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978305 No. 978305 ID: 2bd15b

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No. 1080429 ID: 1ab976

*Corax slowly tilts his head from side to side as if weight the question*

Winning gets me nothing, I will admit that.

*His stare turns icy*

But I hate losing. More than anything.

*He pulls his gun and sets it across his lap, hand on the grip and finger on the trigger*

Doctor, this confession does not help me. It helps you, understand that is your way out. It will not absolve you of all crimes, but it may lighten your burden when it comes to your sentence. I have no control over what your sentence is, but I will present your confession as evidence, an investigation will begin as to who ordered your assassination of myself and potentially my erstwhile colleagues, and your sister can have a chance at life.

Murdusa. Please sign as the witness.
No. 1081201 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1081212 ID: 88e125

> If you want to shoot me, then just do it!

Fine. *Shoots her in the upper right arm*

> I don't want to mess up her life more than I already did.

Funny, not once in your confession was your sister mentioned, but I can pencil her name in as one of your accomplices if you're really insistent about her being a part of this.

Now, name your accomplices, any and all persons who that gave you the position of assassin, or was brought on along with you.
No. 1083462 ID: 426180
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No. 1083469 ID: d5d12c

Inner thoughts: Interesting. But not enough.
*Corax writes down Gates Triumphant as an accomplice*

It is possible we have someone assuming his identity, or perhaps this was given to her before he lapsed into a coma.

*Turns back to the doctor*
How did you know I would be there? The only reason I was there at all was because I had been injured from DeRvan?

Inner thoughts: And come to think of it...
And when you met with Triumphant, was he in possession of all his natural limbs? Or did they look like black and red claws?
No. 1083901 ID: 88202d
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No. 1083967 ID: 8a09d5

Thank you for your contribution to this team, Count Murdusa. It seems I must take me leave, duty calls.

*Turns to the doctor* Keep the rest of your confession in mind, doctor. And I want you to keep in mind, that I am also keeping your confession in mind.

*Turns to Peregrine and leaves with Peregrine and the hookah head without another word*
No. 1084577 ID: 069b13
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No. 1084711 ID: 738217

Inner thoughts: No... Damn it all!

Based on what other observations have you noticed this? If I am to investigate this further I must have other things I can compare him to. Better yet, if we are to test this, pull his file. Any events that he as experienced or accomplished, if he has been compromised then we will have a better frame of reference to go on.
No. 1084890 ID: 559471
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No. 1084911 ID: d87c35

*stares at him for a second before smiling*

Absolutely, Peregrine. Of you know I trust and respect you, we had to do the evaluation on each other when we were first brought in. What was it you said about me again? It slips my mind. It was with the son of the leader of Tribunal, his name escapes me at the moment but he was a nervous twitchy young man. Do you recall it?

Also, nice new suit, it looks like one of mine. I was always under the impression you favored the cream colored ones with the overcoat.
No. 1084917 ID: 559471
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No. 1084980 ID: 89b4f4

Inner thoughts: They dodged the question about the preliminary evaluations we did on each other.

Forgive me, Peregrine. I was dealing with count Murdusa, and he is quite... Obstinate. I can ask him so many questions and get no answers, it's reassuring to know that you still are with me on this. That snake-man is quite draining on the mind. I believe, however, that duty calls us to a meeting? Shall we go?

Inner thoughts: I must watch every move this one makes. If he has been compromised I must find evidence. I think he knew that the armored maiden was coming to tell me about him, so he set up a situation in which he could intervene.
No. 1085146 ID: 08b744
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No. 1085267 ID: 1ab976

Inner thoughts: Maya, not now. But, ah opportunity, let's test this.

She doesn't talk much, only when she needs too Peregrine. You know this.

*Corax continues walking without even turning around.*
No. 1085682 ID: 711344
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No. 1085698 ID: 59cb62

Inner thoughts: I am... So utterly bewildered that he just outright admitted it. But other the other things he said are concerning.

> I became part of the Silent Whisperers. We are phantoms who manipulate things from behind.

Inner thoughts: Not so unlike the Tribunal then. Just even more indirect about it.

> My superior was the one who killed DeRvan and he did it because he did it because I didn't want to kill Madam Algich

Inner thoughts: A lie? Unlikely. It sounds as if this organization like the Tribunal in more ways than one. Power struggles amongst the ranks. I wonder if it is possible to arrest their leader?

