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1068906 No. 1068906 ID: 11f77a

NSFW for nudity and possible casual lewds
Chapter 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/823974.html
Chapter 2: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1059064.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Calliope
336 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1081219 ID: dd3fe0

Horrible idea. Never act as if life is a poorly written action/comedy movie. If someone is pointing a gun at you, you MUST assume it is loaded and you do whatever they tell you to except get in the car or go to a second place or whatever. Yea, you immediately be seen to cooperate with him. The whole, 'sure, yea, I'll get it, no problem, it's just money, can you point that away from me so you don't accidentally shoot me?' And then go and get it and set it aside in his line of sight and back off.
No. 1081223 ID: 5ebd37

No sudden moves, act casual.
"Sure man, its in the box in the back. You know the one. I was just headin out, so go ahead and take whatever you need."
No. 1081228 ID: eb0a9c

"Garvey, I'm going to get on the ground, where I can't bolt, and you're going to point the gun away from me. Please, your finger's twitching."
No. 1081231 ID: 8f9bc4

Cry, if you have it in you! Please tell me you have it in you!
No. 1081233 ID: e51896

tell him he can have whatever money you have in your account cause you're quitting. In return, he needs to stays silent about your departure to Maeve.
No. 1081357 ID: 3660f4

Do we want to say this loud enough for mom to hear? If mom's on the phone, is that going to cause problems with this guy?

"Dude what the fuck?! Okay. Just. Put the gun down man. You can have the money. Let's go get it. Just don't point that thing at me."

Proceed to tell mom you'll be there soon and hang up before she can respond, as a show of good faith to Garvey.
No. 1081462 ID: 11f77a
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>Kaleidoscope into another timeline
Wish I could, on command...

>I bet that gun isn’t even loaded. Stare him down.
Jase: Bullshit.

Garvey: The fuck you say?

Jase: You’re a crazy son of a bitch but you know you wouldn’t have to shove a gun in my face to get what you need.

Jase: Probably isn’t even loaded. Why don’t you just fucking ask?

Jase: You’re tweaking out, Garvey. The gun isn’t necessary. Okay? We’re all friends here, right?

I cautiously stand up without any sudden movements in case that gun is ready. I take small steps forward.

Jase: Come on, man. Put that gun down. What’s got you so worked up?

He keeps it steady on me. He makes one step back.

Garvey: Ah, you know. Bills. Debts. Some come sooner than others.

Garvey: Now stop right there. That’s close enough! Just take me to wherever you’re stashing it.

He gestures his gun aside to have me turn around. I take the chance to lunge--
No. 1081463 ID: 11f77a
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And then...

I feel...


I’m falling.
No. 1081465 ID: 11f77a
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Wait. Was that what happened?

I’m sitting; staring at the barrel again, I see no smoke.

Jase: L-Listen... Garvey. Man.

Jase: You can have whatever you want. I don’t care. I-I think Maeve keeps it in a box in the bathroom. Th-There’s a hole behind the medicine cabinet. Just put the gun down.

Jase: Or I’ll just... lay flat or something--

Garvey: No! Get up and show me, then. Sooner, the better I fuck off.

He’s shaky. God, I hope he doesn’t pull the trigger on accident.

Do I dare imagine the times he has?

I heard--that when you hold someone at gunpoint even if they are unarmed with their hands showing, you always get a false sense that they still have a weapon on them.

I cautiously get up with my hands in the air. I manage to make a quick response on the phone before standing completely.

Jase: O-One moment mom...

Taking steady breaths, I walk. He follows.

It’s strange; the world feels the same yet something’s off about this one. Picking up where I left off, so to speak? I’m trying to get over what just happened. I felt it, the impact; then it never happened at all. Was I lucky to jump that instant? Was it after I had died?

Garvey: I don't have all day...
No. 1081466 ID: 8f9bc4

It's your superpower. Like with the car at the very beginning. You get to be an idiot, and then not be an idiot.
No. 1081469 ID: eb0a9c

He's so afraid that he doesn't realize he's becoming their trigger-happy disposable goon. What the hell did they threaten him with?
No. 1081499 ID: 15a025

Jase, I think you've been chosen to be the main character, so to speak.
Whatever it is your going through, the multiple timelines/universes. It's not letting you out just because a foreign force wants to expel you.

Let Garvey think he's getting the money. Then when the moment's right. Wrestle the gun out of his hands and tell him to fuck off.
No. 1081512 ID: dd3fe0


Or you could, you know, not make any sudden moves, let him have the money and let him go peacefully.

That's a thing. Something bad happened when you tried to do the cinematic thing last time.
No. 1081517 ID: 5ebd37

You're clearly not an action star. Just get him the money and you can both leave. You've got to get to that mall.
No. 1082144 ID: 11f77a
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>It’s not letting you out just because a foreign force wants to expel you.
>It’s your superpower. [...] You get to be an idiot, and then not be an idiot.
Something’s not letting me... die? Do I take advantage of that? So every time I die I could simply jump to a new body? What fucked up shit is that?! What happens to the dead Jason? Shit...

Have I died from being run over by the car? I don’t remember the impact--but thinking back on that moment often felt surreal.

>Just get him the money and you can both leave.
>Let him have the money and let him go peacefully.
I see glimpses of other Jasons as I walk down the hallway too. It feels like living in several different bodies. Or like... I can follow one path as it unfolds.

I reach the bathroom and shake the medicine cabinet free. There’s the aluminum box, dusty with drywall debris.

Just... give Garvey the money. Be careful and hand the money over...


...no sudden movements...

I fucked up.
No. 1082145 ID: 11f77a
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Jase: I keep fucking up.

Jase: I’m given chances to do something different yet--

Jase: I always end up in a worse place. And yet, I can see all the times I’ve succeeded now and then. And I just don’t know how to... get there.

Jase: I get so frustrated with myself and yell at all of them. ‘How?!’
No. 1082147 ID: 11f77a
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‘How come you get to be so lucky? How come fortune smiles on you and leaves me here to wallow in such... misery?’

What am I being punished for?

Is it punishment?

I don’t even know sometimes.

But I’m starting to realize how I got here, now.

I used to accept that my fate was written this way. That in this life I was deemed to be the loser--I lost the coin toss--and it would never change.
No. 1082148 ID: 11f77a
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Jase: ...

Jase: I pushed you away.

