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1080226 No. 1080226 ID: 46e818

325 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1082113 ID: 785097

Don't move just yet.
This looks a lot like Mr. Lollipop's Do Not Disturb sign. But who can blame him when he's being hunted and he has such an important guest. We need to convince him we're not the enemies.
Hey Tislomer, remember any of those songs you used to sing? Start singing one of them and see if he changes things back.
Or humbly ask for passage for Tislomer and maybe Finesse, as they're not only locals but not races of man, and ask for you and Ashedel to be led out of the glade. You in particular shouldn't expect a warm welcome or even to be tolerated here.
No. 1082114 ID: 04b6f1

If any of you knows Mr. Lollipop's songs, it would be a good time to sing them.
No. 1082121 ID: 7b1b5d

Fire is exactly what we need. Whip up some candy soup on the double!
No. 1082125 ID: 604fe8

By the way, what happened to the kobold child we saved once?
She also vomited lots of black stuff back then, so maybe it's related.

I feel like there was a short continuation what happened to her, but I can't find it.
No. 1082127 ID: 5d5a05

It should be noted that certain things have been considered non-canon. Something did happen with that kobold girl in the sister quest, Knights Blades, but much of that is considered to no longer be canon.
No. 1082132 ID: 46e818
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There is something unsettling about this location, even beyond the unnatural darkness. Perhaps, as you say, it would be prudent to pause here.

"I have come to seek Scfarr-Uuragg!
I am Prince Muschio Malto, and on behalf of the people of these woods I implore you to return your divine protection to your faithful!"

There is no noise, no response from the darkness.

"I seek the Red One, the Seer, the guardian of these woods! Please, I entreat you, bestow your presence!"
No. 1082133 ID: 46e818
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No. 1082134 ID: 46e818
File 170664248525.png - (34.99KB , 800x600 , 1984.png )

"...Tislomer, if you would?"
No. 1082136 ID: 46e818
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"We're not alone. Be alert, stay close. Let's move quickly."
>"Maybe it's Mr. Lollipop!"
"Maybe it is."

The bright gleam of the midday forest is invigorating.
The noise of branches crunching underfoot slowly gives way to the soft brushing of rich wet grass.
No. 1082138 ID: 46e818
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The trees part before us. The worn path turns to smooth, circular step-stone, then ends, opening into a verdant, open glade.
Gentle billows of cool wind caress the shimmering grass.
No. 1082139 ID: ce619a

Yo, uh.
Weird shit be happening. We just had a time warp and/or a dimension hop.
You were just in a dark evil version of this happy glade when Tislomer called out for Mr. Lollipop and then everything reverted back about a minute in time and to this happy version of the area.
This god is an actual god and very powerful. Manipulate time and fabric of reality powerful.
Also, do not make Tislomer sad or angry or let her get hurt, the god seems to be responding to her. You might be too cynical and bitter for it to listen to you.
No. 1082140 ID: 02d82a

Yeeeaaahh... Better let Tislomer take the lead on this one.
No. 1082142 ID: aebd26

Okay boss, cause for alarm. It seems some major perception fuckery is going on here.

Do not trust your eyes. Proceed very slowly and carefully.
No. 1082155 ID: eb0a9c

So that's how all these kami converse to insane mortals without snapping.
They don't.
They just paper their mistakes over with time travel.

We got some resistance. Keep pushing forward and we'll keep you posted on alternate timelines.
No. 1082157 ID: dc4bad

deja vu
Well, having Tislomer doing the talking seems to have had a positive effect...

Perhaps the earlier change towards thorns and darkness was in response to the rather grim nature of our earlier conversation, and her unflappable cheer has reasserted a bright aspect to this place.

Maybe Mr. Lollipop just knows his own, I can't imagine there are many purer devotees than one that thinks of him as a childhood/lifetime friend

anyway, proceed carefully and watch out for any sensations that do not match the apparent visible reality.
No. 1082159 ID: debc82


Awww, they were just trying to keep us away because they probably thought we were bad guys.

Might be time to let Tislomer lead.
No. 1082160 ID: 3f3d5c

Did my brain just skip a beat...?
Boss, you think you could recap the last five seconds for us? Purely for our own benefit, I mean.
Uhhhh. I guess keep Tislomer up front and push forward. Is that a little home up there, just past the glade...?
No. 1082169 ID: d4d22b

Surely you must remember something changed. Look at Finesse, she's carrying that torch in bright daylight. It was just black as pitch a moment ago. It seems Mr. Lollipop doesn't have an eye for detail, despite his ability to rewrite time. Assuming it was him at all of course.
No. 1082170 ID: 273c18

Ah. We are in a god's realm, indeed. Well, be polite.
No. 1082192 ID: 04b6f1

Time to diplomatize harder than you ever diplomatize before.
No. 1082203 ID: 46e818
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The air around us crackles faintly with static electricity, and at the far end of the glade, an enormous, robed figure slowly lurches out from the strange hut.

>"YOU HAVE..."
No. 1082204 ID: 46e818
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>"A-RRIVED! ♪"

No. 1082205 ID: eb0a9c

...Oh god no.
Not Mrs. Bojack.
No. 1082206 ID: d4d22b

Oh God, it's getting homoerotic already.
No. 1082207 ID: aebd26

Bend the knee. You are a prince, but you're in the presence of the divine, after all.
Ask Tislomer to introduce you and inquire if there's anything troubling Mr. Lollipop.
No. 1082208 ID: ce619a

Give him the candy.

