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File 132055486131.jpg - (2.86MB , 2000x2667 , ctans.jpg )
8235 No. 8235 ID: 39fadf

The old one was getting clogged with stuff.

here, a few C'tan dudes.

commishes are opened again, don't know for how long; see the details on my profile:

I've been toying around with the idea of adapting bits of the new necron background into a short comic, but I'm not sure yet which techniques I should use; or even which language...
210 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 11530 ID: 1854db

...is that badass warmaiden wearing a DIAPER?
No. 11533 ID: 97d97c

You're not familiar with OP, are you?
No. 11546 ID: e5b529



I guess not.


Left one, if you correct the kneepad
No. 11547 ID: c03136

okay, which kneepad?
No. 11548 ID: e5b529


The one on her right leg, and the high heeled boots need work.. Uh, Define them, they look like they are melding into the bg / floor

Other than that, everything is okay from my pov.
No. 11553 ID: c03136
File 133118235299.jpg - (1.19MB , 1200x1860 , faith p.jpg )

Okay, is there still something I should improve?
No. 11554 ID: c03136
File 133118242955.jpg - (296.77KB , 1024x1448 , commission___sister_millicent_by_muju-d4pxkm2.jpg )

knowing that the goal is to match (outmatch, if possible) this:
No. 11555 ID: feab56

Well, stop with the gorram diper and you should be that much closer to your goal
No. 11559 ID: 59a9ef
File 133120549011.jpg - (577.51KB , 1024x1608 , warhammer_monthly_daemonifuge_book_ii_gn_(wapazoid.jpg )


No. 11560 ID: f7a311

No. 11561 ID: 59a9ef


Sorry, I was just doing one of those "What Anime does to Western style" kind of comparisons...

In regards to your question on how to get closer to Muju's style, maybe it would be a good idea to drop fetishism for medieval style armors, bulky platings instead of corsets, actual warboots instead of high heels etc ?
No. 11562 ID: f7a311

oh, if it's merely a matter of design, then it's negligible, I'm only talking about the technical aspect.
No. 11563 ID: f7a311

>closer to muju's design
>drop the fetish bits and put a more serious-looking armor
not so sure about that
No. 11565 ID: feab56

You could always start with working on how to draw the hip area so it at least looks semi-realistic.
No. 11592 ID: 95c07b

And undo that ass? Blasphemy.
No. 11594 ID: f7a311

well, at least move the right leg further on the left to better account for the width.
No. 11606 ID: feab56

Not really "dat ass", just a mess, as it has been since I saw Technomancers work for the first time.
No. 11625 ID: eb4453

Muju's work has a much 'harder' edge than yours typically does, Technomancer. Almost every detail is outlined, however finely, whereas yours does not. This makes her art look more, well, I wouldn't say 'cartoony,' but it looks as though it belongs in a comic book or similar. Aside from this, your art is pretty similar, I'd say. If you want to imitate her better, I'd suggest trying to copy this fine 'outline' business.
No. 11627 ID: f7a311

probably because the ass shouldn't be distinguishable from that angle, and because the other part of the hips seems absent, right?

seems so.

Also, Jean Giraud/Moebius just died and that rustles my jimmies.
No. 11628 ID: f33e12


The guy that made the Halo Graphic Novel?

No. 11629 ID: f7a311

I don't think so, no. Nihei did a short Halo comic, but he has nothing to do with Moebius.

No, I'm talking about the guy who is usually regarded as the greatest French comics author. While I agree that his contribution, talent, competence and influence are all outstanding, I still prefer Druillet, so, since this one isn't dead yet, my jimmies aren't too rustled.
No. 11630 ID: f33e12
File 133139410567.jpg - (124.62KB , 500x547 , 133091942462.jpg )

No. 11634 ID: aafcf7
File 133141924990.jpg - (31.34KB , 600x300 , star-wars-ralph-mcquarrie-2.jpg )

Fucken, Ralph McQuarrie just died as well. He was pretty damn good. His original design for Darth Vader looks much more sinister than how he actually appears in the films.
No. 11635 ID: 1444d5

>Moebius has died
Moebius and Nihei both wrote parts of the Halo Graphic Novel.
No. 11636 ID: f33e12
File 133142031843.png - (127.83KB , 720x304 , vlcsnap-2012-02-29-03h33m57s142.png )

No. 13268 ID: af7fa8
File 133815927734.jpg - (440.22KB , 800x1200 , grab ss.jpg )

If something looks wrong, tell me
No. 13269 ID: af7fa8
File 133815932783.jpg - (57.66KB , 800x700 , bph.jpg )

I'm experimenting stuff, so, of course, can easily fail
No. 13274 ID: 131de9


Well let's see... assuming this is the exact same scene from two different angles, a few things jump out at me.