Jase: I shouldn’t have pushed you away like that. I was a dumb kid. I didn’t know. I wouldn’t have known.

Jase: I didn’t care--I didn’t think. I only wanted to be left alone after Len’s death. I couldn’t realize that it was you who needed me the most.

Jase: And I never gave you that chance to grieve and heal.

Jase: I still don’t know which of my lives are real, or my own. But I know they all need help.
No. 1082151 ID: 11f77a
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Jase: I don’t know if I’m making any sense with this--if any of it gets through to you.

Jase: But that's okay.

Jase: You may not always be there for me, but there’ll be times where I can only rely on myself or... ‘my-selves’ to figure out what’s going on.

Mom: Jason? JASON!

Maybe if I can at least save this life and close one chapter, the rest may realize the same solution before it’s too late for them.
No. 1082153 ID: 598d4a

So you're trying to reach a singularity by doing what you'd do across all of the timelines, you might be able to realign yourself with one reality?
No. 1082154 ID: eb0a9c

I wonder.
Is your power somehow siphoning... Charisma? Luck? Energy? The more you use precognition, the less resources you have to capitalize on it?

That still means you get extra lives.

Rip the medicine cabinet from the wall and throw it in his face.
No. 1082180 ID: 8f9bc4

It could work... if you were the only thing that was changing. The solution that saves you when Lem comes out of nowhere to tackle Garvey isn't going to save you in the lives where Lem is dead. It may be possible to achieve some sort of resonance, however. A harmony between the 'you's that becomes a self-reinforcing stability. Act similar to how they do even if it doesn't make sense, maybe it'll pull the timelines together. A thousand different voices can still all sing the same note.
No. 1082189 ID: 273c18

It looks like either you die or he dies, and the police don't believe you for some reason or another which means if you don't die you wind up in jail or on the run.

So if we win, we lose, and if we lose, we lose. If there was supposed to be a situation here that we're meant to be able to solve I sure as fuck don't see it, QM.
No. 1082279 ID: dd3fe0

We need more information. Most Catch-22s, in real life, have an optimal solution, even if it isn't what is presented as the 'given' scenario.
No. 1082316 ID: 11f77a
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Okay. I think I can piece together how this mindfuck works. I’ve been picking up pieces since it started happening--so I could try to keep my footing as best I can when I unexpectedly jump again.

>Is your power somehow siphoning charisma? Luck? The more you use precognition, the fewer resources you have to capitalize on it?
I don’t have the power to see the future. All timelines I’ve witnessed and jumped to were parallel and simultaneous.

At exactly 2:34pm Tuesday in August I’m sitting here in the mall. I would jump and now it’s 2:34pm Tuesday in August and I’m wrestling a gun out of Garvey’s hands. Or I’m in prison for a different crime in the past. Or see glimpses of myself giving him the money. Or maybe there was a gun behind the cabinet instead; or sure, I throw the cabinet in his face and initiate a fight.

All these Jasons have made choices or were affected by events in the past which either changed their lives drastically or very subtly. Long and short term.

Sometimes I win with my choices.

Sometimes I lose.

Sometimes I do all the right things and still lose.

And sometimes I win by blind luck...

Seems doing right or doing wrong isn’t a factor on hopping around. But I admit it’s hard going through repeating failures. Lately I’ve been experiencing Jason through hard times. Perhaps one of these days it’ll roundabout to some good times again?
No. 1082317 ID: 11f77a
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When I jump, I retain memories of the previous Jason, and gain new memories from the current one. Like our brains had fused together. Of course, some memories and emotions can be conflicting: such as the case of whether Len is dead or not. Or which girl I went out to the prom with (had I even went at all).

>It may be possible to achieve some sort of resonance, however. A harmony between the 'you's that becomes a self-reinforcing stability.
> So you're trying to reach a singularity by doing what you'd do across all of the timelines, you might be able to realign yourself with one reality?
Hmm. If Jason 1 had an epiphany and jumped to Jason 2, we’d have two Jasons with that epiphany, right? One learned it through realization—the other gets it instantly. I guess if I jumped an infinite amount of times we’d all be on the same page.

If I come up with a solution to get out of a bad corner--maybe the idea-hopping can help those who haven’t made the conclusion yet. Albeit a slow process.

There’s no way of knowing if THIS consciousness is the only one that can travel. Or if it’s spreading out. So far none of the Jasons I’ve jumped to had already experienced this, aside when I go back to a previous one.
No. 1082318 ID: 11f77a
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One thing I cannot predict: jumping to a parallel timeline is out of my control; I have no idea how it’s triggered or when it’ll happen. Nor will I know which life I’ll end up with.

Actually... there is one, albeit traumatic, method.

Upon my death, I still jump to another adjacent timeline.

Would I even ‘Groundhog Day’ my way out of this?

In-before killing myself until I end with a Jason who happened to have studied temporal physics or some shit.
No. 1082319 ID: 11f77a
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Wait a second...

There seems to be a common theme when the jumps happen in droves. There could be somewhat of an anchor after all--just not one that keeps me in a single place, per se.

I’ve been talking to my mother, a lot of Jasons have kept mom on the phone one way or another. But it’s something I noticed that we all share in this moment.

It’s like my prom night, too. A lot centered around that night in particular.

These other parallel times swing back and forth, and wobble like a pendulum. The anchor is on the end of one string and I’m swinging as the ball at the other end... maybe?

Sounds like a theory so far...
No. 1082320 ID: 32c482

Oh so that means there aren't limitless possibilities in the jumps, or else you'd be strewn about an infinite number of yourself. There's only a set number of things that can happen because there are set "events" tethering you to finality. Like first it was Len's Wallet being in your room, then it was Prom night, and then it was your call with mom! Maybe by finding what's the same between jumps, you can realign yourself!

