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1065861 No. 1065861 ID: 681cb5

Wiki and previous threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Scion_of_the_Old_Blood

“Nearly all of the early European settlements circulated stories of a being known as "The Dark Man" that lived in the primordial woods beyond the settlements' borders. Deeply religious and at the same time almost hysterically superstitious, clinging precariously to the edges of an unexplored and therefore terrifying continent, it was only natural for people in those times to project their collective fears onto the unknown. For the predominantly fundamentalist Protestant sects that first colonized the New World, these projections typically were embodiments of the Christian concept of the Devil, while the native population used much baroque names as ‘The Lurker At The Threshold’ ,’The Watcher Beyond The Stars’ or even ‘The Bleeding Eye of The Night’“ – Local Myths of the Miskaton River, ‘The man on the threshold’, page 36.
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No. 1074923 ID: 0b594e

Lob the lantern at his face. He'll probably try to deflect with his weapon, leaving himself open for a strike to the gut or leg with the poker. Try to hit him from the front while running past him, then spin around and hit him in the back or head.
No. 1074924 ID: 8f9bc4

He'll be back? He'll... return? Is—is this Bövel?!
No. 1074929 ID: fe513e

Lay down your weapon, put your hands up and approach him slowly. No need for this to end in bloodshed.

He's just a bit confused when he doesn't get his daily wine.
No. 1074934 ID: e5709d

Now it all makes sense.

Bovel wanted the perfect bloodline to use as his replacement bodies... but that doesn't mean he didn't experiment with different family branches.

Miller is likely a distant relative of the Krakenholme house, like Chris, which means they're both susceptible to possession. Among others.

This isn't just a cult - it's an infestation; an entire genetically-modified sleeper-species waiting for their god to assume direct control.
No holding back. If need be
Kill them all.
No. 1074940 ID: 0b594e

But wait, if we kill Miller will the possession pass to Chris? We should try to just incapacitate him. if we can win this fight without killing him then break his limbs and lock him in the crypt.
No. 1075045 ID: 681cb5
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>He'll be back? He'll... return? Is—is this Bövel?!
While he is clearly inflicted by the same madness, not to mention probably doing the cults bidding right now, this foul mouthed thug doesn’t strike you as some 400 year old warlock that’s cheated death. No, you don’t think this is Bövel himself.

>Lob the lantern at his face. He'll probably try to deflect with his weapon, leaving himself open for a strike to the gut or leg with the poker.
You dropped the lantern at the same time as the coffin, so it’s out of your reach for the moment. Instead, you grab the first big thing in your pocket and throw that instead!

With a loud thud, the puzzle cube hits Richard right between the eyes. He doesn’t even flinch or make a sound, let alone try and block it! Still, it did make his body stumble a bit, leaving you a small opening.

Miller: “You fucking bitch!” he growls, “I’m going to cut off that pretty head of yours and skullfuck you to death!!!”

>Dash to the right to get him to step on the remains of the coffin. He'll have bad footing and likely stumble at some point which will give you an opening to really let him have it.
Taking the opportunity the puzzle box gave you, you lean to the left before dashing to the right, making the wolf fumble a bit as he tries to follow you. It does have the intended effect, as Miller staggers right into the remains of the coffin. But even as a large, rusty nail penetrates his foot straight though he doesn’t even react. Instead, he dashes forwards swinging his pipe widely towards you.

Miller: “I’LL SHOVE THIS PIPE UP YOUR FUCKING ASS, YOU WHORE!” the wolf screams as he raises the pipe to strike, “AND THEN I’M GOING TO FLAY THAT HUSSY HUSBAND OF YOURS!”

But then the damage to his foot makes itself known, as it buckles under his weight and forces him to kneel.
No. 1075046 ID: 681cb5
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>Run past him, then spin around and hit him in the back or head.
You quickly dart around him, dodging his mad flailing, before striking him in the back of his head.


The sound is sickening, as you feel the fire poker crack his skull and slide into the soft flesh beneath it. He tries to talk, but all that comes out is a gurgle…

Yet still, he attempts to get up and attack again.
No. 1075047 ID: 681cb5
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You hit him again! The wolf wheezes and steadies himself with the pipe…


And again! Miller slumps over, his arms and legs twitching.


His blood splatters all over you. He’s completely still now.


The blood is pooling around his head… around his lifeless body…
No. 1075048 ID: 681cb5
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…Richard Miller, the wolf, lays here… lifeless…

…and you’re the one that killed him.
No. 1075049 ID: 681cb5
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You’re on your knees, hurling what little you had inside you. Your whole body shakes… tears streaming down your eyes…


The sound. The sound of his head caving in under your assault. Oh god. You can still hear it! You can still feel it! You killed him! You took his life! YOU BASHED HIS GOD DAMNED HEAD IN, FOR HISSUS SAKE!


…and… what now? What do you do with him now? Just leave him here? Hide him? Tell someone? Oh god, what will you tell the police? OH GOD, WHAT WILL YOU TELL CHRIS!?


...you can still hear his skull cracking open… even now…
No. 1075052 ID: b3eab7

That might not be his skull. Scan your surroundings.
Check where you're walking, too.
No. 1075053 ID: 273c18

That's because IT IS. He's HATCHING. Kill what is coming out, quick!

At some point we're going to have to find out if worm-infested people can be saved, but survival was the most important thing here, and he was the worst off of all the villagers. I wonder why...

Once the Butterfly is dead you can check on the coffin to see what was in it that was so important.
No. 1075055 ID: 8f9bc4

You didn't kill him. He's been dead for—

Oh god you didn't kill him!
No. 1075056 ID: e5709d

Set it on fire.
No. 1075080 ID: 0b594e

Deep breaths, stay calm. Do not look at the body, but retrieve the poker and the puzzle cube and get away from Miller. Turn and look once you are a safe distance.
No. 1075186 ID: 83834d

Murderer! Killer! Did it feel good ending his existance?

What will happen to his poor old mother now? A nearly blind old wolf who only had her dear son to take care of her. How tragic.

I do hope you enjoyed taking his life. Savor it. You'll get a taste for it soon enough.
No. 1075217 ID: 681cb5
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>Deep breaths, stay calm. Do not look at the body, but retrieve the poker and the puzzle cube and get away from Miller.
After taking a few deep breathes, you manage to stand up again on wobbly legs. Making sure not to look at the corpse, you grab the box, the poker and lantern as you stumble away from the carcass. You… you just need some time… and air… you just… just need to get away… god, you can still hear his body break beneath your swings…
>Set him on fire.
How? You don’t have anything to start a fire with?
>Check on the coffin to see what was in it that was so important.
You glanced at it as you left… and apart from the wood and bones, you saw some kind of ornamental box. It looked important… but… you need a moment…

>That might not be his skull. Scan your surroundings.
It’s hard to see, but glancing around you can’t spot anything moving… in fact, there doesn’t seem to be any animal life around at all…
>That's because IT IS. He's HATCHING. Kill what is coming out, quick!
He’s… what? You turn around… to witness the wonder of birth.
No. 1075218 ID: 681cb5
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...the body contorts in unnatural ways; bones snapping as more and more limbs grow out from it. As he metamorphoses, his desperate gurgling and painful screaming combines into a soothing song. A song that remind you of home… and newly baked bread. Swaying its head around, it takes a second for it to find you… but when it does, it goes down in a low stance, as if ready to pounce. Richard Miller is hatching… and it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever witnesses… you can’t look away. You… you want to become a butterfly too…

Strange Flute
Puzzle Box
Old Photo album
Oil lamp
Your Wedding ring 
Fire poker (For defense)
Pocket Flask of strong Whiskey

[Current objectives:]
Hatch, and become a beautiful butterfly.
No. 1075222 ID: 273c18

So much for interrupting the magical girl transformation. We're in a lot of trouble now...