The boobs are a bit weird in both. First, they really don't seem to be in the same position between the two images. Past that, they look a bit too high up. In the first image, I mean that in terms of where they are on the torso, and in the second, I mean that, well, they don't really stick up like that when you're lying on your back. Even ones that are otherwise fairly big just kinda flatten out and slide off to the side when you lie down. At least that's my personal experience.

Elf gal's ears seem a little weird too. They don't really look like they attach to her head. I think it's mainly how the curve of the hair doesn't seem to be taking them into account.

Speaking of her hair, again, if this is the same shot different angle, where the heck is it? It's totally concealing one of her eyes, and the little ponytail thing is propped up against her right boob in the top image, but out of the way below. Should have some portion of her hand visible too I'd think.

The guy's head looks rather messed up at the moment. I'm assuming this is a work in progress, but at the moment the lighting on the edge of his... bandana? Hat? Gaping wound? Really draws the eye up that way to find only confusing sketch lines.

Finally... where the hell is the light source here? In the top image, it looks like the girl maybe has a candle between her legs, or just off to her right, but in the bottom picture, things are close enough together that the only possiblelight source is bright glowing under-boobs. Which... I suppose can be a thing, but again, the two don't match up.

On a positive note, those are some damn find hands and well-lit eyes.
No. 13275 ID: af7fa8

You're right (except that it's a girl on the bottom pic too)

I'm not sure about the ears though: they might need to be placed lower, but I don't have references for that.
No. 13276 ID: 131de9


I'd say to bring them forward, really. Anime style elf ears still connect at the same place human ones do (middle of the side of the head, about parallel with the eyes). Which way they bend varies based on who's drawing it, but it looks more like these here are attached to the back of her head or something as is.
No. 13277 ID: af7fa8

the problem is that there's the perspective to take into account. I can't do much to fix that.
No. 13279 ID: a980d5

This is fairly cool. I can't say much about it, though.

This is awesome, but its right breast looks too close to the center of the chest.
No. 13280 ID: feab56
File 133817977841.jpg - (83.95KB , 786x979 , Wakfu 161.jpg )

What does my Cra-eyes see?
No. 13284 ID: 0ad72e


Gravity on the breasts, unless she's holding them up with her hand. They seem too far apart in the first panel and unnaturally raised up whilst in the second panel they seem pointing outwards.

As our friend over here mentioned >>13274

There is a missing lightsource I can't put my finger onto, maybe it's a candle between them, if so, maybe the second character should be a bit more distanced?


I'm guessing this is Baphomet, awesome! Maybe a bit more work on the horns, but it's looking great.
No. 13306 ID: ce5b9a
File 133840088553.jpg - (422.30KB , 800x1200 , grab sds.jpg )

I tried fixing it.
No. 13307 ID: 131de9

Would comment on the changes being a bit of an improvement, except now I'm flipping between tabs with the two of them and I'm way way too distracted by the psuedo-animation it left me with of magic finger wiggling making her ears flap. The simple joys of life.
No. 13309 ID: ce5b9a
File 133840704764.gif - (176.26KB , 237x313 , cleo ears.gif )

No. 13310 ID: feab56

There simply must be some wince-, despicable, carnal acts of a sexual nature between two blood-relatives, of the species called Cra.

Not that I'm intrested in that sort of thing.
No. 13352 ID: 6cabaa

Okay; these last few weeks I've been quite interested by glitch art. I know that some of you guys here know about it, so if I could get a few tips on how to control the process better, it would be helpful.
No. 13361 ID: 4144ab


I've got no clue on Glitch art, but you could check out EA's Syndicate for "Glitching" , it's pretty rad.
No. 13362 ID: feab56

What's glitch art or glitching?
No. 13364 ID: 53d1db

Probably not the same thing. Glitch art is about creating pictures/music/videos by exploiting glitches. Just google it.
There are many ways to do it, I've been experimenting databending on various image formats with text editors, but so far, the results are really random, or uninteresting. So, I'm looking for ways to achieve more specific effects.
No. 13365 ID: 53d1db

Cisqur did some
No. 13418 ID: 53d1db
File 133904177969.jpg - (1.47MB , 2029x2292 , sqeek .jpg )

