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File 168877398957.jpg - (1.78MB , 1698x2305 , Monster queen1.jpg )
1067335 No. 1067335 ID: dc13c4

This is a continuation of the Rotten Apple quest but it also is like a reboot to it. A story of two characters who bullshit their way through their confrontations.
199 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1079192 ID: ca7ffc
File 170239346272.jpg - (5.27MB , 3437x2046 , Monster queen52.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the first question:

A) It was a nice location.

B) It was a strategic location.

C) It was given to me.

D) It has historic allure.

E) Other suggestions.

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the second question:

A) We just want to exist here as your neighbors, for now.

B) We want to expand our territory and power.

C) We want to assimilate and integrate.

D) Other suggestions.

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the third question:

A) With force.

B) With diplomacy.

C) With trade.

D) With mutual cooperation.

E) Other suggestions.
No. 1079244 ID: 4ef0bf

Heh. We have to sound harmless but capable of self-defense. So we arrived here because a trader said it was abandoned. He neglected to say a thing about previous owners who would wish to reclaim it so if you have a place equally suitable we'll consider the merits. Per what we hope to accomplish? Well, we just wanted a place to live that had adequate defenses in case we were unfairly targeted. With that said, we have lots of skilled smiths so perhaps we'll sell metal goods and arms for now. Demand for metal goods is usually high. We might eventually do mercenary jobs. We do hear that towns often post jobs. Escorting herb gatherers or selling pelts (fetch quests lol) sounds lucrative (has the added bonus of reducing dependence on heroes while increasing dependence on our forces). (Hard power is good to have if all else fails though soft power gets you further because it looks nice. Effective villains look like heroes.) Sucks we have no cash. Little bit of bribery "patronage" of local elites can be... worthwhile. Perhaps we could say if business does well we'd be happy to thank him with occasional "gifts."
No. 1079291 ID: dcefc3

For the first question we definitely go with the historical allure, for the second question go with the neighbor's answer. For the final question go with mutual cooperation along with diplomacy and trade.
No. 1079512 ID: dc13c4
File 170303349779.jpg - (17.25MB , 4169x5906 , Monster queen53.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) We are going to stay here and take over the position that the Teacup Bulls had.

B) Better to leave this place and hope we can get caught by the remaining force of the Teacup Bulls.

C) I still have to think about my potions, can I really on your village to be on our side?

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1079518 ID: 76615e

A) It was a raw deal, but what more defensible position could there be than a castle in a nation whose neighbors cannot openly invade.
No. 1079519 ID: a92549

So if our neighbors go on the offensive they collapse. How is this bad? We just need enough numbers and magical skill to fend off murderhobos. Plus that only applies to invasions. We can ally with one or both or just play both sides to milk 'em of influence. Or if we're ruthless we goad both sides to war (probably via raids) only to vanish before they get to us, let 'em collapse, and rebuild atop the ruins. Don't say that one. Seriously though how is this bad? We set up border outposts for early warning, have spies get intel, go vietcong all the way to the castle, then we use OVERWHELMING FORCE on murderhobos dumb enough to be unphased by the vietcong tactics. Our gobbos are practically perfect for that sort of guerilla warfare. Lots of tunnels, holes too small for non-gobbos, harrassing camps by nightfall... What's bad about all this? Sounds like we have every tactical edge? We missing details? Sure we have to build numbers and get magical aid but still.
No. 1079520 ID: 73a33e

A. We can handle the chaos, cause we're pretty chaotic ourselves
No. 1079548 ID: dcefc3

Tell him that we will stay here and be the next protectors of the village. We already saw what the Teacup Bulls are capable of and we are not impressed, they do not frighten us nor does any other hero that comes here to take their place in challenging us.
No. 1079633 ID: dc13c4
File 170320639189.jpg - (13.19MB , 3977x5143 , Monster queen54.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) No they wanted to make amends with your village by bringing some goblins as prisoners to you all.

B) Yes they will see your silence as being on our side.