Well, I think with all those limbs it'll have trouble making turns, too clumsy. So make sure you have your poker, put your glasses back on, and bait it into a charge that you can dodge. Then while it's reorienting you strike. Aim for limbs at first since they'll get in the way of your strikes anyway, and then I guess once it's having a lot of trouble moving you can start hitting it in various places to see what's most vulnerable.
No. 1075228 ID: 8f9bc4

go home

bake some bread
No. 1075240 ID: 15a025

[Equip] Glasses
[Equip] Fire Poker

Know this, Miller's body itself is probably dead. Blunt force like last time isn't going to work, we have to kill whatever is inside him. I'd almost suggest playing the flute if you have a moment, though we don't know the right tune or vibrations to get it to work right yet.
No. 1075261 ID: e5709d

>You don't have anything to start a fire with
Well, use the damn oil lantern on him anyway!

Then Flute for Bjorn, skipping and piping like a classic 1940s Hissusanity Cartoon.
No. 1075271 ID: 273c18

If the oil lantern lights up then it has fire in it doesn't it?
No. 1075277 ID: 0b594e

If it is so clumsy as to charge in an easily sidestepped way, then we should try to bait into entering the Crypt. Then we can lock it inside.

Our mind seems compromised, maybe we should take a swig of that alcohol, or would that make it worse?
No. 1075623 ID: 530277

Watch as this thug becomes something far greater than the sack of skin and bones. Do you not wish to join him in paradise?

All you have to do is partake in the wine, the one harvested under the moon light. It will let you be reborn as their child.
No. 1075655 ID: 681cb5
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>Go home. Bake some bread.
…the sun shining through your parents kitchen window... the smell of your daddies cookies in the oven… and the reassuring sound of your mother working in the yard with her tools. God, you wish you were there… in fact, you wish you were anywhere else but here…
>Know this, Miller's body itself is probably dead. Blunt force like last time isn't going to work, we have to kill whatever is inside him.
Does it matter if that thing is Richard Miller or not by this point? It’s… not an anthro anymore, is it?

>I'd almost suggest playing the flute if you have a moment.
As you slowly start stumbling backwards away from it, you try and use the flute. But no matter how hard you blow or which holes you cover up, it doesn’t produce a sound… nor does the creature react.
>If the oil lantern lights up then it has fire in it doesn't it?
Right as it’s about to bounce, you throw the still lit lantern at it, hoping it will catch fire. But it just catches it with ease, even as it’s flying through the air towards you.

>Well, I think with all those limbs it'll have trouble making turns, too clumsy. So make sure you have your poker, put your glasses back on, and bait it into a charge that you can dodge.
As the monster barrels down towards you, you try your best to dodge out of the way, jumping behind a tree as it’s near. But all those arms don’t slow it down… nor make it clumsy. In fact, it moves faster than any creature you’ve ever seen before… and it practically ignores the tombstones, trees and other obstacles between you and it. Almost flowing over it like a wave of water, as if it wasn’t fully of this world.
No. 1075656 ID: 681cb5
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It pins you onto the ground, its many limbs keeping both your arms and legs clamped in place. You try and struggle, but it’s in vain. This thing is far stronger than you… and heavier. It’s massive frame crushing you beneath it, making it hard to breathe as it pushes you down. It grabs your face and licks it, each finger on its long tongue stroking your snout as it passes by… and then it open its finger filled maw and descends towards you.

The last thing you feel is its fetid breath before it consumes you…

You have d-

No. 1075657 ID: 681cb5
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A loud band echoes through the graveyard, making the monster freeze. At first you can only watch in confusion as the ball of limbs and fingers tries to crawl away from you, but then you spot the massive wound in its head. But before you can figure out what just happen, another large blast is heard… and the creature falls lifeless to the ground.
No. 1075658 ID: 681cb5
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Chris: “Get your dirty paws off my wife!” Chris yells as he reloads the hunting rifle, “You son of a lady wolf!”

[Current objectives:]
Open the puzzle box. (Josephine might be able to break it open. Was bought from Bernard.)
What’s up with the strange flute? Music is important for the rituals?
Repair the telescope… and learn the true name of the red star.
Find the tower of light.
Figure out what 13b650 means.
Find a house of flesh and gore, where the beast sleeps, and retrieve something important from there.
Let Bövel sacrifice Crowmoor
Stop the blessed event.

Strange Flute
Puzzle Box
Old Photo album
Oil lamp
Your Wedding ring 
Fire poker (For defense)
Pocket Flask of strong Whiskey
No. 1075679 ID: 3ea497

Get up so Chris shoot the monster more.

After that, hold him close and go inside the crypt, close the door behind you and talk about the things both of you figured out.
No. 1075686 ID: 273c18

He's still sane after all!? If he was taken over then he would have let you die. Unless... they need you for something. I hope we made the right choice with the amulet.

Go kiss your husband. Tell him what you've learned, ask him what he's been up to, and then recover the object from the coffin.
No. 1075698 ID: 8f9bc4

No. 1075701 ID: eb7ce4

well considering he saved us, i guess that means he isnt gonna kill us

unless if hes possessed and he wants us alive oh no
No. 1075706 ID: 0b594e

Hold him and never let go
No. 1075719 ID: e5709d

Now you have enough time to find some oil and set the beast on fire so its corpse doesn't spawn even more vermin.

...Hm. If only this wasn't an eldritch parasite hell-bent on warping the world to satisfy its god. The replacement limb business would make you trillionaires. World comes first.
No. 1075831 ID: 15a025

Do everything you can to toss that thing off you before something else happens with this thing.
No. 1075857 ID: 110359

First you murder an innocent wolf and now a newborn babe? You truly are a monster, Fox. Just like the rest of your kind.

To think, they had their whole life ahead of them before you so carelessly ripped it away.
No. 1076131 ID: 681cb5
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Wriggling yourself out from under the creature proves surprisingly easy, as its body falls apart as you struggle against it. Two of its limbs fall off as you push it aside, gushing out purple blood filled with… twisting white things. You quickly move yourself away from that… monster. A third shoot echo out over the forest as Chris puts another bullet into it, just to be sure.

>Hold him and never let go.
Belle: “CHRIS!” you yell as you run up and hug him, “Thank god you’re here!”
Chris: “Seems like I got here just in time, love.” the rabbit smirks as he embraces you back, “Are you alright?”
Belle: “Just a bit shaken, nothing more.” pressing his head against your chest you whisper, “I love you.”
Chris: “I love you to, bluebell.” he whispers back, “I love you too…”

>Ask him what he's been up to, then tell him what you've learned.
Chris: “Oh, I’ve been trying to find a car… or a boat.” he tries to get out of the hug, but you just hug him harder, “So we can leave this cursed place, you know.” The rabbit takes a moment to look behind you, at the creature, “Which, after seeing that thing… whatever it was, is even more of a priority!”
Belle: “That’s… that’s a good idea actually.” you say as you stroke his head, “To just leave. Just leave this place behind and never come back.”
Chris: “But I’ve found out that it won’t work. There’s this mist that surrounds the whole town and… well, its supernatural?” Chris shakes his head, “It will choke you to death if you enter it, even if you’re in a car. Not that it matters, as this forsaken place doesn’t seem to have any in the first place!” that last part is spoken so harsh that some spittle leaves his snout, “Apparently, there’s supposed to be some kind of tool that can dismiss it? But I’ve had no luck finding what it is…” he closes his eyes and sigh, “Oh, I’ve done some reading as well. I left a few books from the library inside, if you want to take a look. I kind of… um… threw them onto the floor when I saw you through the window out here.” The rabbit then look up at you, “What about you? What have you been up to?”
Belle: “Well…”
Chris: “Oh, and you can let me go now…”
Belle: “No.”
No. 1076132 ID: 681cb5
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You start telling him everything you’ve been through the last two days, but as soon as you mention the amulet he lets go of you and takes a step back.