That must mean there's a sort of "win condition" for the jumps. Although it's unclear what it is, the best thing you can do is survive to give more perspectives on the singularity?
No. 1082325 ID: 936bd9

Oh. Pretty sure this is immortality of the quantum type...-ish. With a little bit of the Quantum Leap show. Gist is that as you go along, less Jasons will be alive. However regardless of the odds, Jasons will stay alive. Few might even live forever-and-a-half. Funny thing about the pendulum bit though is that it may be a Foucault Pendulum of sorts. Which steadily moves due to gravitational forces. Except it substitutes gravity with, well, we have no idea for now. Got a possibility though. "Ever since Len's death." Was there jumping prior to the death? Either way the question is, what do you want to get out of this? Perhaps your circumstances define you a little though what defines even more is how you respond. One of two things is the case. Either there is a purpose to these jumps or there is no purpose in which case you create the purpose. Want escape? Study temporal mechanics and that knowledge should stay with the you-that-jumps. Want to do good? Since dying is no issue use the life you inhabit positively even in the face of death. Perhaps even nihilistic hedonism is a way to go. Or go meta and make your purpose finding your purpose. Since you cannot "die" you can figure it out at your own pace.
No. 1082364 ID: 273c18

Alright, find an alternate timeline where you were talking to someone who knows him. Or talking to him. Find out some personal details which you can use to make him calm down. Maybe you could even find a way to help him, without having to give him money?
No. 1082433 ID: 15a025

It sounds like Jason can't travel backwards or forwards in time.

Your mom might be your anchor so to speak, for now anyway. Keep focusing on her for now and give her a hug.
No. 1082436 ID: 273c18

Doesn't matter? He gains knowledge of the alternate past when he swaps to another timeline. So the useful information could be in the past, or it could even be in the recent present.
Hell, we could even try making our assailant the anchor.
No. 1082437 ID: eb0a9c

First theory that comes to mind is each death acting as the anchor for a limited number of iterations. Whatever is causing your psychic jumps is damaged so quickly that you usually don't remember the actual death in your subconscious - though the shotgun would be fast enough. The more times you die or force a jump, the more cohesive - but more limited - your jumps are for a time.
No. 1083763 ID: 2eb1da
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>Was there jumping prior to [Len’s death]?
Not that I recall. The split with Len’s death was the first I was disoriented and confused. Eventually, things had returned to normal and I thought it was just a mental episode--or migraine.

>Find an alternate timeline where you were talking to someone who knows [Garvey].
Garvey was always a wild card. According to my other selves I remember him most as a junkie through-and-through and part of the bad group that included Maeve. In some parallels he arrives a minute later which grants me a moment to prepare (thanks to the experience of other selves), or a minute earlier which would be tough luck.

>We could try making our assailant the anchor.
Whatever catalyst is making these jumps, it happens on a whim. I don’t know how I can influence it--if at all. Only dying can force me out of one parallel, but still ‘orbit’ around an anchor.

>First theory [...] is each death acting as the anchor
Perhaps. The death of Len is significant enough--and then there’s my recent death(s) as... ‘alternate routes’ rather than the main anchor. But that doesn’t explain prom night.

>Keep focusing on [mom] for now and give her a hug.
I can see her push through the crowd; she looks for me. Our eyes lock and she runs towards me. I feel exhausted but close the gap. And she embraces me as a mother would find her long lost child.

Jase: Mom...

Mom: I’m here, honey! Oh God...

Jase: I want to go home.

Mom: You will. We’ve all been worried sick.

Mom: I promise to do right by you!

Jase: No... it wasn’t you...
No. 1083764 ID: 2eb1da
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Jase: Yeah. That sounds about right. I’ll talk to you later then.

I hang up. I reorient myself and remember which memories are current. It feels bittersweet--to know there are Jasons worse off than me.

Ells: Who was that, Jase?

Jase: Huh? Oh, it was just mom! She was asking if there’s anything she can pick up at the grocers. I could only think of soda.

Ells: Oh! Tell her I said hi then!

Jase: Well, I already hanged up. I’ll tell her in person though.

It’s clear I’m a little off this afternoon.

Ells: Are you alright?

Jase: I need a moment to sit down.

Ells: Migraines again?

Jase: Yeah. Could be.
No. 1083765 ID: 2eb1da
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>Either there is a purpose to these jumps or no purpose (in which you create one).
>Immortality of the quantum type [...] Gist is that as you go along, [fewer] Jasons will be alive.
Who knows how finite these Jasons really are? If every decision splits a path, then it would seem near-infinite with the slight choices I make every day.

Right now... everything seems fine. Ells and I are hanging outside a water-ice shop in the sun. Something nags me to check the weather in West Syorn where the mall was. Turns out it’s raining pretty harshly there.

A purpose though...

I guess the best thing to do is to keep my head on and figure out how to help any who are in peril, and maintain those who are living happy lives. It’s the least I can do for now.

Those Jasons are still out there. Somewhere. Continuing where I left.

I fear that as time rolls on, remembering the conflicting lives and deaths of Jasons will put my mental state under a lot of stress and throw me right into an insane asylum.

I ought to enjoy my water-ice before it melts. Everything feels stable--

...for now.
No. 1083767 ID: 2eb1da
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--and it cuts off there. That’s all Osman ever wrote.

The bus has pulled up to the stop closest to Silenus. Seems Lars (the security guard) was notified about my visit; he lets me in without a problem.

I meet Dolly by a side entrance instead of through the front lobby. I’m not quite ready to run into Nico again. She’s at least pleased to see me.

Dolly: Oh hey; you made it! That stack of paper looks much lighter, huh.

Marlene: Yep. Just dropping off the contenders for future Best Picture.

Dolly: Whatcha got?

“Got my money?” I jest as I reach into my backpack. She waves a-hundred between her fingers. As badly written these scripts go--I’m sure anyone here could vastly improve on them.

Marlene: Well... where to begin...

Marlene: On one end you have Mega Saturn, which is a surrealist sci-fi flick. The story seems very independent--the original author may want complete control, maybe even direct it.

Marlene: Then you have Countdown to Darkness which is campy action. If you keep the tone you’ll have to make it self-aware. It needs a huge makeover but at least it’s something.

Dolly: Uh-huh, uh-huh.

Marlene: And then there’s (sigh) Fat Vampire. I guess. Maybe not. I must’ve forgotten to throw this one away but you may as well take it. Silenus seems to be scrounging for any script that comes their way.
No. 1083768 ID: 2eb1da
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Dolly: Not so easy sifting them out, huh?

Marlene: Girl, I’ve done some plenty sifting when I worked here!

Dolly: Is that all?

It takes me a moment to bring up Kaleidoscope; I don’t know why I’m anxious to share it. Perhaps I dread handing it over and never seeing it again.

Marlene: Well--uh, there’s this one unfinished script. I tried calling the author but long story short; he’s dead. I came in contact with his son, though.