How do I fix this? Add some highlight on the left or something? make it blurrier? I'm gonna add some details eventually anyway

Also, I'm pissed. Druillet's finished, reprinted version of Delirius 2 just came out a few months ago along with the rest of the Lone Sloane saga, and of fucking course, every goddamn bookstore acquired new copies of Delirius 1 and FUCKING NONE OF THE SEQUEL, FOR FUCK'S SAKE THE POINT OF REPRINTING THE LONE SLOANE SAGA WAS TO FINALLY RELEASE THE FULL VERSION OF DELIRIUS 2, NOT TO PROMOTE THE FIRST TOME THAT IS ALREADY AVAILABLE PRETTY MUCH EVERYWHERE


And on top of that they didn't even reprint La Nuit or Lone Sloane 66.

So, in case one of you people happens to have this precise tome (or the two other ones I just mentioned), or knows where I could find them, telling me would be helpful.
No. 13419 ID: 97f512


You might want to settle on how you want it to look like in the final stage first. Either crisp and sharp, or blurred out and smooth.
No. 13421 ID: 53d1db

Well, I suppose it will look less out-of-place once the rest of the picture is refined.
No. 13654 ID: 5310c2
File 134032023580.jpg - (274.41KB , 900x1036 , manul on machakopta.jpg )

Mötley Crüe are some really damn serious shit. Big time.
No. 13688 ID: feab56

Are you sure you're not on drugs?
Can I have what you have in that case?
No. 13691 ID: 8134e1

No. 14167 ID: 557ce1
File 134234611005.jpg - (1.66MB , 2029x2295 , skwik.jpg )

okay, what now?
No. 14168 ID: 8758d3


I'd work on the BG, Staff and ground stuff, make them less blurry, give some more details, sharpen some elements up.
No. 14169 ID: 557ce1

I blurred them down so as to simulate accomodation. Did it work or not?
No. 14170 ID: 8758d3


I do love the horde of ratlings, indeed they look like they're in movement.

What I meant was, in your lower left corner, where the background comes into contact with the hill it looks like they blend together. It kind of messes the effect of the horde a bit.
No. 14172 ID: 557ce1

Nah, not movement, accomodation. Like, when you're looking at the background and can't see the foreground distinctively.

But yes, I see what you mean now. There should be a bit of grass that's not blurry at that place.
No. 14173 ID: 058ea5
File 134234995993.jpg - (94.39KB , 1015x1148 , 134234611005.jpg )


It is nicely rendered. However, I'd recommend darkening the foreground a bit, or increasing the sharpness of details or something on the character. My eyes seem to instinctively ignore the character (he is dark, low contrast, a little fuzz) and go straight for the rats. Unless the rats are the main focus, that is.
No. 14174 ID: 557ce1

they precisely aren't, and I thought that leaving the rats sharp would divert the eye from him.
I'll try adding more contrast on him.
No. 14177 ID: 1444d5

Coming from more of an optics than an art background, it sounds like you're thinking of Depth of Field. Accommodation would be (the delay in) the eye adapting to changes in the light level of an environment. e.g. If someone opens a curtain in a blacked out room, the pupil rapidly accommodates so that the still-shadowed areas are uniformly dark, but it takes some time for the retina (well, really the visual cortex sending inhibitory responses back to the retina) to desensitise and for the bright window to go from a Big Square of Bright to being able to see whatever is outside.
No. 14180 ID: 557ce1

Yes, that.
No. 14210 ID: 557ce1
File 134246857493.jpg - (1.80MB , 2029x2295 , skwik fsfzgzfghjhblrrrd ouaid.jpg )

okay how about now?
No. 14223 ID: 531520


I'm drawn to the central thing on the rat guy (is it a hand?) more than the rats now, but the rest of him is still very unnoticable. If you added that level of sharpness/detail to him overall, it would be much better.
No. 14224 ID: 994dd9

I can't see how to make him more detailed and sharper without ruining the color gradients, the textures, and making him cartoonishly defined on top of that.
No. 14227 ID: 531520
File 134249966743.jpg - (1.85MB , 2029x2295 , 134246857493.jpg )


Er, try increasing the contrast. Some of the features of the character (particularly on the head) lack definition as well.

I hope you don't mind - I have scrawled upon your artwork to demonstrate the areas I think that lack contrast. Particularly around the chest, I think it is most severe. I could see that you had made efforts, but I don't think that you had hit it hard enough, so to speak.