C) Throw the Worm Work's ruin outside this room.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1079648 ID: dcefc3

Might as well lie to the village leader. We need him to be on our side, so tell him that the Teacup Bulls will see them as trators.
No. 1079782 ID: 416bd3

Evade. "Why focus on that when you can focus on what is yet to be? Humans and non-Humans fighting leads only to awful things for both. However whether or not you cooperate is of little concern to us. Still it seems an easy decision to make. Without us you will face depredations of groups that use your village as a base against us. Even if they will rob you of all you have or conscript you as human shields (we'll still embed spies at the village so we still get use out of leaving them alone). With us though, while we will admittedly ask for the right to tax you, we will do so fairly and at a steady pace so that you face no economic hardship. Why some of those taxes will be invested in your village. We will build walls to ease your defense and make economic investments. Why? Simply because as you prosper and grow in wealth, our tax base increases as well. Either way we plan for prosperity here (lots of $$$ leads to power - military power included). Still, we both win if we set aside the past so will you?"
No. 1079870 ID: dc13c4
File 170371211723.jpg - (2.87MB , 3058x3586 , Monster queen55.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Agree on the first condition and refuse the second condition.

B) Refuse the first condition and agree on the second condition.

C) Agree on both conditions.

D) Refuse both conditions.

E) Other suggestions.
No. 1079944 ID: dcefc3

Agree on the first condition but push against the second one. The second one is not something that we can do at this point, it is a battle that we will have to deal with sooner or later but we need allies as soon as possible
No. 1080040 ID: e4407a

This. Make a point It is a given we will deal with him eventually, and no doubt i think we can succeed now, but while we can succeed, theres no question that we likely have something to lose as we are now from the confrontation like a casualty at worse. If he wants it done now, Perhaps if he were to... you know, sweeten the deal by giving or lending us something or someone helpful. In other words, help us help you deal with them. Otherwise, we request patience.
No. 1080043 ID: 0376f7

Oof. Our army's in poor shape. He finds that out he may choose to side against us. Worse, he could leak those details to a group of hostiles. Works as an excuse though. Whoever inspects could have the details taken magically from the mind if hostiles find out they did so. Just as he has to worry about his people we have to worry about ours. Per the second... well that's likely to happen eventually so not so bad. Still, perhaps we could compromise. Start off as trade partners, sell 'em the means to defend themselves. He wants walls though he'll have to pay us. Since it helps deny hostiles a base though, we'll only require enough for the labor - we build it for zero profits (plus we leave ways our spies can get inside). We'll see where things go from there (probably in our favor if we manage to get a cult going or otherwise build grassroots support for us).
No. 1080212 ID: dc13c4
File 170419352034.jpg - (2.12MB , 2872x2663 , Monster queen56.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Go to the young stranger.

B) Go to the three monster strangers.

C) Go to the council.
No. 1080244 ID: 76615e

B) the council can wait, lets get these visitors out of the way.
No. 1080255 ID: dcefc3

I suggest we see the young stranger, he is human so let's continue our good diplomacy with them
No. 1080256 ID: 5ea742

Welp what's done is done. Perhaps Gram might make the troops at least look good before the guy arrives. Either way save council for last so we can go over it all with full details. Of the two, go with the Human one. Just because it's a shot to further improve relations.
No. 1080269 ID: e51896

No. 1080369 ID: dc13c4
File 170442107973.jpg - (5.89MB , 3232x2407 , Monster queen57.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Accept him.

B) Refuse him.

C) Have the guy imprisoned in your dungeon.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1080382 ID: 76615e

combine A with C.
He can stay if he will consent to a short stay in the dungeon while you finish your other meetings. Come up with a test of loyalty as well, something difficult to show he's at least willing to put some effort in.
No. 1080405 ID: d75239

Huh. Hard to say - he's only loyal because he believes we're better than we are. Still, we do need a person that gets how Humans do things. Will say keep him for now in a minor advisory role. We'll test him but not now. Once he gets to... "know the situation" have Wormwood offer to bribe him to defect or otherwise test how loyal he is. He passes, we'll upgrade him to diplomacy duties. Either way he gets a spy servant to keep an eye on him see to his needs. Even if he does pass the test(s).
No. 1080457 ID: dcefc3

I agree with the idea of temporary improvement, that will also show how he will react tothat idea and how he will react after he is released. Even with all that I am not shure if the archer is truly loyal to us or if he is following the strongest leader closest to him. On the topic of how we should react to the news that Ramming Rage is dead, act like you already knew it. Time to capitalize on ourcurrent advantage, every little bit helps when it comes to crafting and holding on our reputation.
No. 1080531 ID: dc13c4
File 170462335697.jpg - (3.12MB , 2214x2096 , Monster queen58.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the first question:

A) See the three monsters.