Chris: “You have the amulet!?” he asks, “Quick, give it here!”
Belle: “Um…” scratching the back of your head, you sheepishly say, “I don’t have it anymore?”
Chris: “What?” the rabbit is clearly agitated, “Then, where is it?”
Belle: “I gave it to Sophia Corbin.” When you see his confusion, you clarify, “The old crow?”
Chris: “WHAT!?” Chris yells, spittle flying from his mouth, “YOU FOOL! HOW SHOULD YOU-”

The rabbit stops himself, put his hand over his face and takes a deep breath…

Chris: “I’m sorry, Bluebell, but…” he moves his hand a bit and look you in the eyes, “It’s just… we need that amulet… and that old hobo is part of the cult! She must have tricked you!” the rabbit lets out a defeated sigh, “Dammit, I need to find her and quick…” before turning around and taking a few steps towards the mansion, “But where can she be hiding…?”
No. 1076133 ID: 681cb5
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>He's still sane after all!? If he was possessed then he would have let you die. Unless...
…you don’t know. Your hubby isn’t acting right… he feels wrong… but maybe he’s just stressed? He just shot and killed a monster attacking you, so of course he wouldn’t be his happy self, would he? Or… is there something more sinister going on? …can he be trusted?
>I hope we made the right choice with the amulet.
You hope so too…

>Recover the object from the coffin.
Among the bones and rotten wood, there’s a small box. It looks pristine, even though it should have spent years down in that sodden hollow. Painted in a faded purple and blue, intricate carvings surround the outside of it and several brass details can be seen. One carving even depicts a star filled sky... with a massive red moon as its centerpiece. Hmm, there’s even a hole for something to fit in it?

Opening it up, you quickly deduce that it’s an old music box. There is one of those brass tubes inside with holes in it, with the hole you saw earlier probably being where the key for winding it up should be. Of course, seeing as you don’t have the key, you can’t really play it. There’s also something carved into the inside of the lid.

“May my song always soothe your soul, my beloved bear… -Your loving mother, Anna.”

…you pocket it without showing it to Chris…
No. 1076134 ID: 681cb5
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>Now you have enough time to find some oil and set the beast on fire so its corpse doesn't spawn even more vermin.
Belle: “Chris?” the rabbit jumps as you yell his name, as if he was lost in thought, “Should we really just leave that thing here?” you point over your shoulder, “Maybe we can burn it?”
Chris: “…that might be a good idea, yeah.” he says in an oddly serene voice, before turning around, “I’ll go get some oil if you… err…”

You turn around to see what the rabbit is looking at. It’s a massive murder of crows. Tearing apart the corpse of the monster. Gorging on its flesh in a frenzy. One of them caws as they see you looking and lifts its wings.
No. 1076135 ID: 681cb5
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And as on command, all of them takes off in every direction and disappear into the sky, leaving only a pile of clothes behind. Wait, there’s something else… small, white worms are wriggling among the fabrics. They look like small twitching fingers, which are drying up in the sun and dying. After a few seconds all of them are still, only hollow shells remaining. Is it… dead?

Chris: “…I guess this means we don’t need to burn it?” he sighs, “Come on love, let’s get out of here before any more shows up! I need to get more ammo anyway.”

Chris starts to walk away, back towards the house…

[Current objectives:]
Open the puzzle box. (Josephine might be able to break it open. Was bought from Bernard.)
What’s up with the strange flute? Music is important for the rituals?
Repair the telescope… and learn the true name of the red star.
Find the tower of light and figure out what 13b650 means.
Find a house of flesh and gore, where the beast sleeps, and retrieve something important from there.
Stop the blessed event and defeat Bövel.

Strange Flute
Puzzle Box
Music Box
Old Photo album
Oil lamp
Your Wedding ring 
Fire poker (For defense)
Chris’s rifle (to blow his brains out with)
Pocket Flask of strong Whiskey
No. 1076151 ID: 8f9bc4

Is Chris really acting strange? He's always looked for ways to undermine your ideas or make you feel like you've made the wrong decisions in life. He'd probably have found some fault in your choice whether or not you gave the amulet away. Perhaps he's just in a sour mood, due to abomination killing.

You have a song, at least. You need to find some way to wind the music box, but the winding mechanism seems to be missing.

Make a mental note: the crows are not your enemy. That doesn't mean they're your friends, but they're hunting the worms that lure you in with otherworldly delights. What does that mean for the rabbit daughters of Bövel, the Coven of Crows?

Don't show him the flute.
No. 1076203 ID: 273c18

>he's always [acted that way]
We don't have data from before we arrived. It's quite possible that he started to go mad the instant we stepped into town.
...did we even tell Chris about the amulet? I thought it was meant to be a surprise. In addition, his story about seeing us through the window is suspect, because we were just in the mansion. In order for him to be there and looking through books he would have had to have arrived almost immediately after we left.

Oh well, act like an obedient wife for now.
No. 1076384 ID: 0b594e

We should start thinking about ways to incapacitate Chris without hurting him, as it seems the fell Bovel influence is getting to him.

If josephine can open the puzzle box without breaking it then maybe she could get the music box to work without its key. We should also check if she knows about a tower of light or house of flesh and gore.
No. 1076394 ID: 124485

>...did we even tell Chris about the amulet?
Told him about it right here: >>1076132 .
No. 1076396 ID: 273c18

Yeah, but the instant we mentioned the amulet, before we got a chance to say what it does, he interrupted. It could be extremely suspicious depending on the context.
No. 1076409 ID: bbf1c0

He is a liar.

Do not trust him.
No. 1076474 ID: 15a025

Follow Chris for now, but we should definitely get with Josephine as soon as possible. Share what has occurred tonight with her.
No. 1076805 ID: 681cb5
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>Is Chris really acting strange? He's always looked for ways to undermine your ideas or make you feel like you've made the wrong decisions in life.
What? No! He’s always been supportive and… and caring and… he just though you were a bit stressed, that’s all… and now, he’s probably shaken after all this. You sure are.
>It's quite possible that he started to go mad the instant we stepped into town.
… … …you remember thinking that he was a bit… a bit too enthusiastic about moving here. Is it possible that he’s been possessed even before you came here? That something has been slowly taking him over?
>...did we even tell Chris about the amulet?
No. No we did not. How did he…?
>Don't show him the flute.
…you decide to keep the flute to yourself, for now.
>We should start thinking about ways to incapacitate Chris without hurting him, as it seems the fell Bovel influence is getting to him.
You’ve always been stronger than him… and a lot bigger. He doesn’t stand a chance if you just grab him and… you don’t know; tie him up with a rope?

