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1082380 No. 1082380 ID: 46e818

688 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1085792 ID: 46e818
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>"Well, nothing left but to return these children to the villages. Should be a bit of a walk, but we know the way."
"A shame we can't simply be teleported again."

>"...Master Muschio, we weren't teleported here. You just... stared marching off in a singular direction and wouldn't answer us until we got here. We followed you."
No. 1085793 ID: 3f3d5c

Tis, you are a kid.
I don't care if you're technically of age for kobolds, you are a kid at heart.

... huh.

Well, that's not nearly as fun.
Did anyone keep track of which direction we came from?
No. 1085794 ID: df90ce

He gave us an unconventional weapon to use as a last resort, if even that if the effect really is temporary or reversible.
While I agree that we should be cautious of his intents, presuming that he is always deceiving us seems a bit too extreme. Unless of course it starts to become apparent that it is a pattern.

That said, perhaps we should ask him about the effects of his boon and the fate of those slavers we transfigured instead of giving him ultimatums yet.
No. 1085796 ID: ce619a

>Seer entranced us and made us walk here
Ugh... lollipop continues to retroactively be a dick.
Feel free to tell the group about this so they don't think you were having a stroke or something.
No. 1085797 ID: 8b8c72

Well, that's what you get when you deal with these supernatural types.
No. 1085798 ID: 065ad8

I suppose these things happen when someone finds it easier to implant knowledge into your brain rather than give you verbal directions or a map. Better start walking. Hm, don't want to lead anyone back, of course, and it wouldn't do to get ambushed. Keep an eye out to ensure all the runaways from earlier have stayed run away. And make a note for everyone who came on this expedition to compare their notes about exactly what they saw, heard and otherwise experienced during all this. Later, though. For now, focus on getting these kids back home and keeping up their morale. If nothing else, you want these children to be full of praises for you even beyond the simple rescue, so be nice to them. A king is father to his people, you know, Muschio! Let's see some parenting skills!
No. 1085800 ID: a09b09

Eh. He's underhanded but means well. Pretty much what's expected. He is a reformed eldritch being.
No. 1085805 ID: 2f41db

Shes right.
Being one is better than having one.


That didnt just hit you Big M.
That mental break affected all of us fragments too.

Mr lollipop clearly has a mind very alien to us in nature.
As such, we cannot assume ill intent.
From his perspective shunting directions and compulsion to the forefront of your entire mental process may have been the safest way to get you where you needed to be.

He could do with learning that he needs to explain and receive explicit permission before he does that as such actions can erode trust.

For a creature of faith, trust must matter.
No. 1085806 ID: df90ce

Huh. What a poor time to catch up with the thread. It seems like he doesn't lie to us directly, but instead by omission, which lead to an interesting thought:

I think "he" may not be specifically a god of 'love' per se, but more broadly relationships in general. Maybe he is not a dual-deity that switches between forms, but instead it is Muschio's own perception of him that is fluctuating back and forth. If that is true, it would imply that Muscio is deeply insecure and paranoid (duh), and account for how everyone seems to be seeing a different thing or at least their interpretation.

With that said, and if we follow that logic, then how he appears seems to be governed by how much trust we have in him, since all relationships are built on trust. Our trust in Tislomer lead to us to trust him because her view of relationships is very bright, childlike, and nonthreatening. The 'scary monster' form we occasionally see may therefore be how Muschio /himself/ sees relationships, which tracks given his history (and family's history) and relationship with betrayal.

If Mister Lollipop is still in here, would he like to w(n)eigh in on this? It's an interesting thought to have a conversation with a living concept.
No. 1085807 ID: eb0a9c

Fast Travel. It's fast.
No. 1085808 ID: df90ce

Continuing the train of thought: if what everyone is seeing is based on their own interpretations of other's actions inside relationships, it would mean that our whole party has been affected like this too: how Geppa's perception of people, especially Dompag, shifts based on how she feels about them.

That means that Finesse sees us based only on our actions regardless of the intent or context. Not only would that mean she sees us the most literally, or at least gounded-in-reality perception of us, it would also mean that her personality is at least a bit psychopathic, which given our initial intentions and methods of rebuilding the Malto empire, is pretty unsurprising, but may be a sign that she's a bit... off. That offhand comment about being a child again seemed a bit odd.

It might be worth asking if this "secret" she has is related to us within the orb of Psyche, Muschio, or at least Muschio's dynasty. While this may not be the best time, it might be worth asking her about it later. Especially since she is clearly comfortable about admitting her feelings for Muschio in public, so I don't think it was about her feelings for him.
No. 1085811 ID: 443b73

I don't think Muschio is getting glimpses at all, just us. The name in the dark vision posts is either the generic "Suggestion" or "???" instead of "Muschio". The implication is that we are seeing from Mr. Lollipop point of view, and therefor he is hearing our suggestion or at least getting glimpses of what we say. This interpretation fit with the forest becoming unnaturally dark before they've met him, before they were subject to the perception altering effect. The "greasy beast" is likely his true physical form, unless his own perception is altered in a more sinister way.
No. 1085812 ID: df90ce

I am an idiot: that wasn't Finesse but Tislomer who said that.