B) See the council.

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the second question:

A) Give food to our prisoners.

B) Let him starve.

C) Torture him while he is our prisoner.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1080532 ID: dcefc3

Time to see the three monsters as for our pirsoner, do a little bit of torture just a little bit of it.
No. 1080535 ID: 67d3a9

Strangers before council. Gotta have all details to brief them with. Either way this guy is either dedicated to us or to playing sleeper cell. Still, prisoner abuse can only go bad, erode his dedication if it's genuine. See that he's treated well. Still if our subjects desire vengeance minor pranks might be allowed. Like ask if he desires water. He says yes, splash him with a bucket of it but give him water to drink once the laughing stops. He'll have to get used to gobbo mischief, so may as well start now.
No. 1080569 ID: 76615e

See the strangers, it would be silly to see the council only to then learn something you should bring to their attention.
Huh, he actually went along with it. At least he knows how to be humble, even if it is just an act.
There is no need for anyone to hate the archer on your behalf, if you wanted him dead he would be. Anyone harboring ill will towards him should redirect that energy towards thinking up a loyalty test for him. Maybe get a suggestion box going.
No. 1080652 ID: dc13c4
File 170476692699.jpg - (4.48MB , 2298x2515 , Monster queen59.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) We will gladly accept your traveling troupe.

B) Sorry but you aren't what we need at the moment.

C) Other suggestions.
No. 1080663 ID: f09fc1

C. Well, maybe WE dont need them, but we DO need to keep the town's morales up, and these guys putting a show for them could do just the trick. Maybe we can invite them to put on a show for the village every now and then, or offer them a spot in town. A happy town is a loyal town.

Of course, lets see what kind of performance they can do as well.
No. 1080664 ID: 76615e

Maybe they can stay as guests for now, but if they are looking for patronage we can't make that commitment. I mean we haven't even seen if they are any good.
If they want to perform for our subjects while they are here that should be fine.
No. 1080724 ID: 78e345

I agree with the apple, I don't know what these performers can do for us. I get it, they can orginize plays for the villagers but will they want to see monsters performing in the first place. One last tjing, how did they ever heard of us?
No. 1080725 ID: 489542

Perhaps if they were stage magicians we'd have a direct use. Past that, only use would be for guests. We just don't have the funds for the arts for now. Perhaps they could ask again in a while once we have less to deal with.
No. 1080838 ID: dc13c4
File 170505688448.jpg - (5.40MB , 2588x2667 , Monster queen60.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the first question:

A) Give us your performance.

B) No need to do that right now.

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the second question:

A) You showed your value you can join us.

B) Still not sure about your qualification, come back in two years with a better resume.

C) Other suggestions.
No. 1080840 ID: 4c0de2

To me, this seems like a too-good-to-be-true scenario. On the flip side, this can be our reputation attaching a more powerful help.
No. 1080847 ID: 17b143

Well we probably should meet with the council before seeing a whole play because because business before pleasure. Later is fine though. Guess if they just need a room that's fine too. Little curious how they profit if at all, do they just do this because they like performing? Still, per noise wizard could he perhaps project military activity noise? We may ask him to do so once in a while if he's fine with doing so (we'd sound far more numerous or create a ghost army for enemies to chase).
No. 1080850 ID: a394ef

Put them on the spot, a performance tonight before the whole castle. We'll see if they're as skilled as they claim.
Time to talk to the council, can't keep then waiting too long.
No. 1080993 ID: dc13c4
File 170526828677.jpg - (5.97MB , 2696x2735 , Monster queen61.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the first question:

A) take the credit for the death of Ramming Rage.

B) Don't take the credit for the death of Ramming Rage.

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the second question:

A) Let Worm Works join your council.

B) Don't let Worm Works join your council.

C) Put it up to the voits of all the council members.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1081034 ID: 5ebd37

B) Don't take credit officially, the rumors will do our work for us.