> My assignment was to make him quit the investigation

Inner thoughts:Why? What do the Whisperers get out of this? What is their overall goal? Aiding Happy? Possibly. Setting courses that they want things to in ways they want? Most certainly. What direction they want things in and how Happy is involved is unknown. So be it.

I have questions:

One, what relationship do the whisperers have with Happy and why do they seemingly want him in power?

Two, why was Algich the original target for assassination?

Three, what information on Happy do you currently have and are able to share with us? You said that he has set a plan in motion and you intend to stop it. To the best of your knowledge what is his overarching plan?

Four, is Peregrine cognizant of what is happening right now?
No. 1085802 ID: 711344
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No. 1085829 ID: 0c85be

So be it.
*shakes hand*
No. 1086065 ID: d6c370
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No. 1086211 ID: b32384

*opens notes and thumbs open to what he has on Spirit Contaminator*

According to our file, the Spirit Contaminator is a member of the race known as Spirit Parasite. As the name implies they are a parasitic based life form, and possibly created by Happy himself to act as his workers and soldiers in his wars. They originated from a Queen, but this one is particularly special as they view Essence of Life, a deceased entity who had close association with Happy, as their maternal figure. She has tried and failed to carry on Essence’s work and due to the entities known as “Ana.” They met a devastating defeat. This being may have unique insights due to their race and experiences.

As for the last person I interrogated, Zirzam’s Apprentice, now deceased, I have examined her and cross examined what I was able to gain from her interrogation. Her death was a suicide, but only in the loosest terms. Someone wanted her to die and wanted her to suffer, it had “personal” written all over it. She was already mentally unstable and with a massive inferiority complex. What I believe happened was some kind of reaction to some kind of action she carried out. She pushed too hard on someone and they pushed her back, to her death it would seem.
No. 1086474 ID: cfb47c
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No. 1086529 ID: ce4c2c

I serve and obey, your eminence. I was brought on to this team to fulfill a role of interrogator and investigator. If there is another who may fulfill that role and potentially better than I, I will not object. However, I will object if results are not obtained, or if the interrogator before me only proves themselves a sadistic jailer, more interested in their own sadism than results or asking the right questions.

I will also object if someone wishes to go ahead of me for the sake of clout, as if trying to prove their own superiority. If they succeed, wonderful. If they fail they only make themselves look foolish. Such a person may not be focused on obtaining truths or answers, but their own image.

Those are my only objections your lordship. If there is any among you who wishes to go first, I will step aside. However if it is asked of me, I will begin the interrogation forthwith.

Inner thoughts: Thank you for the warning. Can you maintain this link even if we are separated or must you have direct line of sight and touch to me?
No. 1086878 ID: 682182
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No. 1086879 ID: 0e6838

Inner thoughts: How squeamish are you? My methods are brutal but effective. If you are not comfortable with it then I will go in alone.

Doe the room Spirit Contaminator is in have good ventilation and air flow? If so, please shut it off and close the ventilation.
No. 1087028 ID: be36f9
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No. 1087034 ID: 2b8028

Thank you Ms. Algich. I need to know a few things about the room we will be interrogating the suspect in as well as the biology of them. To start with, it is my understanding that the room’s ventilation has been closed, does the room have any central heating by which the temperature in the room may be adjusted? If possible we will need to conduct this by means of a speaker and view her via one way mirror. And secondly, I understand the Spirit Contaminator is a sub-species spirit parasite, do they have the ability to sweat? How does their body react to heat?
No. 1087217 ID: 5b57a5
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No. 1087251 ID: 37f110

You are the being known as "Spirit Contaminator." Please state if this is correct. Any other names, and or titles must be included in your answer.

You have been brought here today to answer our questions regarding your involvement and knowledge of the being known as Happy the Tragedy phantom. Every time you don't answer correctly, or answer with impudence will be a markup. And let me make it perfectly clear what that means, every markup we will increase the temperature in this room after we leave, it's your choice whether you want this to be a sauna or an oven.

Firstly, what was your overall rank, and goal working with Happy the Tragedy phantom.
No. 1087380 ID: be36f9
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No. 1087389 ID: 667214

Perhaps I have not been clear.