Still, it might still be worth approaching Finesse later on about that secret if she is comfortable sharing with Muschio, and if not, then respecting her boundaries; considering that we depend constantly on mutual trust within our group/organization to provide the defenses, support, magic, research, food and etc. that they do. She wouldn't have been the only member of our party who tried, or nearly gotten us killed at some point.
No. 1085813 ID: df90ce

It's possible that it's all just illusions and there actually is a physical monster underneath, though OTOH that's the nature of relationships: sometimes they are just that. I think the metaphor would still hold: they can still have power to affect the real world and they move with their own inertia and how we react with them - but all that has really changed is the perspective. Perhaps he embodies how the denizens of the forest relate with the woods itself, and why Red Fang was so influential with it - he made it terrifying again through whatever robbery/murder/violence he did.
No. 1085814 ID: df90ce

Which makes me think that in order to keep him from going full Blair Witch on us, we just need to make our adoption/occupation of the territory a very good and safe one, preferably where things are done through diplomacy. If that works, it would also mean that we can actually influence and shape a demigod if we play our cards right.
No. 1085815 ID: 940726

Well, now we have two reasons not to trust him.

I'm really disappointed in him over this. He seemed like a pretty awesome dude at first. I was hoping our alliance would work out. Even after he told us he was being intentionally deceptive about the flower thing, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, what with him being an ancient forest spirit who doesn't exactly get how big of a deal it was. He'd say something like "sorry, I understand why I shouldn't have done that, I'll be honest with you from now on" and we'd all go back to being friends.

But after this? Nope. He's getting downgraded from "creepy, but also fun and cute" to just "creep". We're going to get these children back to their homes, and then we're going to get out of his bad-touch range.

On the other hand, Finesse did try to drug-rape you that one(?) time. Maybe we should, I dunno, look for our footprints just to be sure. If she's telling the truth, we can follow our own trail back. Do you feel like you just walked a mile?

>Unless of course it starts to become apparent that it is a pattern.
That didn't turn out too well, did it?

I hope you're as disappointed by this as I am, because I'm not eager to make any more excuses for him if he's not going to make any for himself.
No. 1085824 ID: 273c18

That was merely an efficient use of godly power. It's much more expensive to teleport a bunch of people than it is to entrance a single person.
No. 1085827 ID: df90ce

I agree that we should at least limit our initial trust of it. Though we have to consider that if he really is at least a reflection of our relationships with others, his tendency to lie to us through omissions, forced framework/perspectives, and some very careful wording is therefore a reflection of our own tendency to do those very same things to everyone else, even within our own party in the past, IIRC.
If that logic holds, then I think this would mean that 'it' is to be approached initially with caution and respect, or at least non-confrontational, and if it becomes more relevant to learn about it, do so until we know exactly what we're dealing with - especially since it could shed some light into that bone amulet Muschio and formerly-Red Fang, had. If it stays benevolent or at least beneficial we should consider at least keep it going, and if it's really just parasitic or harmful to us, at the very least start by cutting ourselves off from it. If the rest of the forests' denizens want to be rid of it too, we liberate them as well if we have the means and desire to do so.

If we are to directly confront it, though, I think we should start off by stating that our trust has been broken by the whole bodily possession thing, and then seeing how it goes from there. He likely already knows what we know, so I think an honest and respectful approach is the best method towards combating against something that could potentially weaponize a concept, if we have to if it turns out that it's intentions are malevolent.
After all, all relationships are built on trust, yadda yadda etc.
No. 1085830 ID: df90ce

That all being said, I think returning the kids back to their villages should take first priority over confronting it, so that we can at least fulfill our promises to what will become our future subjects. Unless this very conversation already triggered it or something. Whoops.
No. 1085845 ID: 46e818

Friendly reminder that the DiveeQuest discussion thread can be found here:

If you're posting broad theories and thoughts instead of immediate actions and reactions, consider using the discussion thread instead! It's a better avenue for ongoing dialog about the nature of people and events, less likely to get lost in the shuffle.
No. 1085872 ID: 8f9bc4


Well that's disturbing. At least it's over.
No. 1085878 ID: 7493dd

Boss if he takes influence over us so easily is because we opened ourselves to his manipulations. We need to steel our mind and remember that there's no such thing as a "free lunch".
No. 1085882 ID: 7ede17

Well that's disquieting to say the least.
No. 1085883 ID: 2f41db

Mind fortress time big M.
I still say mr lollipop isnt an enemy, but open doors invite guests.
No. 1085893 ID: 06335d

Let's just be glad this is over. We have nothing to gain from antagonizing Mr. Lollypop.
No. 1085968 ID: 46e818
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I wonder, for a moment, if this was some joke to the Seer, or if to a god, this counts as guidance. His ways seem inscrutable, to say the least, but I am happy to have this course done with.