Marlene: Jason in the Kaleidoscope. A boy is stuck switching back and forth on multiple timelines. But that’s an extreme generalization. It may be a confusing start but I’ve found it very captivating. It’s not perfect but--

Marlene: it could be what Silenus is looking for, ya know. You should definitely read it when you have the time.

Dolly: I’ll take your word for it!

She browses through some pages and quickly stacks them all up. I now have a hundred dollars in my hands.

Dolly: Well thanks again! With the Marlene stamp of approval they’re on their way to the big screen!

Marlene: Yeah, no problem. It gave me something to do.

Dolly: It’s getting a bit late in the day. I won’t waste any more of your time! I’ll catch ya later.

Something doesn’t settle right with me as she plainly turns to enter the building. She’s smiley and all and oblivious to what she has in her arms--it aint her fault but I’m compelled to stop her.

Marlene: Waaait--!
No. 1083769 ID: 2eb1da
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She stops in her tracks.

Marlene: It’s...

Marlene: Ugh.

Marlene: Have you ever... read something so... completely different that you don’t want it in the wrong hands?

Dolly: Psh, oh?

Marlene: No offense to you or the writers in there! But this is something I’ve been waiting to fall in my lap.

Dolly: Weeeell. I’m constantly churning out one script and onwards to the next. I usually forget everything I’ve read by the next day. And I know I’ve read some good ones. But I get what you mean.

Marlene: Yeah, it’s been an unproductive year for me--and maybe that script could help me back on my feet. A little inspiration here and there to get rolling.

Dolly: The Saturn one?

Marlene: No, no, the kaleidoscope one.

Dolly: Don’t you worry; I’ll keep it close.

Marlene: Well maybe I can finish it. Sure, I can ghostwrite it with help from the author’s son--then resubmit to the studio but it would be much easier to maybeee stay in touch with this place.

Dolly: I dunno--you think Mr. Booth has finally forgiven you for storming out? Probably best to give it another month.

Marlene: Well... I haven’t told anyone this but Nico maaaay have asked me if I wanted to come back.

Dolly: Oh really? Huh. That’s news to me!

Dolly: Still. I thought you didn’t like working here. I do understand that freelancing is harsh and takes a while to stick. But I’ve always admired your resilience!

Marlene: I mean--that part is complicated.

Marlene: No matter what, I don’t want that script to simply disappear in there. I may have been a secretary but I know it’ll end in the back of a filing cabinet.

She shrugs.

Dolly: Look, if you think you got something--more power to you. Who knows when I’ll get around to presenting the story? Maybe you can propose it to Nico yourself? He ought to still be in his office.
To Recap...
• I abruptly quit my secretary job at Silenus several months ago. But I made a scene on my way out.
• Since then, I’ve had a serious writer’s block. Go figure.
• Much to my surprise--Nico had recently offered my job back. Although I was still on the fence about it.
• Yet for reasons I cannot explain... I accidentally kissed Nico. I really don’t know what came over me. I blame the effects of the dream-world--but I hurried on out.

No. 1083770 ID: eb0a9c

Hm. As a movie, this needs some editing.
What you have here is a base.
The author is dead and his next-of-kin has given you full permission to do whatever the hell you want to it, as long as he's properly compensated.
You know something is happening to you, but you're having a hard time comprehending it. It's obvious; combine the two concepts. Write Jason's story into a greater mystery.
The journey splits apart.
Some Jasons stay ignorant. Some Jasons try to game the system. Some Jasons figure out the truth. Some Jasons completely forget.
Connect the unknowns with your cybernetic description of the unknown, to give the audience a nugget to chew where you have none.

You can do this, Marlene.
No. 1083773 ID: 273c18

I mean, the plot is similar to Everything Everywhere All At Once, so we could swing it in the direction of Jason finding out that other people have this ability and he gets training to control it, which lets him fight some kind of existential threat.
No. 1083807 ID: 8f9bc4

I dunno... Nico. That was just so... weird. I thought you left the studio originally because you were falling prey to his devilish allure, but this is in fact a new thing? Or is it just that all this time, your writer's block was caused by your attraction to him left unsatisfied? But you can't leave this script. It's too important. You're coming up with so many ways to realize it as a great film!

You could at least talk to Nico I guess. And maybe... work up the courage to tell him you already have a boyfriend? Would that even matter to him? Would it make it even harder to resist? Are you even attracted to Nico or is this a dream?
No. 1084356 ID: 2eb1da
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>I mean, the plot is similar to Everything Everywhere All At Once
>As a movie, this needs some editing. What you have here is a base.
It does seem like Jason’s story could go in any direction from here, even genre. But I always figured it’d stick to drama. Dunno about the absurdist comedy aspect as it’s been quite a psychological ride for a kid. But anything can happen with rewrites.

>You could at least talk to Nico I guess.
Yeah... I could.

Marlene: Ya know what? Maybe I will.

Marlene: Excuse me a moment.

I fish for the script, tug it from her hands and start my way to Nico’s floor.

Dolly: Oh! Uh, alright! Good luck and all.

>I thought you left because you were falling prey to his devilish allure. [...] Are you even attracted to Nico or is this a dream?
It’s difficult to explain what I feel towards Nico.

He was my boss, and I’ve seen him on his best and worse days. I’ve never been on his bad side luckily, but there have been employees who left his office crying their eyes out. And I admit he has an aura around him that can be both sexually charged yet still intimidating when he looks over your shoulder as you’re working. I admit as much as anyone that he’s quite a hunk to fantasize.

Now... I never ever considered cheating on my boyfriend. No way. No how. I love Seb to death; he’s such a sweet boy.

I need to figure out a way to set boundaries. Perhaps I can explain why I accidentally kissed him. What could I say? I was drunk? Missed kissing his cheek?
No. 1084357 ID: 2eb1da
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I step up to his office door. I can see his silhouette swiveling in his chair. I snort out my nostrils. I haven't made a pitch in forever. I've written one episode for a television series--which was cancelled before mine aired.

You can do this, Marlene.



What the fuck do I say?
• Am I gonna make some demands?
• Would I put on a fake smile and act like nothing happened?
• I should obviously set things straight that I’m taken.
• Oh right, I should try to pitch this script too. But how?
• Do I try to remain somewhat independent if it works?
• What exactly did he want me back for? He clearly sees something in me.
No. 1084364 ID: f7d131

Greet him with a droopy tone, somewhat serious but not too much.

Tell him you came to present the expanded script, how you got ahold ofit, and how you hope to get it further reviewed.