C) We absolutely can not trust Worm Works, but he seems to be very powerful. We probably can't afford to cross him until we can learn the extent of his power. But we shouldn't appear to give in to his demands too easily. Let the council have a say, and if they say no, feed him a line later about being on a shadow council or something.
No. 1081041 ID: 90f91e

Funnily enough, denying credit can be a power move here. "Had We wanted him dead he would never have left the castle alive." Shows both power and mercy without unnecessary belligerence. Why does it feel like Wormworks is gonna do as he wishes even without a seat at the council? Still, put it to a vote. Still suspicious of the guy but other opinions are never bad to have.
No. 1081054 ID: dcefc3

So Ratislav has a wife and she is dangerous according to Gramleza. So what is he even married to? Another rat? Or something else? As for Worm Works put it to the vote and take credibility of the death that Ramming Rage suffered but only if somebody asks you about it. Go with he tried to remove what I put in him.
No. 1081110 ID: dc13c4
File 170536259803.jpg - (5.77MB , 2608x2763 , Monster queen62.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Vote for Worm Works to join.

B) Vote against Worm Works in joining.

C) Remain silent.

After all of the votes are sent, the result will be counted and the decision will be made. If it ends in a tie once again a coin will be flipped and that will break the tie.
No. 1081114 ID: fa8ea4

Heh Ratislav you lucky man er rat er nevermind. Quite tempted to vote no, however one person here has had experience with this. So deferring to Eldba's long fruitful past the vote is YES.
No. 1081130 ID: 5ebd37

An adorable couple. As for the vote, yes. We can't trust him, but he would be just as dangerous off somewhere we can't observe him as he is here under our rat's watchful eye.
No. 1081165 ID: dcefc3

How sweet, I am so glad for them. Do they have kids? On the topic of voting, my answer is yes in letting Worm Works join.
No. 1081168 ID: e51896

I vote Yeah, i mean, hes probably just going to easily escape his prison even if we say no.
No. 1081260 ID: dc13c4
File 170553122014.jpg - (10.29MB , 3223x4676 , Monster queen63.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Do it, if you truly believe that is needed right now.

B) No this is a bad idea.

C) Other suggestions.

As for the kid's question, yes they have three of them but I don't know how would they look and this update is already long so maybe later I will put it in the discussion thread. Also, sorry for the huge lore dumping.
No. 1081272 ID: 4ef0bf

Gram enough. We need you by our side rather than in our dungeons. Perhaps you are right perhaps we are wrong. Were we perfect you would never have had those wounds. Still, you chose to follow us. Even if we are wrong this action will cause a rift in our followers. Look at the bigger picture. Perhaps his death is worth yours but is it worth breaking the unity we have? Our house will be divided and a divided house falls. Look at Ramming Rage. His house divided and he fell not to a knife in his back but one to his face. Don't make the same mistake.
No. 1081276 ID: 5ebd37

B) Gram, nobody here trusts Wormworks. He's obviously trying very hard to appear shifty. The question is, do you trust us? Stand down, please, we need you.
No. 1081298 ID: dcefc3

I agree with both suggestions. We need to de-escalate this situation.
No. 1081304 ID: 95fd3c

Gram can probably keep a close eye on him to be sure hes not up to trouble if hes concerned.
No. 1081328 ID: dc13c4
File 170562892729.jpg - (3.08MB , 2482x1672 , Monster queen64.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Give Gram some space.

B) Go and talk to her with Abdle.

C) Go and talk to her alone.

D) Other suggestions.

In the discussion thread, I posted something if you are interested in a little bit of history-building.

No. 1081343 ID: 5ebd37

A) We can talk to her later, give her some time to think. She and Ratislav should be secretly tasked with keeping an eye on Worm Works, although he'll probably know about it somehow.
For now we must continue this meeting.
No. 1081349 ID: dcefc3

Go and talk to her alone Bobbie, this was a cry for help from her. She is suffering from something that is eathing her from the inside and that should be addressed.
No. 1081354 ID: e69291

Seen this situation enough to know that emotions have to cool off. Once Gram's out of the turmoil of emotions though...
No. 1081480 ID: dc13c4
File 170579394104.jpg - (4.30MB , 3200x1847 , Monster queen65.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Go down the Overlord's Circle path.

B) Go down the diplomacy path.