*Corax sets his note book aside and gets up and walks over to Spirit Contaminator*

I will be very honest with you. I cannot hurt you in such a way that damages your suit, our superiors do not want any bio-contaminants to get out. However, if you think heat is the only thing that I know how to use, or if you think that the doctors here were cruel, let me assure you, I will be worse. Whether you respect me or not, it doesn't matter. But you will fear me.

For example, having studied your biology, I know you must often possess bodies in order to have any kind of power. Your body is relatively human, and therefore-

*Corax suddenly punches Spirit contaminator hard in the kidney*

Your kidney may now be somewhat ruptured. I know you contaminators have good healing properties so I estimate it will take at least ten minutes for your kidney to fully repair. Did you know that boxers and prize fighters can't hit their opponents there? It's considered an illegal move due to the serious vulnerability it poses. You however, can take a lot of punishment, and I can deal out a lot more. And I also believe your defiance has earned you an uptake on the temperature, keep that in mind.

*Corax walks back to the chair and sits down*

What do you suppose her suit is made of Peregrine? Latex? Rubber? It's clearly meant to insulate her, but I wonder if a high powered 1,200 volt stun gun could get through it. Hmm...

As we were, give us your full name, your rank, and your goal with Happy the Tragedy Phantom.
No. 1087545 ID: 50c51d
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No. 1087549 ID: 2b8028

*Corax taps his notebook as if contemplating her question.*

Inner thoughts: What do you think “Peregrine?” It was in our briefing that we mustn’t break her suit, not that we couldn’t loosen her bonds. I will not make any such promises, if I am the brutal torturer, which I am, you are the voice of reason. If you could please tell her that her bonds may be loosened and accommodations MAY be made, but only if she cooperates fully with me right now. If it comes from you we may interrogate her as is, give her some hope that she might make it out of this unmaimed.
No. 1087837 ID: 2cb1ac
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No. 1087843 ID: 9d358b

*Corax stands up and moves to untie her from her bonds, but not the straight jacket, but stops halfway.*

I'm sure you know your position, and in all honesty this is about as good as its going to get. If you try anything once your bonds are loosened, I will hurt you. And if you should try to hurt me, let me save you some time, I don't feel pain.

*Corax loosens her just enough to allow her a little bit more movement, but not much else. He eyes he carefully watching every movement she makes.*

Now, explain your mission. Was the goal of killing the Tribunal merely self-preservation? And as for Happy being your leader, explain why you call him this. How does he lead you?
No. 1088370 ID: 8e7b4c
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No. 1088385 ID: c4116d

*Corax watches Spirit Contaminator for a minute, his fingers tapping on the arm of his chair as he stares at her. His expression isn't pity, but something closer to disgust.*

Get off the table.

*Corax waits for her to do so*

Let me see if I understand this correctly. You allowed yourself to be captured, because you have failed your team, got certain people who followed you killed, captured, or scattered to the wind. Is that correct?

Look at you. *Corax's tone is close to grief mixed with disgust*

Does that mask you wear obstruct your vision? Because let me tell you what I see, based on everything we know, and what you have told me, and what opportunity you are wasting because you are trying to be a martyr and follow your comrades into the hereafter.

You say you worked for Happy the Tragedy Phantom and he was your leader, and yet he never gave you any orders. You worked mostly independently, pulling in various members to your organization. From what I have read they were mostly beings who had lost their place in the universe and were pariahs, even amongst the people who should have welcomed them. And then you failed them. You faced an encounter you were not fully prepared for and it cost various people their lives. And now, instead of trying to do better or take vengeance, you allowed yourself to be captured, and are fully expectant of punishment for what are your perceived failures.

Allow an outside perspective to tell you what's really happening. Do you know what a soldier is? When you're in a war, the generals on both sides must consider this one question. The answer is "expendable." They must figure out how many of their own men can be subtracted for the equation of battle and still figure out how to win. That is exactly what you are to Happy. You have been subtracted from his equation. He never gave you direct orders, he didn't care what you did, he didn't care if you lived or died. His greatest asset wasn't you, it never would be you. You were a cog in a machine that decided to turn in a different direction, and when the machine doesn't work and gear is out of place, the machine breaks.

Ironically, now that you are here, now you have value. Now you are in the house of his enemy, now you can watch them, figure them out, be his eyes. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he tries to contact you through some archaic means. He may even be watching you right now.