I took a hard round brush, and softly added in pure black where I think areas lacked contrast. I also manually sharpened up some of the tubes, eyepiece on the face.
No. 14239 ID: 994dd9
File 134257883906.jpg - (1.82MB , 2029x2295 , skwik fsfzgzfghjhblrrrd ouaidgf.jpg )

Okay, I tried to find a compromise between not using pure black (tends to mess with the colors), showing the colors I used, and making it more defined.
No. 14241 ID: 994dd9

Eh. Somehow I still think it looked better there >>14210 or even >>14167 here.

Now, the skaven guy looks a bit overdone, and the rats aren't contrasted enough. If I re-contrast them to make up for it, it will be the same problem all over again.
No. 14263 ID: 994dd9
File 134270390908.jpg - (2.45MB , 2000x2262 , rats4.jpg )

No. 14264 ID: feab56

You have certinaly imporved a lot over just one year Techno.
I'm not a drawfag so I can't give constructive critisism, but I like this one
No. 14266 ID: 994dd9

>I'm not a drawfag so I can't give constructive criticism
That makes no sense at all.
No. 14267 ID: 4f491d
File 134270883509.png - (8.19MB , 4058x2295 , paintover.png )

Agreed, a solid graphic culture is enough to judge and criticize. You have eyes, you're able to tell what works and what doesn't.

Anyway, a quick paintover, maybe it wil help you some.
No. 14268 ID: 994dd9

Ben, c'est plus consistant et réaliste, mais ça implique de pouvoir compromettre entre l'aspect visuel pur (abstrait, pour ainsi dire), l'effet dramatique (pour lequel il faut faire des choix au niveau de l'éclairage) et la compréhensibilité de la scène (donc le réalisme, la consistance plastique/graphique...). Et vu que ma priorité c'est quand même le premier point (d'où ma réticence à altérer les couleurs) mais que pour rendre le truc plus lisible et dramatique, faut aussi prêter attention au réalisme, ça pose problème.

Mais ça aide, hein. Sur d'autres compositions similaires je compte bien prendre exemple là-dessus, c'est juste que je suis trop attaché à mes ch'tits effets de nuances à la con pour les sacrifier à la consistance plastique.

Ah ça m'emmerde. Si j'avais fait des expérimentations plus tôt au niveau de l'éclairage, je serais bien parti, et j'aurais eu un résultat consistant, efficace visuellement et relativement réaliste.
No. 14269 ID: 4f491d

J'avais bien le sentiment que tu essayais d'aller verus une vision troublante et troublée d'une créature indistincte, le problème étant, in finé, que le spectateur ne voit rien.

Ça ne me dérange pas en soi, beaucoup d'illustrations des anciens temps de warhammer sont comme ça, mais perso je suis plus fan des compo façon Mignola, avec des contrastes noir/couleur bien francs. Question de goût.

J'allais laisser tel quel, mais étant donné que tu donnais des signes de galère, je me suis permis une bidouille. XD
No. 14270 ID: 994dd9

Ah ben à vrai dire, à force de bosser si longtemps sur le même truc, j'aurais probablement pas été capable de le rendre plus réaliste même si j'avais voulu. Donc c'est toujours intéressant de voir comment ça aurait pu être.
No. 14872 ID: 0fcedb
File 134581288146.jpg - (1.75MB , 2060x3900 , taucepts.jpg )

Because I can do the tau better than GW designers.
No. 14873 ID: feab56

While your humility level is < 9000, I am inclined to agree with you.
No. 14875 ID: 73b888

Anyone can, really. See Sebastian Stuart (Tael) and Patrick Stannard (LordDirk).
No. 14876 ID: 131bb9

Hey Technomancer, do you have a portfolio up somewhere? What I've seen from you is fantastic, and I was wondering if you had a collection up.
No. 14880 ID: eeaddb
File 134584912985.jpg - (490.87KB , 1126x1600 , 1336278289212.jpg )

Reminds me of the John Blanche Tau concept, which I think they should have focused on more.
No. 14881 ID: 0fcedb

Anyone can, yes, it's just about putting more of what they did right and less of what they did wrong, but
>Sebastian Stuart (Tael) and Patrick Stannard (LordDirk)
Nah, apart from a handful of concepts about the Farsight enclaves, those two just follow the regular GW design without criticizing it significantly.

my DA gallery is the closest thing I have to a portfolio, since it's what I link to people in order to advertise my commissioning activities.
No. 14898 ID: 131bb9


pls share
No. 14899 ID: 0fcedb

No. 15677 ID: fae246
File 135010062192.jpg - (155.11KB , 500x900 , daphnebot.jpg )

okay, I had way too much trouble fleshing out the volumes on that one, it's frustrating and I want to know if I should stick to practice to fix that or directly use a bit of perspective construction or something. I'm gonna have to do more similar stuff soon anyway.
No. 15680 ID: feab56

You're alive!? =0
No. 15681 ID: 10fbb3


When you say 'fleshing out the volumes,' are you referring to the 3-dimensional quality of the image or something else? I agree that it does not have a very strong 3D effect.