Also, I remind you:
Reality warping god;
No matter how annoyed you might be at it's... proclivities. But be honest and candid when you interact with them. Respectful, but no manipulative courtly bullshit. They can probably see right through you judging by the anomaly that just happened.
No. 1082209 ID: 273c18

Well he seems fine. Greet him with respect, and bring up his strange absence. Did his worshippers offend him?
No. 1082210 ID: 4d8b77

Oh no, I'm starting to think Tislomer might be important.
No. 1082225 ID: 5b567f

Uh. Okay then. Offer him the candy as a sign of good faith.
No. 1082226 ID: 8f9bc4

*heavy metal boss music soundtrack*
No. 1082230 ID: 80676b

Prepare the candy, save one for Tils.
Be mindful of Health Bars showing up.
No. 1082231 ID: 3f3d5c

Oh no.

I love him.
No. 1082232 ID: 2f41db

Oh, he looks fabulous.

Hey mushie. Long time lurker, first time talker. Have been floating around here with the other figments and fragments a lookng time.something just clicked though...
Youve got yourself a deity here, minor yeah, but still a creature of belief.
You approached with trepidation and oh boy did things get dark, but then your cute lil' minion shouts out for her mister lollipop and the world is different.
Maybe our guardian isnt just of belief, but shaped by it too.
First point then, tislomer:protect that innocence. She may not be nuanced in thought but her belief in what mister lollipop is clearly very well defined. That faith elicited a clear response.
It might be worth thinking about.
I mean, hey, it may not be a faith actualized entity but its worth considering the possibility. And its probably better dealing with a mint candy loving horse thing than whatever horror was gestating in that looming dark.

Thinking about it, if your new friend mister lollipop is shaped by faith, then his absence would be explained by encroachment of non believing entities and a wavering faith from the local tribes as misfortune erodes their belief
No. 1082237 ID: 46e818
File 170675726470.png - (21.54KB , 800x600 , 1989.png )

>"Mister Lollipop!"
>"Tislomer! What a delight to see you! And you brought friends!

>Well, Welcome to my glade! You know, I love so many things."

No. 1082238 ID: 46e818
File 170675729747.png - (8.28KB , 800x600 , 1990.png )

>"But one of the things I love most is having guests over."
No. 1082240 ID: 2f41db

"It's just his arm" i repeat to myself like a mantra.
No. 1082247 ID: 82e021

Oh this is going to end so badly he is THIN and giant and HOT and we are going to die by literal snu-snu.
No. 1082249 ID: eb0a9c

Yeah, definitely getting narcissistic vibes from this boi

Everyone prepare your opening statements
No. 1082251 ID: d01d94

Well everything is going well then, you are expected and welcome guests.
Follow Tislomer's lead, a god has revealed themselves in good faith, best to return that faith for now.
No. 1082262 ID: 756d56

Huh. So why was the glade so unwelcoming before? (He's a god of love so perhaps he could help with Sadie?) Finnie's gonna ask for help with Muschio too, would bet a lot of dosh.
No. 1082268 ID: 2f41db

My guess was as a creature of belief, hes shaped by faith. The group were approaching with trepidation, the locals are worried about encroachment and the humans and elves dont believe any of the "lesser" species "primitive" but sweet little tislomer has an ironcast faith in what he is. Her friend, mister lollipop. Even if his shadow/shillouete happens to look like he full mast happy to see you. Like, muschio meeting a dragon level of happy.
No. 1082278 ID: 04b6f1

Amicable relations with the entity are of the utmost importance. Put your best front and let Tis and Finnie introduce you as the "Great friend" of the forest folk you are.
No. 1082289 ID: fe12b4

huh. Yeah, you know what that tracks actually. He's had a pretty okay track record up to this point so there's no reason to assume ill-intent of him, and it could prove dangerous to do so in either case.

Dude's just an eccentric god-twink.
No. 1082293 ID: d01d94

The illusion could just be a safety measure, with no more meaning than an iron gate.
It shifted when called upon, not when anyone in the party started believing harder.
No. 1082294 ID: 04b6f1

I'll say that the entity recognized Tis, recognized her as a friend/ally and is acting accordingly. About its nature, I'll lean more into a magical creature of the woods along the lines of a fairy like forest guardian.
No. 1082305 ID: 2f41db

Thinking on it the what mr lollipop is sits as less important than how mushie acts in the moment. For now at least.
Ask tislomer to introduce you and hope its something nice or self introduction showing respect and dropping in hints of your friendliness toward the forest peoples.
Maybe find a way to comment on his absence being felt by his wards.
Oh, and not commenting on how his shadow looks like hes got a massive stonk on.
No. 1082308 ID: dee638

Perhaps you guys are right and have no reason to be unsure or worried. Still, he said he likes guests though that was not on show before with the unsettling ambiance. Lollipop himself seems fine, however perhaps there is a corrupting influence, foreign or domestic though domestic would be worse... especially if there are multiple personalities in Lollipop.
No. 1082309 ID: fbefdc

Call me an old fashioned fool but the "guests" part is really important to me. We are being welcomed, and the laws of hospitality, such as they are in this place, need be observed. Thank the Red One for his welcome and don't do anything to violate the laws.
No. 1082315 ID: 006510

as the anon behind me stated, the law of hospitality is important here, and might allude that we’re dealing with something similar to fae. be careful about food, promises, and giving him your name.
No. 1082343 ID: 2f41db

Ooh. Good point about the name. Maybe can be sidestepped by being introduced.
Y'know mushie, shouldn't you think about getting yourself a herald? All the cool monarchs have one.
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