Instead you do this; you grovel atop a perfectly fine table, and beg to be hurt for your perceived failings. The word I have decided on for you is stagnant. You aren't moving in any meaningful direction, you have been abandoned and so you seek to sit there, taking as much pain as you can before you inevitably die from the shock, or blood loss. A meaningless death for a meaningless life.

But, as it stands you have two options if you wish to move forward, you can wait for orders from Happy assuming he hasn't abandoned you and you can prove to him you are loyal to the end. Good job. But, if you still have some small sliver of pride left, some semblance of any dignity, here's what I recommend. Turn traitor to Happy, work with us to bring him down, redeem yourself; or if you prefer avenge yourself. Have the chances you never had, here you could do some good work, show Happy and existence that you aren't expendable, stagnant, that you have worth.

*Gets up from his seat*

Peregrine, let's give her an hour to think it over.

*Corax leaves with "Peregrine" without letting her get another word in.*

And now we wait. Let's see what she does.

Inner thoughts to "peregrine': Ultimately it doesn't matter whether she agrees or not. That's not the goal of this, if she accepts then wonderful. If she doesn't well that's fine, she's useless and she will rot in a cell; I won't waste my time on a dead end. What I am banking on is someone else tries to come for her. If my hypothesis is correct, Happy is listening in using whatever means he has at his disposal, including any double agents he has in this organization. If she is willing to join, she may help us identify them. Even if she doesn't know, Happy's agents will, and that makes her useful as bait.
No. 1088388 ID: 3c16a9

Let's have the Bird Empath brought in for this hour. I want to have Spirit Contaminator's emotion and mental state watched during this hour.
No. 1088467 ID: 7defee
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No. 1088506 ID: 047965

Thank you for arriving so swiftly.

*Corax gives The Empath a polite bow*

As it stands, I have need of your talents as an empath and emotional reader. As I recall correctly, you must be able to look through the person's eyes in order to get a proper read on them, barriers to the their eyes shouldn't impede that correct?

For the next hour or so I would like you to use your talent on the current interrogatee, she is at a crucial junction where her decision may change her future. I would like her emotions, and any surface level thoughts you can see recorded. I will be here also recording the notes of what you see as well.
No. 1088507 ID: 047965

*Corax turns his attention his notebook and the one way Mirror*

Inner thoughts to "Peregrine": It appears you already know not to make eye contact with her, that is how she can read your thoughts. Interesting. We knew she had some connection to enemy groups before she joined us, but is there some connection between her and your former colleagues that you should enlighten me on? We'll discuss that later. For now, focus on the task at hand. If you need to step out while she is here, make some excuse, get tea for us, use the bathroom. Also keep an
No. 1088826 ID: 2e92e5
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No. 1088862 ID: ede078

*Corax sighs in frustration then grabs his notes and quickly scribbles something down before entering the interrogation room*

Practical Empath, you forgot your notes. This should help you, please remember them in the future, carry them with you always; especially when you yourself identified her pet fish, Daylight. You said it was a black and white one and was even believed to be immortal.

*Written on the notepad is the following:*
You are there to ask her questions, not the other way around. Do not let her bully you into a position of weakness. You can read people like they are open books and that is invaluable. She may try to keep you out, but you are able to break those walls down. I have the utmost confidence in your capabilities. I have put a copy of Spirit Contaminators dossier on the next page for further assistance for you.

Tribunal Criminal Dossier

Subject Name: Unknown (referred to as "Spirit Contaminator")

Alias/Nickname: Contamy

Age: Approximated to be in the range of 30's to 40's, though exact age is unknown due to hybrid nature. Known to act and behave as if in late teens to early 20's

Physical Description:
- Hybrid of undead humanoid and spirit parasite race.
- Appears to be a young woman, exhibiting traits of both undead and parasitic features.
- Exact physical characteristics may vary due to hybrid nature
- Wears a protective suit and helmet to keep from being fully exposed to elements.