After that, talle about what happenef, how you used to have a thing for Nico, but now have a boyfriend, and feel embarassed about the situation.

Tell him you don't hate him for what happened, but you are not looking to be un a relationship with him, and for that matter, that you are still unsure about whether you will stay in contact after handing the script, given that you still wish to live an independent life. It all depends on how the script is recieved, sadly.
No. 1084366 ID: eb0a9c

Your main selling point is that this script is one of the few that you truly believe could be forged into a blockbuster that could sell for hundreds of millions - and since the original author is dead, they're free to unleash their creative licenses over it, and won't need to worry about empowering a new threat to the company, as long as they pay royalties to the author's family.
You just don't want it to be burned up or thrown in a filing cabinet. Beyond that, it's the studio's decision on where they want to take it.
No. 1084377 ID: 8f9bc4


Don't sell it too hard. You don't want someone else swooping in with dollar signs in their eyes taking you out of the picture so they can claim it for their own. Just tell him you found a decent script, and you feel like you could do a good job finishing it, might help you break out of the creative rut you've been in. Then kiss hi tell him about how sweet Seb is, and you're so lucky to have him, and apologize for giving Nico the wrong idea back there. (It's not entirely your fault, but he seems the type to appreciate an apology, more than an accusation.)
No. 1084469 ID: 15a025

Try and stick with the independent route. Pitch it and explain the situation with the author. You'd like to ghost write and finish it up. Then collaborate with Silenus to get it on the big screen.
No. 1085007 ID: 2eb1da
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>After [this], talk about how you used to have a thing for Nico, but now have a boyfriend, and feel embarrassed about the situation.
>and you're so lucky to have him, and apologize for giving Nico the wrong idea back there.
If everything goes as planned--I’ll definitely explain my behavior the other day, and that I’m taken and not looking. I tap the door with a knuckle. Mr. Booth bellows the invitation to come inside. I let out a huff to relax my muscles--and walk in.

Marlene: Mr. Booth.

Nico: Oh, you’re back! And how are you, Ms. Collins~?

>Try and stick with the independent route.
>Greet him with a droopy tone, somewhat serious but not too much.
Marlene: Been better. I might even say I’m in a good mood today. But the day can go differently, depending.

Nico: Depending...?

Marlene: Because I’m still carefully considering whether I should come back to work.

Straight to the point. His body gradually shifts from a hunch over his desk to write documents--to easing back against his chair.

Nico: Ah. And have you made your decision?

Nico: If it was a no, you’re very polite to walk in to tell me yourself.

I... still don’t have an absolute answer for him. And I can’t afford to lose momentum. Perhaps we can make a detour for now. When words are lacking, there are actions. I slap the script down on the edge of his desk as my answer.

Nico: Oh-ho? What’s this?

Marlene: That is a script.

Nico: I see. And you want to... pitch another one of your pilots?

Marlene: No. Not like that. And it’s not my script either. It’s by a man named Osman Niero; he was a teacher in Michigan who loved to write in his downtime. Never published anything though; which is unfortunate because he passed away some years ago. Instead his son submitted his stories to studios around the country but with zero responses.

Nico: Were they all terrible?

Marlene: Sir, if I hadn’t read this script all day then I probably wouldn’t have bothered to return here ever again.
No. 1085008 ID: 2eb1da
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He lets out an amused snort. He at least reads the title page with a flair of playful sarcasm.

Nico: So it’s got your seal of approval, huh? Sounds pretty special if the one-and-only Marlene is impressed by it. What’s it about?

Marlene: It’s about a boy growing up, and by some odd happenstance he experiences parallel lives of himself. Very... psychological but a sci-fi coming-of-age more or less.

Nico: So what do you want me to do about it? Are you passing it on for a friend because you happen to know the producer?

Marlene: Of course not. Even if that was the reason, it’s still unfinished.

He chuckles but was caught off-guard.

Nico: Marley, you’re sure... full of twists and turns. I’m beginning to lose you here. What’s all this really about?

I take a slow breath.

Marlene: You said that you needed a staff you can count on; ‘a strong team through the worst times’ verbatim. For offering to me, I figure I hold at least some worth in your eyes for the consideration.

Marlene: I’m still conflicted whether that means going back to being a secretary--but a ‘strong secretary’ position isn’t an enticing opportunity. I’ll have a job again, sure, but there’s very little room for freedom there.

Marlene: I’ve always dreamed to work behind the scenes--just not the sorting-documents kind. Even when I left I’ve been having a creative rut for months.

Marlene: --up until I came across this story, and I’m struck with the inspiration to finish it. I can’t quite explain. Perhaps it can turn things around for me. It’s a spark but I think it’s enough to get the ball rolling.

Nico: What’s so special about this one?

Marlene: Because it’s different. It’s unlike any I’ve seen in a long while. It’s just missing a nugget of... something to exceed. I just have to explore it.
No. 1085012 ID: 2eb1da
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>Your main selling point is that this script is one of the few that you truly believe could be forged into a blockbuster
Marlene: I know Silenus hasn’t been doing too hot and it needs something new to break the mold. This could be it.

Nico: Hmmgh.

Marlene: What movies has Silenus churned out lately? Superhero fatigue and hard sci-fi sequels that ran their course half a decade ago.

Nico: No studio is naïve, Marlene; believe it or not we can see the signs in the midst of post-production if a movie is going to flop. Like every film we publish--we will wring out as much revenue as we can. Or shelve it and make it a tax write-off.

Nico: Besides, as much as I’d love to take a gamble on any promising indie script--the shareholders know that people still go to the movies to see the same things over and over. And it’s always been that way.

Marlene: Maybe. But the budgets of those movies are horrendous; especially when you stack reshoots and the cost of advertising that nearly double the initial production.

Marlene: It may be an understatement but Kaleidoscope is a drama. No explosions. Minimal special effects. If we’re smart it could be feasible on a tight budget.

He sighs and rubs his temples.
No. 1085013 ID: 2eb1da
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Nico: I feel we’re veering off a bit; let us rebound to that later. It sounds like you will only accept the job if we purchase the rights to the script.

Marlene: Well... putting it bluntly... yes. I suppose... that’s what this is. I guess it’s more like asking a favor. It’s what I want to do here, Mr. Booth. And I want to take part in finishing it.

Marlene: Something about this place keeps me on the fence. I still want my foot in the door... yet I feel reserved to stay independent.