>Follow Chris for now.
You start to follow Chris towards the mansion…

Chris: “Belle?”
Belle: “…what is on your mind, Chris?”
Chris: “This place…” he looks down at the rifle he’s carrying, “This place is starting to get to me. I can’t help but feel like something dangerous is lurking behind every corner.”
Belle: “Love, I know that feeling…”
Chris: “Part of me wants to just…” the rabbit waves in the air, “I don’t know, just find a safe spot and camp out? Until the car is repaired and the mist is gone so we can leave?”
Belle: “While I would love nothing more, hun…” you sigh heavily, “I don’t think that’s an option.”
Chris: “It’s just… it’s too much.” Chris takes a deep breath, “And I can’t help but feel like it’s all my fault that we’re in this mess!”
Belle: “…Chris?” You lift up your hand and grab his, guiding it so that the two of you are pressing your palms together, before softly whispering, “Let these rings make us whole…”
Chris: With a warm smile, he whisper back, “Let these rings show our eternal love for each other…” The very same words the two of you said to each other on your wedding day… the greatest day of your life…
Belle: You let your fingers slip between his and squeezes the rabbits hand, “No matter what, these rings will always keep us together, Sunflower, even if where miles away from each other.”
Chris: “…thank you, Bluebell”
No. 1076806 ID: 681cb5
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>Make a mental note: the crows are not your enemy. That doesn't mean they're your friends.
Crows… what is it with the crows? First at Daniel Brerewood the broker, then at the library and now here? Are they following you around? Even the names are crows! Crowmoor! The Crow Nest! Even Kråkholme means crow in some godforsaken language! And what does that mean for the hare daughters of Bövel, the Coven of Crows? Ugh, crows… you’re starting to hate those birds…

As you enter the mansion, Chris excuses himself for a moment and goes into the living room to “Get more ammo”. Apparently, there was a hidden weapons locker behind one of the curtains you never found…

>Chris story about seeing us through the window is suspect, because we were just in the mansion.
As you enter the kitchen, you quickly find a pile of books and papers strewn across the floor, as if someone dropped them in a hurry. Looking out the window, you can even see the crypt hidden behind the trees, barely visible. So he was speaking the truth about this, at least…

Collecting everything on the table you quickly notice something. These books… they are the exact same as the one you read at the library. Did he… did he ask for the books you’d… no, he probably asked for the same subjects as you did. About Kråkholme… and Crowmoor. You shake your head a bit and move your focus to the papers instead. Most of them are either old documents you can’t really make head or tails of, or old paper clippings.

”INFAMOUS MYSTIC BUYS EMERIK. K PAINTING FOR 1000£” one of them says, implying that one of those horrid paintings has been bought by some madwoman in England. Not really relevant, but still…

Then there’s a bunch of articles about missing children. ”MISSING!” and ”HAVE YOU SEEN ME?” followed by ”SUSPECT KIDNAPPING” are printed on far too many pages. Hopefully they found their back home… though the next article doesn’t give you hope.


Then, an old photostatic copy of an even older document catches your eye... a notation at the bottom dates it at the end of the 18th century. It reads:

that, through the Generositie and Enterprise of the Hon. Goodman Sigmund Kråkholme, the Crowmoor Slaughterhouse shall be Rebuilt, even upon the Ashes of the Olde which was Tragically Burnt; and

that, upon its Newe Christening, there shall Arise a Sore Need for Men of Able Bodie and Industrious Bent to Work therein, to render flesh and gore from beast and animal; and

that the Hon. Goodman Sigmund Kråkholme is thereby holding a General Call for Employment, and any Honest Man of Working Age is Encouraged to Apply. Cometh to the gates of the Slaughterhouse on Church Street, right across the old chapel.

>You need to find some way to wind the music box, but the winding mechanism seems to be missing.
It is clear that it’s missing a key to wind it with… but where would it be? Who would even know where it might be?
>We should definitely get with Josephine as soon as possible.
Right. The Puzzle Box. The question is, will you take the box to Josephine Rebis, the bat anthropologist, or Bernard Samson, who sold the box in the first place? Who is more likely to be able to actually open it? Of course, if you are planning on visiting Josephine, you’ll need to find a way for her to get some books from the library… books that you’re currently have in front of you as you’re asking yourself this. Huh, you guess Chris solved that problem for you?

Chris: “Drat, there wasn’t much ammo left, but it will have to do.” As he enters the room, Chris reloads the rifle before hanging it off his back. “I’m going to be honest, I’m running out of ideas on what to do… but I know for a fact I can count on you to come up with something, Belle.” The rabbit smiles at you and gives you a wink, “So, Bluebell, what’s the plan? Where are we going? Whose ass are we kicking?”

…oh, and are you taking Chris with you?
No. 1076809 ID: 273c18

Where? Find out where. We need to go there.
No. 1076811 ID: 8f9bc4

If nothing else, it's important you warn Josephine not to wander into the mist. She's an outsider like you are, with no way to know how deadly it is.

I still say the house of flesh and gore has to be the Crowmoor Slaughterhouse, even though it burned down. Maybe it did't?

On the other hand the house you live in has acted like a living thing, and like a rotting corpse, and a certain blue eyed beast has indeed slept there. But what important thing would there be to retrieve from it, that you haven't already?
No. 1076905 ID: de5cb4

We should take the books to Josephine, and she might be interested to talk to Chris.
Lets get that box opened!
No. 1076929 ID: 8f9bc4

You know uhh... the box kind of contains this lens that's uh... absolutely essential to the summoning of this abominable starbeing. The box that Edward was bragging could not be opened by mortal means? That it would foul up Bövel's plans since Edward locked the lens up in there?

Why is she opening the box again?
No. 1077077 ID: 15a025

Yeah that is a pretty important point there. Let's hold off on opening the box for now. Still we need to get to Josephine, and maybe if Chris came along the three of us could exchange all we know so far.
No. 1077450 ID: 681cb5
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>Where? Find out where they found the bones. We need to go there.
It just says they were located in the woods, about an hour from Arkham in the direction of the Atlantic. That would put is near Crowmoor, but there’s a lot of woods around here, aren’t there?
>I still say the house of flesh and gore has to be the Crowmoor Slaughterhouse, even though it burned down. Maybe it didn’t?
They’ve already rebuilt it once, why wouldn’t they again? Where even is the slaughter house? You haven’t seen it in town… and that pamphlet mentioned the church, but there’s just a bunch of forest around that road. The very same forest where you saw Björn… brrr…

>We should take the books to Josephine, and she might be interested to talk to Chris.
Where did she say she where staying again? Beyond the old mill, just outside the town? As you and your husband briskly walks through the town, you find it completely deserted. This, combined with the light mist still hanging in the air, give the whole place an ethereal feel. Only the cawing of the crows breaks the illusion of the dream.
Chris: “So, this Josephine… a friend of yours?” your hubby asks as he’s carrying one of the books, “Most people doesn’t hand over library books to strangers, do they?”
Belle: “Oh, we just met today.” you tell him with a smile, “She promised to help me with something. You’ll like her, don’t worry.”
Chris: “That’s not what I’m worried about, Bluebell…”

Beyond the old mill you find the literal edge of the town, as there’s suddenly a wall of trees cutting off the path forward. Even the road goes from cobble stones to mud and dirt from one step to the other. It feels like you’re stepping between two different worlds. As the two of you make your way down the dirt road, you quickly spot a small camp. A car, some boxes and a tent is spread around a small glade among the trees, and in the middle of it, a familiar bat is examining a strangely shaped rock.
No. 1077451 ID: 681cb5
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Josephine: “Ah, Belle.” the bat nods at you, “I see you’ve found the books.” she then move her attention towards Chris, “And I assume this is your husband?”
Belle: “Josephine! So good to see you again!” you wave at her with a smile, “And yes, this is Chris. Chris Knott.”
Chris: “Wow…” the rabbit mutters as he looks up at the bat, “You’re really tall…”
Josephine: “And you are rather short.” she retort while putting away her tools, “Josephine Rebis. Anthropologist.”
Chris: “Rebis you say?” Chris rubs his chin, “As in, Joseph Rebis, the German archeologist?”
Josephine: “That would be my father yes.” Josephine turns her back to the both of you as she puts the books away, “And while he wasn’t born here, he was American, just like me.”
Chris: “I used to read about him in the Science World magazine.” the rabbit chirps happily, “Though, I haven’t seen anything about him in a while.”
Josephine: “He disappeared in Egypt four years ago.” she states matter of factly.
Chris: “Oh” he rubs the back of his head awkwardly, “Sorry.”
Josephine: “Don’t mention it.”
Belle: “Well, it’s good you two are getting along.”