Role in Criminal Organization:
- Initially served as a soldier/enforcer within the organized crime gang led by Happy The Tragedy Phantom.
- Ascended to the position of crime boss/lieutenant within Happy's organization via succession after the death of crime boss/lieutenant Essence of Life

Known Associates:
1. Happy The Tragedy Phantom: Organized Crime Boss and Terrorist Leader. Current whereabouts unknown.
2. Essence of Life: Deceased.
3. Felafaf: Alternate timeline variant, believed to be in hiding in the primary Ash Cycle universe.
4. TV Head AKA Flint: Undead Construct, believed to be in hiding in the primary Ash Cycle universe.
5. Anubis: Pseudonym used by a human mage from an alternate timeline. Current whereabouts unknown, believed to be hiding in the primary Ash Cycle universe.
6. Sapling Sister: Ashtree lifeform, deceased.
7. Centipede: Arthropod monster believed to have been created by Happy The Tragedy Phantom. Critically wounded and presumed deceased.
8. Henry: Undead phantom with abnormal luck. Current whereabouts unknown, believed to be hiding in the primary Ash Cycle universe and abandoned any association with Happy or affiliates.

Criminal Activities:
- Engaged in interdimensional terrorism, utilizing knowledge of dimensional gateways and supernatural abilities to carry out attacks across various cycles of prime Ash Tree Universe
- Involved in organized crime activities including assassinations, and terrorism, destabilization of prime Ash Tree Universe.
- Utilized a combination of supernatural powers and criminal expertise to exert control and influence within Happy's organization.

Current Status:
- Currently detained under maximum security surveillance and incarceration by Dimensional Tribunal forces.
- Await sentencing for involvement in criminal activities related to interdimensional terrorism and organized crime.

Threat Level:
- Classified as high-risk due to supernatural abilities, leadership role within criminal organization, and potential for further acts of terrorism or criminal activity.

- Subject's hybrid nature and affiliation with Happy The Tragedy Phantom suggest a significant threat to dimensional stability and security.
- Further investigation into the subject's background and motivations is recommended to better understand her role within the criminal organization and potential avenues for neutralization.
- Had a black and white pet fish named Daylight, was believed to be immortal before death.
No. 1089034 ID: bdef32
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No. 1089061 ID: b678a9

Incorrect. Please stick with the facts.

You did not have any such relationship with Essence of Life. Your relationship was more seen as maternal, you were more like a daughter and apprentice to Essence. You acted like her daughter despite your age, even keeping up the charade by reading you bedtime stories. If Happy was your father, she was the maternal figure you had filling in the role of Mother/Older Sister.
No. 1089844 ID: d37872
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No. 1089913 ID: 047965

Inner thoughts: Now we're getting somewhere, let's start small begin building that rapport.

*Corax politely bows to Empath*
Thank you Practical Empath, I will take things from here, if you would please just watch over her with me for the time being.

*Corax waits for Empath to move out of the chair before he takes a seat*
The funny thing is with "good" and evil" is that evil is not actually the opposite of good. It's what we call another person's notion of good when it differs from ours.

You know it's rather funny, in a tragic kind of way. You and I, we are very much alike in a few certain ways. You stated that you and Essence were the way that Happy "Programmed." That the feelings you felt aren't your own, but rather only what Happy allowed you to feel. I have heard that exact argument from a deceased colleague. That each individual member of my species was "programmed" to feel, behave an act in a specific way. That our memories are false, and that our experiences that we know to be true, are just hollow.

Why do you say you were "programmed" in such a way? You wouldn't be saying that unless on some level you know it's true. How does Happy do that?
No. 1090067 ID: 0f6712
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No. 1090079 ID: 527ee6

*Corax ignores her questions*
Hmm... So it's just good old fashioned grooming and social conditioning.

I ask you this with all sincerity, have you ever had an original thought of your own? As a young... individual, did you even have to think for yourself? Question anything Happy taught you? Were you even allowed to do so?

There is a massive flaw in Happy's logic and I don't know if even you can answer this next question. Happy was the one who MADE you and conditioned you to hate the Tribunal based on how you were born. He made you as something the tribunal would have seen as dangerous and so set your expectations as such. But what kind of father specifically makes his daughter in such a way that they would be BORN to be a target? Was it just not possible for him to make you any other way?

Inner thoughts:The way she is making him seem is little more than a warlord using child soldiers.

I will answer your questions ONLY if you agree to turn evidence and join us against Happy. You can start with this, where is Happy now?
No. 1090080 ID: 292341

Inner thoughts to Peregrine: I know you probably can't answer this given your lack of memories that were removed. But do you know if Happy have the same abilities to do that? Remove whole memories from someone? Secondly, that gap in your memory, you know that your mind has been tampered with but if someone didn't know their mind and memories erased, would there by any trace of it left? Some kind of imprint based on who did it or what was was taken?
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