Nico: Might I ask one question? Rhetorically maybe--but just a thought.

I nod.

Nico: What have you accomplished in the past half-year as a ‘freelancer’? Anything commissioned at all? Book? Script? Essay? A movie review perhaps?

I... dammit. Dammit. Dammit.

Nico: Hmm.

Nico: Marlene, in the time you worked here you were a pretty reliable gal. There’s still a certain... intuition I see in you.

Nico: But I won’t hire someone who is sometimes-with-us and sometimes-not purely on vibes.

Nico: Script aside, whether I even accept such a... favor, I still need a team that will go all-in. Which brings the most important question you must ask yourself at this very moment:

Nico: Do you want to work here or not?

He wears his famous hard stare. I’m trying to keep my cool but I’m tensing up inside on this decision.
No. 1085105 ID: 8f9bc4

He's feeling slighted because you rejected him earlier. Are you really up for this? The script is worth pursuing, but are you? What happens when you fail him, and you can't be the reliable worker he wants you to be? Are you going to say that you want something that you do not want? Maybe this was a bad idea.
No. 1085114 ID: dd3fe0

You love the work, ultimately. And structure helps. And the people are great And you can still be an asset and worth their time. The time you spent not working there helped give you perspective. So, yes, you are apprehensive, but that's not due to not wanting or needing or not being willing to go all-in, it's due to the magnitude of the change in front of you.
No. 1085120 ID: eb0a9c

"No, but I have to. Which means I will."
No. 1085168 ID: 15a025

Already pass the point of no return on this project. If you didn't want to see this through to the end, you wouldn't be in here. Jason's fate and Osman Niero's last chance to have his name out there is in your hands.

You want to work here, and you want to work on this movie.

The company has practically nothing to lose by picking up a simple smaller budget film.
No. 1085275 ID: debc82


From the sound of things, I'm not sure he WANTS us to work here, which is a pretty bad position to take.

Hardly inspiring, especially when he comes out with trite HR jargon like being "all-in."

But sure, fine, we took the initiative to walk in here, say this is the best damned script we've seen out of anything, and that we'll personally work to finish the damned thing for Silenus, but apparently that's not motivation enough.

We could always just take it somewhere that won't try to guilt us with emotional baggage.
No. 1085597 ID: 2eb1da
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>”No, but I have to. Which means I will.”
>Are you really up for this? [...] Maybe this was a bad idea.
>If you didn’t want to see this through to the end, you wouldn’t be here.
>You are apprehensive, but that’s not due to [...] being unwilling to go all in, it’s due to the magnitude of change in front of you.
I reflect on Emmylou's words. I just need to pull on a tough face for a while. If only for a little while.

I take a single breath.

Marlene: Mr. Booth...

Marlene: I do want to work here, and I want the chance to work on this movie.

Marlene: Working alone has at least given me some perspective.

He gives a subtle nod.

Nico: Alright.

Nico: It’s good to hear you’re back in the game, Ms. Collins.

Nico: I’ll hold the script here. I’ll try to find time to read it over--and if it’s as captivating as you say then I may even pass it around my peers to have a few more views.

Nico: In the meantime, you should catch our current line-up of shows. You might even contribute to them in the future.

Nico: You can start after the weekend. I still have your information on file--that is--if you haven’t changed your address or means of contact.

Marlene: It’s still the same.

Nico: Then it’s all settled! That wasn’t so bad, was it? I’ll be sure that you can segue back into the rhythm of things here~

Nico: If there’s nothing else, I'll look forward to seeing you back in the office.
No. 1085599 ID: 2eb1da
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I almost forget as I turn my back to leave; there’s still one thing left to make clear.

Marlene: If I could address one more thing--

Marlene: I want to say... what I did the other day was a bit of a mistake.

Nico: Hmm?

Marlene: The... dumb kiss I did. I’m a bit embarrassed of my reaction towards... your offer. You could probably figure I’ve been going through some things and my mind was not where it’s at.

Nico: Oh, that.

Marlene: I’m taken, Mr. Booth.

Marlene: I didn’t want to give you the wrong impression.

Marlene: I'm very embarrassed that I would do such a thing, but... I hope that doesn't make things awkward moving forward.

Nico: Hmmm.

Nico: I see.

Nico: Well it was unexpected for sure. I guess I misinterpreted your approach.

Nico: But I can easily forget it happened.

Marlene: Good. That’s all. Thank you for understanding.

Nico: Yes. I must wrap the day up now. Be seeing you.
No. 1085600 ID: 2eb1da
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At this point there would be a cork popping from a champagne bottle. Instead I sufficed with the clack of a stout glass on mahogany veneer.

I’m at Hammered Horns with Maebe. The meeting with Nico happened so fast and full of adrenaline I don’t remember how I got here.

Maebe: Way to go, Mar-lene! Here’s to your last few days of freedom.

Maebe: This one’s on me. Do you like White Peak? It’s like drinking snow.

Marlene: You mean it’s water?

Maebe: Heh heh heh... naw I meant... the crisp. I dunno how to describe it.

Marlene: You seem unusually perky tonight~

Maebe: Aaaah I may have had two beers before you arrived. Alan just reopened the bar after a bad trivia night with bikers ended up trashing the place. It looked like an apocalypse rushed by. Anyway, that means all the beer is new!

Maebe: But whatcha gonna spend your hundred on, huh? And do you think your boss was bustin’ your balls back there?

Marlene: Maybe, I dunno. Sometimes he’s laid back but that may be to lure you in when he drops the hard questions; his demeanor completely changes.

Marlene: A bit unsettling but it’s all business I guess; I don’t think he has it out for me.

Maebe: “All-in Marley”

Maebe: Well here’s to hurdling over that jump. You got a script to write! Right?

Marlene: We’ll see after the weekend I suppose.

While the night is still young, I wonder how I’m going to spend it celebrating.
• gossip drunk
• 20 Bleater™ selfies drunk
• share secrets drunk
• bleat at sports drunk
• beer games drunk
• karaoke drunk
• trivia night drunk
• two girls jus’ kissing drunk

No. 1085603 ID: f3e128

the reasonable amount would be around bleat at sports or share secrets.