>it's important you warn Josephine not to wander into the mist.
Josephine: “The mist?” she raises and eyebrow, “Don’t worry, my tent is insulated against such things.” The bat then glances towards her Jeep, “My car, on the other hand, wasn’t able to handle the moister. Hopefully I’ll get it running again when I’m ready to leave.”
Belle: “There are other dangers in the wood, though.”
Josephine: “Other dangers?” you didn’t know someone should raise their eyebrow that far, “I’m sure my gun can handle most of those, Belle.”

>Lets get that box opened!
Josephine: “Ah, yes, the cube.” Josephine states as she makes room on the table next to her, “I did promise I would open it. Just give it to me and I’ll see what I can do.”
Chris: “Oh!” meanwhile, your husband is hopping giddily at your side, “I’m curious what’s inside it! I’ve been wondering ever since you found it!”
Belle: “Yeah… me too…”
Chris: “Come on, Belle.” Chris says as he tugs your pants leg, “Hand it over!”

>You know uhh... the box kind of contains this lens that's uh... absolutely essential to the summoning of this abominable starbeing. The box that Edward was bragging could not be opened by mortal means? That it would foul up Bövel's plans since Edward locked the lens up in there?
Belle: “I…” with cube in hand, you hesitate, “I’m not sure we should open it, actually.”
Chris: “Huh?” the Rabbit looks at you in confusion, “Aren’t you curious to see what’s inside?”
Josephine: “Why not?”
Belle: “Well…” you look the bat in the eyes, “There might be some bad people who want to get their hands on what’s inside it.”
Josephine: “And you think a small wooden box will stop them?” once again, she raises that eyebrow of hers, “I’m sure they can just pry it open, or just smash it, if they really want what’s inside it.”
Chris: “And aren’t you curious?” your husband says, “There must be something important inside, after all!”
Belle: “Well…” you rub one of your shoulders, “Maybe...”
Josephine: “So, what will it be?” the bat asks as she picks up a tool, “Do you require my aid or not?”

…Do you open the puzzle cube?
No. 1077453 ID: 8f9bc4

OK the lens is fragile so they can't just smash the box. Someone besides Josephine *might* be able to open it, but that's limited to only the people in this town. Unfortunately you've played your hand already, and Chris will be suspiciousdisappointed if you change your mind on opening it.

Tell her you want to show her the literature you've acquired, which might give her more of a clue what's going on here, and possibly warn her away from opening the box. Also if you can get a word to her in private, tell her that you may have a surreptitious way to get into the library, tonight after dark.

You can't emphasize how important it is that she be inside her insulated tent should that mist ever return. She won't believe you, but you have to warn her.
No. 1077543 ID: 43ebe5

Open it, and behold inevitable!

It is too late for you to stop it!
No. 1077546 ID: b3eab7

Heh, if it's the lens, you still have the option to smash it yourself afterwards.
No. 1077621 ID: 15a025

Hm, fair point. If it is the lens, we should certainly try to all get on the same page about that telescope and this ritual. Chris and Josephine may be able to shed some more light on it for us.
No. 1077716 ID: 681cb5
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>Tell her you want to show her the literature you've acquired, which might give her more of a clue what's going on here, and possibly warn her away from opening the box.
Josephine: “While I am grateful, I rather take my time with them if possible.” She glances over at your husband, whose still bouncing on his feet, “And something tells me neither of you are inclined to watch my rigorous note taking and hour long contemplation of the material.”
Belle: “Well… true… but still, there are things you need to know.” Taking a moment to find the words, you continue, “See, there’s this cult… um…”
Josephine: “Ah, yes, cults.” the bat picks up some kind of tool from the table, “I do have a lot of experience with the subject. Seeing as you’re clearly worried, we’re not dealing with the most common one, the one made out of fools playing pretend to have something to do on the weekends.” She looks up into the sky for a bit, scratching her ear with her newly acquired tool, “Then the question is… are they simply power hungry and using the religious dogma to their own ends, or are they deranged lunatics with delusions of otherworldly powers?”
Belle: “They are deranged lunatics with actual otherworldly powers!” you tell her matter of factly while crossing your arms, “And they are planning on doing some kind of ritual that might end the world! With the help of whatever is in that cube!” she gives you a look, “I think.” You can’t help to break eye contact with her and rub the backside of your head, “Possibly?”
Josephine: “…” she stares at you for a long time before raising an eyebrow, “It is clear you’re either mad or trying to trick me.” Josephine then gesture towards the pile of books, “But you brought me these so I will at least humor you, Belle.” Turning the cube around in her hand, examining it, she continue, “Now, if they are as powerful as you fear, why is this object still in this cube? A wooden box isn’t going to stop anyone… not to mention, you’re clearly not some action hero who can fight off a whole cult hunting you.” She gives the cube a tap with her metal tool, “And if it is that important to them, why not just destroy it? Throw it in the sea, smash it with a hammer or burn it to ash.” She looks at you with disappointment, “No, your story doesn’t add up, Belle.”
Belle: “I… um…” you stammer in response, “It might be fragile… so smashing the box might just break what’s inside as well? Though, I guess I haven’t thought about just smashing the lens myself…”

As you’re pondering your next course of action, you hear a soft click. Turning around towards Josephine, you watch as she gently uses a thin, metal tool to pull off a piece of the cube from the wooden frame it was fastened on. Before you can even utter a word, she has disassembled a whole corner of the box, opening it to the world.

Belle: “Did… did you just open it?
Josephine: “Yes.”
Belle: “But what if there’s something dangerous in there?”
Josephine: “The cube can be reassembled.”
Belle: “I mean, that’s not…” the bat gives you another look, “ugh, fine, it’s open…”
Chris: “So, what’s inside it?” Chris voice suddenly pipes up, “Is it a lens?”
Josephine: “I am unsure… ” she pulls out a strange, black object from the box, “Whatever it is, it doesn’t look like a lens. Here.”

She hands you a strange looking disc. It is rather warm to the touch and feels as almost like it’s made out of some kind of leather, not at all being as solid and rigid as the glass you expected. As you look through it, you see all kind of colors spiraling into its center, even distorting the woods behind it into a shapeless mass of hues. There’s also small dots of lights, they to in a spiral shape. While this isn’t what you predicted, it does have the right size and form to fit in the telescope you found.
…wait, now you remember… it feels like skin. Furless skin. Anthro skin. Your skin crawls form just touching it.
No. 1077717 ID: 681cb5
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>If you can get a word to her in private, tell her that you may have a surreptitious way to get into the library, tonight after dark.
Josephine: “Belle, I asked you to get me some books.” Once again, you’re bombarded by her disappointment in you, “Not break into a state building.”
>You can't emphasize how important it is that she be inside her insulated tent should that mist ever return.
Josephine: “Yes, yes, I know. I know someone who died from staying out in a mist like this.” she looks up from the cube, “She got pneumonia.”