C) Play both sides.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1081487 ID: 5ebd37

A) It would be good to make connections with people in a similar position to us. Negotiation with the neighbors was always going to be an uphill battle, and likely to bear no fruit.
The circle is also more likely to bring us allies against the heroes, who will be after us no matter what we do.
No. 1081506 ID: e51896

B. I kinda love an underdog story, and doing our own thing, starting small and silent, but sneaking our way to the top by manipulating things in some subtle ways through negotiations until we becoming powerful without people realizing it until its too late. becoming strong immediately by having powerful connections kinda seems too loud and confrontational towards all our neighbors this early on.
No. 1081515 ID: 9bf1de

Leaning diplo because as previously stated, soft power gets you more places. Especially since we're the big fish locally but there's always a bigger fish. Still, just can't make an informed decision without knowing what we'd be signing up with. What is this Overlord's Circle? What's it's goal? What's the member benefits? What's the title of overlord do for us?
No. 1081519 ID: 27fceb

Go with the A)
No. 1081521 ID: dc13c4
File 170585413101.jpg - (3.89MB , 2365x2145 , Monster queen66.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Go down the Overlord's Circle path.

B) Go down the diplomacy path.

C) Play both sides.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1081530 ID: 410cef

Don't see what benefit it would give. Just seems like we'd be closing diplomatic doors. Still, just ignoring them is impolite. Say we may consider it once we are more established but not now.
No. 1081545 ID: 4c0de2

I still think that we should try to play both sides and then see which one gives a better reward and then switch. So I suggest we repay to the letter with an interest to see her and then see where it goes from there. We need to create connections with others.
No. 1081582 ID: 5ebd37

D) Lets not get too closely tied to anyone just yet, our position of neutrality is currently our strongest defense.
But do reply to the letter, just to keep in contact with an eye to a possible alliance once we are in a stronger position.
No. 1081649 ID: dc13c4
File 170597665450.jpg - (4.62MB , 2719x2839 , Monster queen67.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) We need the food.

B) We need materials.

C) We need clothing.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1081652 ID: 5ebd37

B) Its best not to buy food unless we have a desperate shortage. What would be best for the long term is to get materials that would let us grow our own food, and make our own clothes.
We have the craftsfolk, lets get them what they need.
No. 1081668 ID: 9eceec

Will agree. Give a man a fish vs teach a man to fish. We'll build our own tools if we have to! Just like Howard Hughes. He started a company to build planes. He found out the tools he wanted didn't exist at all. So he shrugged and started a company to build the tools he wanted. Everything is easier with a better tool. Get better farm tools, get more food. Get better war tools aka weaponry/armor get better troops. Handy principle to know for leaders of most types.
No. 1081707 ID: 27fceb

Materials can be used to sell to others so I also vote for it as well.
No. 1081712 ID: 6d4c36

B. Dont forget, we're already planting some apple trees!
No. 1081756 ID: dc13c4
File 170612972226.jpg - (5.59MB , 3510x2296 , Monster queen68.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Send the goblins to get him.

B) Poison him.

C) He is not worth our concern.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1081786 ID: 048288

Let's not jump to conclusions. He didn't go to Humans or heroes. For all we know he's attempting to get them on our side. So keep an eye on him and find out what he's doing.
No. 1081799 ID: 5ebd37

C) The goblins aren't going to be telling any humans or heroes our secrets, and we don't want to sour relations with them. Keep an eye on the barrow, and if the former treasurer ever leaves we can catch him.
No. 1081823 ID: 27fceb

Maybe we should try to pull off the poisoning attempt. I mean those goblins already hate us what is new going to happen if they find out, they are going to hate us more?
No. 1081898 ID: dc13c4
File 170628747120.jpg - (7.13MB , 3404x2771 , Monster queen69.jpg )

Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Continue listening.

B) Stop listening.

C) Other suggestions.
No. 1081926 ID: becbff

Delegate. Let Ratislav do his spy thing, figure out what they've got up their sleeves. Everybody else, get ready and have Gram's second in command know. Let them know we'd like Gram to be informed as well as soon as she's ready and if that is now, go.
No. 1081939 ID: 5ebd37

A) This might be our only opportunity to observe Dredge before we confront him. Learn as much as we can about his personality.
No. 1081951 ID: 27fceb

Just continue gathering information, we need to know what is coming our way. We should as well talk with Gram, maybe she cooled off a little bit, but information first moral support second.
No. 1082014 ID: dc13c4
File 170645484886.jpg - (6.00MB , 3136x2543 , Monster queen70.jpg )