My brain went dead at two girls kissing so that one please
No. 1085605 ID: eb0a9c

Get the Two Girls Kissing to make you feel better about randomly kissing other men.
No. 1085607 ID: 4796dc

Truth or dare drunk!
Oh wait, thats not a choice

Beer games drunk then. We can get even more drunk! Have some fun, live a little lot!
No. 1085658 ID: 5ebd37

You haven't even finished dealing with the last kiss. Stick with secret swapping.
No. 1085671 ID: a09489

No. 1085675 ID: 273c18

Bleat at sports drunk.
No. 1085677 ID: a7a180

Share secrets drunk.
No. 1085712 ID: 8f9bc4

Oh man the selfies is tempting...
No. 1085923 ID: dd3fe0

share secrets drunk
No. 1085931 ID: 7c55ad

I'll change vote to sharing secrets drunk since playing games isn't getting a lot of votes. If we share secrets drunk, talk about our dream experiences, would be fun to hear her opinion while she's drunk. We told her before, but not the whole thing.

talk about the guy you see in your dreams, and also how you sleptwalk, even naked outside that one time
No. 1085941 ID: 7c151e

seconding this one.
No. 1085957 ID: 15a025

Share secrets!
No. 1086044 ID: 2eb1da
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>Bleat at sports drunk
I’m not much of a sports enthusiast but the Hartwood Lumberjacks, my hometown varsity football team, are on. I’m one full pint into my drinking binge--and I don’t drink often, so I’ve yet to build a tolerance for alcohol in my veins.
Still, it lets me feel loose and open to express myself.

Marlene: Fuckin’ horseshit!

Marlene: Both teams got worse since I left high school.

Maebe: I actually gave one of those guys a tattoo on his back thigh--right under his ass. I think it was the name of his girlfriend.

Marlene: ‘They still together?

Maebe: Fuck if I know; I don’t keep tabs on customers.

Maebe: You ever wanted a tattoo?

Marlene: Maybe. I wouldn’t know where to put it.

Maebe: Trust me. You’ll figure it out soooon enough.

She smirks and clinks her glass to mine.

Marlene: I aint getting a tattoo tonight.

Maebe: Fine, fine.

Marlene: And what the hell was that pass? He’s over there in No Man’s Land!

Maebe: Do you keep tabs on high school buds?

Marlene: Mmmmm—yeah. I only had two friends, to be honest. Their names are Emmylou and Lori--sisters. We were neighbors but I see them enough to know what’s been happenin’ in their lives.

Marlene: Oh wait. There’s an ex. We sorta talk. Last time I surfed Bleater™ he got married. I think he’s gonna have twins.

Maebe: Cool, cool. Good for him. Here, lemee flag Alan down for another beer.
No. 1086045 ID: 2eb1da
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>Share secrets!
Maebe: No waaay... you sleepwalk?

Marlene: Used to. Leas ss t in high school. Bit in co llege. I think it was depre s sion.

Marlene: -snuck- But I’m doin’ it again.

Maebe: Like. What d o you dooo? Eat from the fridge? Pee yours elf? Heh heh.

Marlene: Jus t. End up somewhere--I end up some w here in the apar t ment. On the floor. Or clozet.

Marlene: Oh! Oh! Ooh man... I ack-shully end e d up naked o uts ide.

Maebe: Shit! Naw-uuuh.

Marlene: Oh y ea h. In the buf f. Happened thi i i iis mor n ing.

Maebe: Nuh-uuuuuuh. Really? Nauuuh.

Marlene: Ido n’t thin kany one saw me...

Marlene: Sebbs dared me to go o u t naked on ce when we moved in. To grab a le af from atree. That was a rush to my p r i vates~ Eh-heh heh heh~

Marlene: S a a t on his dick right aft er huehuehue
No. 1086046 ID: 2eb1da
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Marlene: Oh! So the d ream s I’ve had. The o rang e dreams. I told you this, right? I als o see a man.

Maebe: Is he h o t?

Marlene: I... dunno! Haha! He’s cute I gues s.

Maebe: Not your boyfrien d? What does he do, chase you wit h a knife? Sta nd l ike a creepy sexper vert?

Marlene: Naw, jus t a guy I talk to in my dreams. I think we just f l o a t around. Talk about sstuff.

Marlene: Like... like...

Marlene: Is this even real? Is this mun dane world f a ke?

Maebe: That’s some deep shit.

Marlene: Right. Y eah.

Marlene: We’re both nekkid too. And float a ro und in oran ge. And we’re h o o ked up to...

Marlene: So m e thing--

Marlene: I’ll probably see him again to n ight. Lookin’ for wardt o it.

Marlene: I’ve ne v er felt so good.

Marlene: Man I s u u r e get naked. Like. A l o t.

Maebe: If-ff the creep y dream man was sudd en ly real like right inn fron t of you. Whaat w ould you even do?
No. 1086047 ID: a7a180

Give him my shirt so he wasn't naked!
No. 1086048 ID: eb0a9c

Repeatedly scream "CYBER" until you pass out.
No. 1086052 ID: dd3fe0

Talk to him. Try and get his phone number. Get him some drinks! Get him some clothes, hahaha!

We're friends, you know? Not with benefits! No sex! I'm taken! Can't have sex with anyone but the boyfriend.

Oh! I'd ask him about the other reality. See, when we talk, there's THREE reality layers. You know how the Matrix had two, but the other movie like The Matrix that no one watched, the one with the same idea that came out around the same time, uh, The Thirteenth Floor? It had THREE layers. So we're in a THREE layer reality. One is Here, Two is the floaty orange place, and Three is where we're SUUUUPER ugly cyborgs in a wasteland. Like. Really ugly. It'd be scary, but then you realize we're all just ugly! The fucking machines that made us cyborgs have no sense of style, ya know?
No. 1086053 ID: 8f9bc4

She's not the dream man. She can't be because she's too busy being Maebe! The only one right in front of you is Maebe, is she trying to tell you something hmmm? Or maybe it's the bartender. Hey, are you the guy of my dreams?
No. 1086054 ID: 7c55ad

You'd give him all the clothes off youur back so he wasn't naked anymore.

but also introduce him to Maebe and the band, you did talk to him about the band, and thought up lyrics with him critiquing it.
No. 1086055 ID: debc82


Ask him why he didn't ... call? Go to that one place?

Uhhhh ... there was something. We'd asked him to do a thing. And he didn't. Yet.