>We should certainly try to all get on the same page about that telescope and this ritual. Chris and Josephine may be able to shed some more light on it for us.
Josephine: “So the founder of the town, Bövel, started a cult.” Josephine says as if talking about the weather, “And said cult believes he still leads them by coming back from the dead.” Her voice still stoic as ever, “And now they want to end the world for some unspecified reason?”
Chris: “You don’t seem very surprised.” your husband says, “Or even slightly concerned.”
Josephine: “Crowmoor has been isolated for a long time. The bridge on the main road here wasn’t built until the 50s. Before that you’d have to take the long way around.” The bat gesture into the air, “Of course there would be inbreeding and superstitions. It is a given at a location like this.”
Belle: “The why doesn’t really matter.” you sigh, “The question is what we should do about it.”
Chris: “I still vote we get out of here.” the rabbit says confidently, “Maybe we can get Josephine’s car working again?”
Josephine: “I still have a lot of research to do.” she points towards the odd stone she was examining when the two of you arrived, “Found this old carving being used as a cobble stone, for example. So surely there are others to find as well.” Taking a moment to flip through her notes, she explains, “This place was a haven for smugglers in the 20s. There was even a rumor that they used a complex cave system to smuggle the booze through the nearby area. My theory is that that cave system existed long before the first settlers even arrived. I would like to find it before leaving.”
Belle: “I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where the cult hangs out…” you put your face in your hands, “This is just getting better and better…”
Josephine: “Oh, but I’ve not yet mentioned the grand price. The Misquat tribe’s graveyard should be around here somewhere. Here…” she taps a piece of paper on the table, “This symbol means burial ground. If you find it carved into some rock or house brick, let me know.” The symbol reminds you of something, but you’re not sure what. “Or you can just follow them yourself and see if they actually lead anywhere.” she shrugs, “I do have a theory that the old mansion was built on it, but I’ve yet found any real evidence on its location. Other than it being in the area, that is.”
Belle: “But what about the ritual? It has something to do with this lens, the lighthouse and tomorrow… but what?”
Chris: “Um, Belle… that thing is clearly too small to be a lens for a lighthouse.” The rabbit rubs his chin, “Actually, now that you mention it, I’m pretty sure I saw someone throw away a few lighthouse lenses right across from O’Mally’s when we arrived in town yesterday.”
Josephine: “The lighthouse? The one on the beach?” the bat looks in the direction of the sea, as if she would be able to see the lighthouse from here, “I’ve seen a lot of material been moved out there, both by hand and truck, since I arrived here two weeks ago. I think they are making some kind of renovations?” she shakes her head, “Not that you can really see it now, as it’s in the center of that massive mist cloud. Almost like that’s where it’s coming from.”

Dammit, you just realized something! The purpose of this lens, at least according to the mad writings, is to learn the true name of that eldritch god the cult is worshipping. Edward probably thought it was needed for the ritual, and thus he hid it away. But… he thought he would end the Kråkholme line completely, ensuring that Bövel would never come back again. Of course Bövel already knows the true name of his god! He’s the one who designed and built that telescope in the first place! The reason why the cult hasn’t been trying to get back this lens is because they don’t need it! Bövel already knows the name!

Chris: “Bluebell?” your husband squeezes your hand, “Are you alright?” You give him a tired smile and a nod. “Then let’s not waste any more time. Let’s… um… what’s the plan again?”
No. 1077726 ID: 273c18

She thinks it's superstition, huh. Tell her about the zombie. Chris will back you up. Also suggest she examines the lens, what does she think it's made out of? It's not glass, it's skin. Lastly, warn her to be careful what books she reads- you found a particularly nasty one that almost drove you mad. You have had first-hand experience with the supernatural after moving here, it's not just stories you've heard from townsfolk.

>the cult doesn't need the lens
Well I guess you don't need it either, then. Not unless you find some way of using the name to banish it.
They're using the lighthouse as part of the ritual? That's new isn't it? I'm guessing this ritual is being performed to summon their god, not just to move Bovel into a new body.
No. 1077737 ID: 8f9bc4

Oh dear, I (you) certainly hadn't considered that the lens might not be a lens, or even needed in the astronomical tower device. You could inform Chris that what they were building was not a lighthouse, so there's no telling what size lens they would need in the apparatus, but he'd probably find a way to make you sound silly regardless.

Maybe don't tell Josephine about eldritch kaballan hand monsters emerging from broken corpses dead by your doing, only to have all the evidence devoured by a sudden swarm of crows. Do tell her you were attacked though, and to be careful of some sort of hemmorhagic illness that's breaking out in this town. A doctor told you it was an infestation of parasitic worms, but she was off her rocker, so you're still on the fence there. Still:
1) the first signs are reddened eyes, aggressive behavior, and then bleeding from the gums or throat
2) the corpse is dangerous even after death
No. 1078719 ID: 6add09

Venture to my observatory and insert the lens into the apparatus.

Behold the inevitable fate of this rotting world and know the name of our new god!

Then you might finally understand the foolishness of your resistance, fox.
No. 1079073 ID: 681cb5
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>She thinks it's superstition, huh.
To be fair, if you didn’t see it with your own eyes you would think it sounded unreal as well.
>I'm guessing this ritual is being performed to summon their god, not just to move Bovel into a new body.
This “Blessed Event” has been in the making since the original Bövel, 400 years ago. Of course it isn’t the ritual to give him a new body. Wait, now that you think about it… how do you know Bövel was even the first one? Maybe this body snatching monster has been doing it for even longer?

>Inform Chris that what they were building was not a lighthouse, so there's no telling what size lens they would need in the apparatus.
Chris: “Huh, you’re right, hun.” his nose twitches, “I didn’t think that far. Of course it doesn’t need the lighthouse parts if it isn’t going to be used as a lighthouse.” Looking into the sky, he thinks back for a moment, “But I’m still sure I saw someone throw away a bunch of large glass lenses right outside O’Mally’s, or at least something similar. Maybe they were throwing away the original parts of the lighthouse?”

>Tell her you were attacked.
Josephine: “A wolf you say?” the bat looks over at you, “There was this gray wolf stumbling around earlier when you went into the library. Black out drunk and rather aggressive.” Picking up a pen and rubbing her chin with it, she continue, “Was screaming something about an old crow, I believe? Why did he attack you?”
Chris: “Wait, that was a wolf!?” Chris pipes up a bit chocked, “I saw some kind of giant spider creature made out of hands and arms!”
Josephine: “…” Josephine raises an eyebrow, “A spider creature, you say?”
Belle: “Um… yes, that’s right…” you say a bit sheepishly, “After I knocked him out, he… transformed. And become some kind of monster?” Honestly, you were hoping to not have to mention the whole hand monster, but here you are… “It’s like a disease, I think? The first signs are blood rimmed eyes and aggressive behavior… followed by bleeding gums.”
Chris: “And when they die, they apparently explode into some kind of monster!” the rabbit makes a gesture with his hands to mimic said explosion, “So even the dead might be dangerous!”
Josephine: “I see…” the bat starts to scribble something in her leather-bound journal, mumbling to herself, “-some sort of hallucinatory reaction. Might explain the odd sign of blood shoot eyes seen among the locals. Possibly coincidence as well.” before throwing you a quick glance and telling you with a really sincere tone, “Belle. You really need to stop watching so many horror movies. Or read horror books. Or whatever it is that makes you this… ah… imaginative.”

>Warn her to be careful what books she reads- you found a particularly nasty one that almost drove you mad.
Josephine: “Oh please, Belle.” a small smile appears on her face, “I’ve read Atlas Shrugged. Nothing can be more maddening than that.”
>Suggest she examines the lens, what does she think it's made out of?
Josephine: “Definitely not glass. Clearly some kind of compound of materials.” bending it a bit, she continues, “The consistency is like a light leather. Yet it is opaque and… bends the light in strange ways.” Finally, she sniff it and gives it a taste, “Is that oil I taste? Possibly some kind of really odd rubber, perhaps?”
Chris: “It reminds me of when I got that nasty wound on my arm. The one where they had to shave away all the fur.” Chris looks over at you, “Remember, Bluebell? It was not long after we first met.”
Belle: “Oh, yes, I do…” you give him a slightly crocked smile, “You got it when you so heroically saved me from that falling ladder.” The rabbit beams proudly as both you and Josephine roll your eyes.