It is up to you how you want to form the speech for this setback.
No. 1082017 ID: 875fab

He's made clear his intentions. He would have us flee, hide and cower until he finds us and kills us. Giving him what he wants would be a mistake. He is not invincible at all. He has his weaknesses. His troops may be leery to fight simply for his petty unwillingness to let this place go. He'd likely kill his own should desertion be a response. He is aggressive to a fault so tactical traps will be easier to pull off. He has limited manpower so every loss matters. From now on we must do all we can to weaken what he has. Strengthen what we have. Sweat saves blood. We will train and drill. We will build and deploy traps. We will add fortifications. We will harass and harry his forces and supplies. We will make his every step pain and if he arrives he will find hell waiting. Every second counts. With our labors we will send a clear message. Leave us be or die.
No. 1082018 ID: e593a2

Give a moment of silence for our little spy, and let Ratijlav know his spy will not be forgotten for its bravery and that we will not forget what this jerk did to that mouse. We will compensate any close relatives they had.
No. 1082028 ID: 4c0de2

This one is our first casualty but it doesn't mean it will be our last. We need to know how to continue after our failures and learn from them.
No. 1082086 ID: 5ebd37

He's killed one of our own, it's personal now. Let him come, fighting for his foolish pride. He clings to his past but we fight for our future, and we will leave him in the dust.
No. 1082108 ID: dc13c4
File 170657615727.jpg - (5.36MB , 3487x2256 , Monster queen71.jpg )

No need for my hints, I want to hear how you feel about my questions.
No. 1082112 ID: 5ebd37

I think we've given sound advice (except for right at the end) I look forward to helping our queen again soon.
More candidly, I'm satisfied that we've been a positive influence, and guided Bobbie to success.
No. 1082122 ID: 27fceb

So you exist and your name tag describes you as the passage of time, so are you concept or god? As for your questions, I do feel we made a change in this world and didn't make any major mistakes, so far so good. But I am worried that the world was going easy on us and that the next battles will be harder.
No. 1082181 ID: fc6979

Existential questions huh? How delightful, so helpful with the mysteries that are life as well as purpose. Per your questions we have affected it but only on a small scale. Will that have a greater effect on things? Who knows. Prescience is not an ability we have. Should we fall will history record us as it did with the Human who aided non-humans? Will a future being decide to follow in those footsteps? Will they succeed where others failed? Or will historians see us as a footnote? Of course it'd be preferred that we succeed but who knows.
No. 1082201 ID: e51896

you look familiar... I think I've seen you from another world from another time. Did you follow me here? If you were looking for me, I'm not going back there, I'm more content here, but give my previous partners my regards if you meet them.

Yeah, I think we influenced stuff here, and affected stuff in this world, though probably not as huge. We're starting small as we work our way up.
No. 1082221 ID: dc13c4
File 170673585324.jpg - (2.06MB , 2810x1403 , Monster queen72.jpg )

No. 1082254 ID: 5ebd37

I, for one, would not mind staying as a little phantom, whispering in the ear of royalty.
No. 1082255 ID: e51896

I prefer to stay the same, I'd rather not bring attention to myself
No. 1082256 ID: f5b16e

Strategy is all that matters regardless of the form it takes. Will leave this to others.
No. 1082264 ID: 27fceb

At this point, I like the little ghost flames so I vote to stay as them.
No. 1082267 ID: dc13c4
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No. 1082273 ID: 7df2b9

Well indirectly so... it could be a separate category perhaps? He did die outside of combat with us. Sorta like collateral damage? Like if a place with a large population is invaded civilians will die even if not intended.
No. 1082274 ID: 4c0de2

Yeah, we did kill him. Without our manipulation, he wouldn't do that out of desperation.
No. 1082275 ID: bd954c

We put him in the situation, but he choose to let some stranger dig around in his guts all on his own.
No. 1082277 ID: 4c0de2

If we are going to implay that we killed him might as well admit that we were the one who did it.
No. 1082280 ID: 256cef

I say we played a small part in his death, but it wasnt solely and mainly our doing. A lot of it was also other factors like his decisions and the action of the person who killed him. Prob 10-25% of it was our doing
No. 1082324 ID: dc13c4
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In the discussion thread, there is something prepared for this special occasion.

No. 1082767 ID: dc13c4

Continuation of the story

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