 ID: 2eac65

If things get too bad, she could get someone to tie her up during her episodes.
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