>Well I guess you don't need it either, then. Not unless you find some way of using the name to banish it.
Josephine: “Well, in all those movies the true name of a demon is usually used to banish them back to hell.” Writing something in her book, it’s clear she’s not paying attention to you completely, “So knowing it might help. Probably not, but you never know?”
Chris: “I for one still suggest we just leave.” the rabbit says, trying to catch a glimpse of what the bat is writing, “Just get a car working and drive off.”
Josephine: “The mist is rather thick around town, though.” Either she doesn’t notice Chris, or she doesn’t care that’s he’s watching her write, “I for one will just stay in my camp. As long as no one disturbs me out here I’ll be fine.”
Belle: “I can’t shake this feeling that I… we need to act before it’s too late.” you tell them, “That we’re the only one that can stop something horrible. But first we need to figure out what’s even g-“
Chris: “Wow, is that a sketch of the mansion?” Chris interrupts you, pointing at something in the leather-bound journal, “It’s really neat.”
Josephine: “That’s nothing, little man.” the bat flips a few pages before showing the rabbit something that makes him light up, “How about the town hall, eh?”
Belle: “Are you two even listening to me?” taking a moment to listen to them drone on about proto-roman something or another, followed by pillars and domes, it is clear that they aren’t paying you any attention at all, “*Sigh*, of course not…”

Both Chris and Josephine get completely absorbed by their discussion about architecture, completely forgetting that you’re even there. Picking up the small drawing of the burial grounds symbol Josephine gave you, you realize that it is fully possible that the mansion is built on an old Indian burial ground. Just like the movies. With a sigh, you put it away while trying to figure out your next step. Tomorrow is the last day, so your time is running out. In fact, it is getting dark, so if there is anything more you want to do today, now is the time.

[Current objectives:]
What’s up with the strange flute? Music is important for the rituals?
Use the lens with the telescope… and learn the true name of the red star.
Find the tower of light and figure out what 13b650 means.
Find a house of flesh and gore, where the beast sleeps, and retrieve something important from there.
Where is the slaughterhouse?
Find a way to remove the mist.
Strangle Josephine before she steals your man.
Stop the blessed event and defeat Bövel.

Strange Flute
Strange Lens
Note with the Symbol of Graves
Music Box
Old Photo Album
Oil Lamp
Your Wedding Ring 
Fire Poker
Pocket Flask of Strong Whiskey
No. 1079084 ID: 273c18

Oh, ask her where the slaughterhouse is.
No. 1079085 ID: 8f9bc4

Don't worry about the flute. It's useless until you find the song to play on it.

The slaughterhouse seems like your only lead at this point. Josephine probably wouldn't know, but you need to ask in town where the slaughterhouse was before it burned down.

You could... also use the lens on the telescope in the observatory. I'm not sure what learning the starbeast's name would help with, because this isn't some horror movie like Josephine seems to think. This is real life! But it couldn't hurt?
No. 1079088 ID: 76615e

Should we ask at the library for the previous locations of the slaughter house?
That or we should check out the light house.
No. 1079377 ID: 15a025

Couldn't hurt to show Josephine the flute for a moment. She have heard about that song, or possibly even know it if we're lucky!

Other than that, we gotta find the slaughter house, hopefully she knows something about that as well?
No. 1079491 ID: 790a18

Go to the tower of light, submerged in a sea of mist and fog, and witness the beacon that is calling our savior!

Your time has run out, fox. The darkness hides the last secrets from you, and come dawn you will awaken to your own love's hands around your neck, ending your miserably life.
No. 1079492 ID: eb0a9c

No. 1079504 ID: 681cb5
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>Don't worry about the flute. It's useless until you find the song to play on it.
Still, it was important enough for Edward to hide it together with the puzzle box. Can it somehow be used to help you stop this madness?

>Oh, ask Josephine if she knows where the slaughterhouse is.
Josephine: “No.” she answers quickly before going back to her discussion with Chris. Wait… are they talking about the DnD game you game mastered before moving here? How rude…
>Couldn't hurt to show Josephine the flute for a moment.
Josephine: “That’s an old Misquat ritual flute! And it looks intact!” the bats eyes light up as if she just won the lottery, and she quickly grabs the flute from your hand, “I’ve never seen one of these in the real world, let alone an undamaged example!”
Chris: “You barely looked at it, Josephine!” your hubby cheerfully exclaims, “Yet you know exactly what it was with one glance! That’s impressive!”
Josephine: “This is my field of expertise. Of course I know what I’m talking about.” After taking a minute to look it over, gives the flute a long, drawn out lick, “Hmm, the original ivory is still there, but there’s definitely some kind of mending done on this far later.” Josephine then put the tip of it in her mouth, “Possibly some kind of silver alloy? Clearly not made by the tribe before their extinction, so this must have been repaired by the settlers?”
Chris: “Wow!” Chris claps his paws together, “And you can tell all that from just the taste!?”
Josephine: “Yes.”
Belle: “Can you please stop licking all the ancient artifacts?”
Josephine: “No.”

Belle: “Anything else you can tell us about it?” you say as you watch the bat give it another lick, “Other than its taste, that is.”
Josephine: “According to the lore I’ve uncovered, these flutes where used in conjuncture with some kind of burial ritual.” she doesn’t even look at you as she talks, being completely engrossed by the flute itself, “Supposedly, if you played it in the right way, it would call the ancestors to come back as some kind of…” the bat does a dismissive wave, “…ghostly wave.”
Belle: “Ghostly wave?” you turn you head to the side, “Like… a fog?”
Josephine: “Clearly just superstition. They also mention that if used at a certain ritual site, between two pillars of silver, it would open the door to the afterlife.” she chuckles and shakes her head, “Said pillars would even vibrate as you played the flute. Clearly they were built to react to the sound of the flute in some way.” Josephine puts the flute back in her mouth and blows, but no sounds emerge, “But as you can hear, whatever sound this flute makes is beyond our hearing. A bit like a dog whistle, perhaps.”
Chris: “Wow…” the rabbit rubs his chin, “And do you know where this ritual site is?”
Josephine: “If my sources are correct, I do believe the burial site nearby would be said ritual location.” the bat sighs, “Sadly, as I said before, I have yet to find its exact location.” She then looks in the general direction of where the mansion would be, as if she could see it from here through the cloudy sky, “But I have a theory that the mansion was built on top of it. So, that would be a good spot to start looking if any. Do tell me if you find that symbol I showed you earlier anywhere inside.”
Belle: “We will.” you tell her as she gives you back the flute, still covered in her spit, “Thank you, Josephine.”
Josephine: “Now, if you two will excuse me…” once again, she turns away from you and focus on something else, “I still need to categorize there rocks before nightfall.” Then bat turns around as she says, “Do have a pleasant evening, Chris.” and then with a warm smile and a nod, “Belle”
No. 1079505 ID: 681cb5
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It is far too late for that. The worms are already feasting upon your beautiful mind.

>Should we ask at the library for the previous locations of the slaughter house?
You ask the angler fish librarian about an old map of the town, one made just after 1922, but she just gives you a harsh look. Clearly she didn’t appreciate you running around with the books last time. Just as you’re about to try and persuade her, she spots Chris who just gives her a nod, and suddenly she’s way more helpful.

Looking over the map, the first thing you notice how little the town has changed. Nearly everything is as it is now. It takes a moment, but you do finally find a building marked Slaughter house located in the middle of the woods. Wait, aren’t that the woods right outside the mansion? That’s odd… surely there should be a road to it from… somewhere, right? But if not… how do you get to it? You’d rather not get lost in the woods after dark.