With our living cargo in tow, we return to the treeline. The entire forest will be indebted to us for this act, and the wholeness of its people will make all the better a body to rule and guard.
This is the lesson I took from my father, the last King Malto. My subjects to be are not merely hands which work, purses for coin. They must be cherished and protected, else what good is a king?

I would say this outing has proved a success. We will reconvene with the local leaders, work out preliminary dealings, and learn what we can of the mysteries most urgent, including a definitive exorcism.

Then, I think, a long rest, as my last attempt was so rudely intruded on.
No. 1085969 ID: 2f41db

I bet the sight of you cradling a youngling has got finesse's hormones a raging big M.
No. 1085971 ID: ff6d2c

You'll rest all the better after that personal debriefing with Ashedel. But uhh don't think about that too much right now. Personally, I think our Seer is in worse condition than he pretends, and is putting the best face on things. Wouldn't you, if other people's beliefs about you shaped what you were? Given that, what exactly were his alternatives? He has to build appearance before it can be truth. Another lesson for a King to remember, perhaps.
No. 1086140 ID: 7493dd

Boss, truth be told, you too thin and a bit worse for wear. Your mind is strong, but you need to get swole.
No. 1086154 ID: 46e818
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No. 1086155 ID: 46e818
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Sorry, something about a long rest?
No. 1086156 ID: 980bee

How's everyone holding up back at base
No. 1086157 ID: 8f9bc4

Looking a little tense there uh... whatever your name is.
No. 1086158 ID: 433a8f

Glad to see those baths Ona suggested (i believe) be built!

So, anything major happen while we're gone? Cuz oh boy, do we have a lot to tell yall...
No. 1086160 ID: ce619a

Pendle does not look like he's enjoying himself.
Are you sure you should be taking a guy with busted open limbs in there?
No. 1086162 ID: 7493dd

Hope he didn't have any plaster cast under those restraints.
No. 1086164 ID: debc82


Just vibin' in your soup.
No. 1086165 ID: 9eceec

Hey Dompag, want to be an acolyte of a god of love?
No. 1086167 ID: 065ad8

Boss just got some stuff sorted out and he's tired, no prob. How are things? Looks like some work's been done.
No. 1086168 ID: 2f41db

Big M has been burning that candle at both ends again.
Hell, its more like hes just thrown the whole candle in the fucking fire.

Hes gonna appreciat those baths.

You missed an orgy.
No. 1086170 ID: 1f2a1c

You missed a massive orgy, big guy 💔
No. 1086178 ID: eb0a9c

We just need to reserve Muschio a few hours in the spa. It was a... stressful day.

Yes, but you also missed some eldritch horror wearing a Bojack mask. The Red One means well, but... he likes doing bad things to bad people.
How bad? Well, we'd reserve an hour for ourselves if we could.

One final topic: can you ask Geppa if she could act as the bonfire priestess of the forest? Turns out, Red Fang was surprisingly good at being a warpriest... but he was a dick about it and the Red One wished for better. I think Geppa may have what it takes to act as a Flame Mikoto to the Red One.
You know her better than I do, so this one's your call.
No. 1086205 ID: a65ce4

We plannin' on adressing Finesse's confession at some point?
No. 1086208 ID: b32384

Hey Dom! You missed some shit.

Anyway how you feel about becoming a priest or herald to a god of love?
No. 1086226 ID: 46e818
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No, don't worry, Pendle's doin' just fine. See, watch.

>"Uh-- oh? Yes?"
"You okay?"
>"Oh. Y-yes, I'm... I think I'm all right. Just lost in thought. I do appreciate you all helping me in here."
"Must be a lot more comfortable than that cell."
>"The wet bandages are a bit off-putting but... what I can feel through the painkiller is nice."

No. 1086227 ID: 46e818
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Whatever the boss is goin' through, whatever sexy party I missed out on... right now, it's hard to care.

Sometimes the most important thing is to just take what you've got, the people around you, the friends you've made, and just--
No. 1086228 ID: 46e818
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No. 1086231 ID: 46e818
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...and just appreciate exactly where and who you are.
No. 1086270 ID: 7493dd

... The friends we made along the way.
No. 1086276 ID: 2f41db

Youre a wise feller D.
Enjoy your rest.
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