No. 1086100 ID: 0c0930

"'unno. See if the knows something weird that helps us wake up for good? Oh, also puunch him from chickening out on trying to open our eyes at the same time that one time!"
No. 1086115 ID: dd3fe0


Wait a second! I was assuming he was naked. But he'd be real here to, and HERE he'd have his normal clothes and stuff. So I don't need to give him my clothes. Cause he'd have some here! Cause you have a YOU in all the layers of reality, yea?
No. 1086401 ID: 2eb1da
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Marlene: I uhh h h. He’d be all naked. Heh heh. And I’d give him my shi irt or paaants.

Marlene: Get his num ber. Not like--he’s not my boyfren I have one.

Marlene: Cute but. Iunno.

Marlene: I dun-no why he hasz’t called me. Or meet me somewher..

Marlene: I think he be avoiding me.

Marlene: In fakt, h e e ee... helps me write the son g.

Marlene: Your songe.

Maebe: He aint real Mar. It’s all a drreeam.

Marlene: You’re not re eal.

Maebe: I am real!

Marlene: Nunuhvis is real ly real. There’s three layer s of real-ty like the... Matrix.

Marlene: This one right now... uh...

Marlene: Then orange... world.

Marlene: And the night mare. The h a t e machines. It’s s so un bleeb—believe ably scary you wake up. We’re all ugly cyborgs. Hooked tooo machines.

Marlene: Only whence we open our eeyes. Do we see. He wouldn’t open ‘em. Chickening out--. Open our eyes.

Maebe reaches her hand out to me.

And flicks my snout.

Marlene: dOw!

Maebe: That real enough for ya?

Maebe: Make dat nonsense a sstory; I think we’be had enuff. I’m calling en Uber.
No. 1086402 ID: 2eb1da
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My head feels heavy. What time is it? Oh right, I have a phone. I could look there. Where izzit. I’m sure Maebe knows where to drop me off. I feel everything spinning like an unending somersault.

Maebe: Uuugh I’m g o nn a barf.

Maebe: No wait. No I’m not.

Gotta give my eyes a rest.

Fuuuuck. I’m so tired.

Marlene: Where a r e we?

Maebe: We haven’t lef t yet. We’ll be there, don’t wo r ry.
No. 1086403 ID: 2eb1da
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Carter: Marlene..?
No. 1086404 ID: 2eb1da
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Maebe: Yo, wake up! You’re home!

Maebe: Come now, girl. Final s t retch to bed.

I hear a familiar voice.

Seb: Marley? That you? Are you girls alright?

Maebe: She’s just--we’re fine! We were celebr ating. She’s good! I’ve been watching her, don’t worry! Heh heh.

I’m trying to reorient myself.

Maebe: Co m e on, Mar; your guardian angel awaits.

Marlene: Carter?

Maebe: Car ter! Would you help her to the door?

Seb: Who? Who's Carter?

Maebe: Sorry, whatsst your name?

Seb: Heh. It’s Sebastian. You’re Mabel right?

Maebe: Sebbisseb? Naw, Maebeee. Sorry--I suck at names.

Marlene: Shit. Seb. Which way to the door again?
No. 1086416 ID: dd3fe0

Seb! Seb is great! You love Seb, can Seb tuck you into bed? Things are spinny! Soooooo drunk!
No. 1086423 ID: 8f9bc4

Don't forget to hydrate!

The door is uh... to your right.
No. 1086424 ID: dd3fe0

Right! Door to the right, thank Seb for being amazing, go inna house, drink LOTS of water, go pee, and THEN bed!
No. 1086428 ID: 7c55ad

literally crawl on top of Maebe to get out of the car, wish her good night

talk drunken silly nonsense to Seb, like tell him how adorable he is, Ask if he's interested in doing more risky naked dares with you in the future, and most importantly, give him a big ol' sloppy alcohol smelling kiss,

and oh yeah! tell him you're going to be working again! So you both HAVE to celebrate with him in some way.
No. 1086553 ID: 15a025

Try not to trip on your way out of the cab. Then fail and trip into Seb's arms.
No. 1086609 ID: debc82


Shhhhh nooooo, dreamtime is now. Maebe no, we gotta talk to Carter
No. 1086610 ID: a3b6f7

You should go to the kitchen. You have to *hic* you have to check there's enough food tomorrow.

Maybe... *hic* *snickers a little* maybe you should eat a can to see if it's good.
No. 1086685 ID: 2eb1da
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Maebe’s fat ass aint movin’ to let me through. Moooove.

Okay. She moved now. I manage to walk a few feet into Seb’s arms. I try to kiss his lips but I think I missed. Yeah. I missed. And it was kind of a sucky kiss on the collar of his shirt. I end up nibbling on the fabric.

Maebe: You got h e r?

Seb: Yep! Yep she’s good. Thank you! Have a--have a nice night!

Marlene: Aaah, Seb~ You’re just so amaaazing. Heh heh.

Seb: You should... drink some water! Otherwise your head will implode tomorrow morning.

Marlene: I’m m plenty of water cuz I gotta rock a piss.

Seb: Well not out here! Hold it just a while longer.

Seb: Come on, let’s move our feet. There we go--
No. 1086686 ID: 2eb1da
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Aaaaaah relief~

And then bed~

Seb: Lift your legs a bit. I’ll help get your pants off.

Marlene: Heeeh-heh-heh-heh. I’d feel w a y better naked right a bou t now.

The sound of ocean waves.

Seb: You’ve been out pretty late.

Marlene: I’m sorry, Seb.

Seb: I aint mad or anythin’. Did you have a good time?

Marlene: Uh-huh...

Marlene: Sorr y, though.

Seb: I know~

The sound of clouds soaring.

Pants come off. Woosh! Just my shirt and undies.

Seb: It’s one-in-the-morning. I was beginning to worry.

Marlene: Celebrate-ing. We celebrate...

Marlene: Awe ma a a an.

Marlene: F u u uc k me. Eh-heh-heh-heh...hehehehe.

Seb: Uuuuh-huh~ I don’t think either of us has the stamina tonight.

Marlene: Do me uh d a r e Seeeeb.

Seb: Just rest for now~

Marlene: Mm I dare you to—

Marlene: Open your e y e s.
No. 1086687 ID: 2eb1da
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The sound of sun rays.

Marlene: Open ‘em

Seb: Just sleep hon~ Time to close them.

The sound of...
No. 1086688 ID: 2eb1da
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No. 1086692 ID: 2eb1da

Chapter 4: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1086689.html
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