And what are these odds symbols and lines drawn in red? They are clearly added after the map was printed.
No. 1079506 ID: 681cb5
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>We should check out the light house.
A pillar of crimson and ivory emergence from the endless sea of mist, standing proud even as its light is nowhere to be seen. It’s impossible to even see the road with all this fog, let alone the bottom of the lighthouse. In fact, you can’t even see the sea, as the overcast skies combined with the endless, smothering blanked of gloom hide everything from sight. Hmm, you might be able to find your way, if you should only follow the dirt road.

>You could... also use the lens on the telescope in the observatory.
…but is that a good idea? What will happen? What will you even see?

Chris: “You know, Bluebell…” Chris says, his voice slightly shaky as he looks over his shoulder, “It’s getting dark. Maybe we should return to this tomorrow during daylight hours?” he looks back at you, fear in his eyes, “At least, maybe have some dinner before doing anything else? I’m starving…”

Do you…
Venture to the lighthouse through the fog?
Venture into the woods to find the slaughter house?
Use the lens on the telescope?
Take a good night sleep and deal with all this crap tomorrow?
No. 1079515 ID: 8f9bc4

Of course the flute can be used. You just don't know the right way to use it. Stay away from the fog until you do.

Sleep is a tempting prospect. You are so short on time, but staying up will weaken your mind, making it easier for things to influence you. Still, something useful in that house of flesh and gore... it would be nice to have any idea of what to do whatsoever.
No. 1079593 ID: 76615e

The fog is too high risk, we should return to the manor, resupply and plan out the next day.

All the points of interest on the map have unique symbols, except for the manor and river. If it's not too dark yet you should walk along the river bank on the way home, looking for any signs of ruins or other cult stuff.
No. 1079701 ID: 15a025

It'll be dangerous, things do go bump in the night after all. However, I think it might be smart to check out the possible spot for where the slaughter house used to be at.

Chris is right though! Maybe there's a spot in town you can get something to eat before venturing into the woods. Grab something togo as well maybe?
No. 1079993 ID: 6977a9

Wade into the mist and let it engulf you. Let it soothe your pain once and for all.

Or wander into the forest and meet my beloved son. He is dying to make your acquaintance.
No. 1080096 ID: 681cb5
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>Of course the flute can be used. You just don't know the right way to use it. Stay away from the fog until you do.
But where do you learn how to use it? Josephine said something about a gravesite… and haven’t you seen it being used somewhere else? Ugh… why can’t you remember all the details when you need to?

>All the points of interest on the map have unique symbols, except for the manor and river. If it's not too dark yet you should walk along the river bank on the way home, looking for any signs of ruins or other cult stuff.
The two of you stand on the bridge that crosses the river, looking up towards the mansion. Even now, as the sky is draped in grey clouds, you can see the sun slowly sink beyond the horizon, its radiant light faltering beneath the smothering grey sky. It’s kind of beautiful, in a way…

…Chris puts his hands on yours… and the two of you share a quiet moment together, just holding hands and watching the sun set.

Still, there aren’t any ruins or cult hideouts along the river banks, at least not anything obvious. There are wharfs and old fisheries, most of which are built with direct access to the river, and while they have all seen better days, none of them are noticeable abandoned. Hmm, there was something else on the map… a red line connecting all those symbols. Wasn’t that line drawn right here, across the bridge and up the river? Maybe it’s a pipe under the water or… hmm…
No. 1080097 ID: 681cb5
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>It'll be dangerous, things do go bump in the night after all. However, I think it might be smart to check out the possible spot for where the slaughter house used to be at.
The two of you take a quick walk along Church Street, where the road to the slaughter house is supposed to be, as well as keeping an eye out as you wander back towards the mansion, just in case there’s another road into the forest. But no matter how hard you look, you can’t spot even a single sign that there has ever been a road here, or anywhere else in the forest. Surely, the road can’t have been completely overgrown in just 75 years, right? Some of these trees seem ancient, after all!

Either way, you’re not going in there without daylight. It’s creepy enough as it is…
No. 1080098 ID: 681cb5
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>We should return to the manor, resupply and plan out the next day.
Chris: “Just sit down and take it easy, Bluebell.” Chris cheerfully tells you as he leaves for the kitchen, “I’ll make us some dinner.” Sitting down, you take a deep breath and relax a bit, your shoulder finally lowering a bit as a calm washes over you. Then a loud crash drags you kicking and screaming back to reality, “Ah, fiddlesticks!”
Belle: “Are you alright?” you yell, concerned about your hubby, “What happened?”
Chris: “Oh, I just dropped a glass, don’t worry.” the rabbit yells back, a slight tinge of worry in his voice, “I’ll clean it up. You just relax, Belle.”
Belle: “Yeah… maybe I should…” you rub your forehead, “Ugh, I’m getting a headache…”

>It would be nice to have any idea of what to do whatsoever.
You need to think, reorganize your thoughts and figure all this out. Tomorrow, something really bad will happen, a blessed event, and you need to stop it. But how? And when? Where? You need more information. Both the slaughter house and the lighthouse are being used by the cult, so there’s bound to be more information there…

Then there’s the gravesite Josephine was talking about. Is the mansion really built on an old Indian burial ground? And can the flute really control the mist? Not to mention, that lens… do you even want to use it?

And it feels like you’ve forgotten something. There was something else you were supposed to do, to check… but what? Ugh, you really need to rest for a bit… to get your thoughts together…
No. 1080099 ID: 681cb5
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Chris: “Here we go, the patented Chris Knott specialty... (Da da da DAH!) Reheated leftovers from yesterday!” Chris practically bounces into the room with two steaming hot bowl filled to the brim with rice noodles and chicken, “Bon apatite, beautiful!”
Belle: “Mmm, this is good…” you tell him, as you start to eat, “Though to be honest, anything would taste good after today.”
Chris: “We got more, so no need to hold back, Belle.” he gives you a wink, “There is enough for both of us.”

After scarfing down a big bowl of Pad Thai, you feel a lot better… though, maybe you ate a bit too much too quickly. A sudden drowsiness washes over you, as your belly is to full of good food.

In fact, you can barely keep your eyes open… you need to… or you’ll… sleep… right here…


No. 1080100 ID: 681cb5
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Chris: “Sleep tight, Bluebell.” the bunny whispers as he drapes a warm blanket over you, “You really needed a proper rest, didn’t you?”
No. 1080101 ID: 76615e

A good night's rest will do you well. But something doesn't feel right, did you forget to lock Chris up for the night? Somewhere he can't get, say, an axe?
No. 1080105 ID: 5d9599

Why is there an axe by the chair?
No. 1080108 ID: 15a025

I don't think Chris is going out just to chop some fire wood.

Perhaps he's getting ready to venture out on his own?
No. 1080112 ID: 8f9bc4

Mmm... nothing like a calming meal laced with rohypnol
No. 1080114 ID: 681cb5
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Bövel: “After all… a good night sleep makes it so much easier…”
No. 1080120 ID: 15a025

No. 1080123 ID: 76615e

Power of love, wake up just in time.
No. 1080126 ID: 273c18

It's just a nightmare. Belle can't see when she's asleep.
No. 1080128 ID: 681cb5
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Bövel: “To finally put an end to your insistent meddling, harlot.”
No. 1080129 ID: 681cb5
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No. 1080130 ID: e51896

this is because we gave the amulet to Sophia, isn't it?
No. 1080133 ID: eb0a9c

You have died. Again.
No. 1080141 ID: 76615e

What a terrible day, but it will all be over soon
No. 1080142 ID: 8f9bc4

Unfortunately for him, the nightmare has only begun.
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