My opinion is that it's quite low on any kind of shadows, therefore making it appear more like outlines by themselves, rather than any sort of rendered image.
No. 15682 ID: 23752b

That's what I mean, yes.
No. 15693 ID: 1ebeb4

>My opinion is that it's quite low on any kind of shadows, therefore making it appear more like outlines by themselves, rather than any sort of rendered image.
I'd contest that. The use of surface details (vents, cables) gives it a little volume.
No. 15694 ID: 50b704

yeah! Technomacer is back!
No. 18260 ID: 1d4740
File 136355365173.jpg - (1.09MB , 1600x2720 , cyndy_by_technorakel-d5ycv7o.jpg )

alright, since you can't expect criticism from deviantart...
No. 18262 ID: f1c4c7


You can't hold DA to any decent expectation.

I think the background (sky?) is too saturated & contrasty, making it very distracting.
The thigh of the raised leg also looks strange in that it appears too 'fat' at the knee, if that makes sense.
No. 18263 ID: f1c4c7

Ehhh, looking at it again, maybe not so much the knee, but definitely the background.
No. 18264 ID: 1d4740

True; I'll see if something less flashy works better.
No. 18265 ID: 9ddf68

looks kinda like a punk version of a spriggan from Skyrim
No. 18266 ID: cf9dae


IIRC it's some kind of 'cyber-dryad.'
No. 18268 ID: 7f2048
File 136360379942.jpg - (3.62MB , 2200x1870 , frp.jpg )

I don't think it's very conclusive
No. 18297 ID: 9d9157

In other news I've finally managed to get my hands on a copy of Delirius 2. So, you can ignore the other post referring to it up in the thread.
No. 18314 ID: ef3bee


I like it a little better with reduced saturation, but overall it does not make those 'black masses' much less distracting. Perhaps they could be lightened, if you care enough.
No. 18319 ID: 9a9028

Not really, and I don't think it would solve anything regarding lighting consistency or color balance. Would it?
No. 19042 ID: ebaa9e
File 136872541254.jpg - (634.07KB , 1609x711 , swamp.jpg )

Come on you fuckers criticize this shit

also I need stuff to work on values; apparently just copying pictures doesn't work so I need typical exercises;

next up is something with draping. Not right now but don't hesitate to remind it to me in case I feel too lazy.

Also the latest combichrist album is fucking cool goddan can't type I'm half-Drunk Beelzebuth is one hell of a beer.
No. 19048 ID: eb496a


Hm, it's a tough one. Especially since I can't really rationalise what I'm seeing in the image. You said 'swamp' on dA, so I therefore assume the convolution is intentional. It's not a bad thing, though. It just makes it more difficult to describe elements, I suppose.

The part that sticks out to me as being 'the worst,' is that little hill-type thing at the bottom. The issue is that it seemingly has the greatest range in values, whereas the much more carefully detailed background seems to, in most areas, stick to darker values, and therefore I seem subconsciously less interested by it.

The problem with this is that it really draws my eye, and I feel like, once there, my eye doesn't have a lot to look at -- especially when it's juxtaposed upon such a finely detailed background. The biggest 'branch' towards the left of the hill, is especially noticeable. It just juts out rather crudely, and the fact that it almost has this 'black outline' of shadow just highlights it further. The entire hill does not appear to be as carefully rendered as the rest of the image, and that's a shame, because the background is really nice.

Those black things on the hill: are the creatures, or just more details? They also draw my eye, but I do not know what to make of them. They do not make much sense as anything other than characters placed into the landscape, but they are difficult to make out. Therefore, I can't say they look as though they belong in the image, either.

That's about all I really notice right away. Otherwise, it's quite impressive.
No. 19067 ID: ebaa9e

Thanks for the crit, I quite see what you mean.
No. 19165 ID: 672939
File 136938938287.jpg - (709.46KB , 1609x711 , swamp f corr.jpg )

how about now?
No. 19166 ID: 14ba5d


Yeah, that's way better.
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