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1089578 No. 1089578 ID: 521475 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Despite some of you being complete strangers, you've all been seated together at a restaurant in Nexus, due to the law against dining alone after sundown. Some guy tried to sell you a memory crystal containing a treasure map.
A pretty lady at another table (who turned out to be dragon-blooded) bought him a drink (which turned out to contain yozi venom) and then, while he was dying, grabbed the crystal and ran off. Might want to be out of town before her employer realizes that one of you actually managed to boot it up first, and got a pretty good look at the map.
Site's over a thousand miles away, but most of that would be river travel, and there's an underground manse, so it should be easy enough to zero in on with geomantic surveying tools even if the map, or your memory or navigational skills, end up a few miles off-target.
If somebody's willing to pay for yozi venom (which is not cheap!) to cover it up, gotta be something seriously valuable out there.

Destination is ~800 mi southeast of Nexus as the crow flies, and half that far north-northeast of the ruins of Denandsor, right in the middle of rocky uplands between the headwaters of the Rolling River and a minor tributary of the Grey River.
So, you could take a more direct route up the Grey, but then face a longer trek overland,
or start by going up the Yellow past Great Forks and then turn south along the Rolling.
Or try something more complicated, to take advantage of esoteric travel options and/or throw off potential pursuit.

Houserule hub: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10VAUEYEqWYWcQ9gz4bk9uok8OkAIYl1cy50KEw2y75o
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No. 1090443 ID: 37a599

rolled 5, 9, 3, 7, 8, 10, 9, 10, 7, 6, 10, 6, 8, 3 = 101

Oh okay, here's an additional [Stealth + Manipulation] roll. I'll just throw 5 extra dice into it in case you decide something I don't expect, but I expect 9 dice here from the ability and attribute.
No. 1090561 ID: 094811

“I may have a suggestion on where to meet. My people are stationed in barracks out on the edge of nexus. It would save moving a bunch of troops if we meet there, and it’ll be good in case we need any last minute prep. Any objections?”
No. 1090565 ID: 4f80d6

"That sounds perfect, Kisara, I will collect my trunks and meet you there, after a bit of last minute supply gatgering, naturally."

He helps gather things, & looks to the glowing Twilight

"Wish to join me?"
No. 1090567 ID: 5c2a32

“Well, meet you there, Cold! Everyone, meet me on the west edge of Nexus, where the city meets the plains. The barracks aren’t hard to find. Anyone who wants to head there right now, follow me!”

And thus, off skipped Kisara, her tail flowing behind her like a silver river.
No. 1090569 ID: cfc7cc

Fleegman attempts to follow Woe, under the mistaken impression she still cares, then gets very confused when she seemingly vanishes behind a lamppost less than two yards away from him. He's hoping to pick up a few things from his apartment before leaving the city, but, given the recent assassination attempt, would prefer not to go anywhere without a supernaturally competent bodyguard.

Follow-up report from Seeker of Wind and Woe's spy network. About an hour after the excitement started, and twenty minutes after you got kicked out of the restaurant, Sesus Rafara contacted a Lookshyan dragonblood (who is widely known, in certain circles, to have chronic trouble with gambling debts) to send a message via Wind-Carried Words Technique. Recipient unconfirmed, but easy to guess. Message contents as follows:
"Mission success,"
then four nonsense words presumably from some prearranged codebook, and finally
"If he's not dead after drinking that, you aren't paying me enough to go back and find out why."

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1082765 No. 1082765 ID: dc13c4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous chapter


Discussion Thread

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No. 1090438 ID: ad0e41

A. Time for a bit of a magic trick, and us lesser demons can help!

Tell him you have great insight, and to prove it, tell him to put his hands behind his back, and have us guess how many fingers hes holding up.

We lesser demons will look behind him and give you the answers. Make sure to have the cheif's daughter stand behind him to confirm your (our) answers
No. 1090444 ID: 27fceb

Defend yourself Bobbie, tell Archer that you were distracted and that they all were too close. Tell Gram that she should relax and tell Worm Works that he is still shady. As for the kid, yeah let's impress him with a stunt that your two warriors can perform.
No. 1090451 ID: 399be3

Well it's a lot harder to block without a shield archerbro. Either way... power is all well and good but do you have the skills and wisdom to lead? We can channel your power and have it be where it's most needed. However we would like to see what you are capable of before we make any decisions.
No. 1090464 ID: 5ebd37

B) Tell the boy there isn't a good reason, as we don't need the help of sulky children. children hate to be denied, he'll want to join even more, but later.
No. 1090568 ID: c6a1d6
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) 6 fingers are up.

B) 2 fingers are up.

C) 4 fingers are up.

D) No fingers are up.

E) You are cheating.

F) Other suggestions.

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1087619 No. 1087619 ID: 6290ec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

If we open our minds to the existence of other universes, there's no limit to the possibilities that we could experience in the world of boning.
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No. 1090559 ID: 5ebd37

DB,C oops where did this extra letter come from?
No. 1090562 ID: 124485

No. 1090563 ID: 4cc90e


Drain the entire lake onto the town. It is the lake of not very much doom, so they'll probably be fine.
No. 1090564 ID: 0480e2

No. 1090566 ID: e5e504

A, and even more A when D happens anyways.

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1044452 No. 1044452 ID: ab70bc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Early autumn is pleasant in Cedar Ridge. Summer's hottest days are behind you and the shade of the Douglas fir trees that blanket the town keep the underbrush cool.

North of the lake that divides the town are sets of woods. Interrupted only by mud roads and storm drains that rarely see use outside of the rainy season. This grove is only a mile from the town's one high school. Frequented by teens and alcoholics alike for bonfire parties that leaves the smell of ash in the air. This far east into Oregon the breeze is warm and sluggish, trapped in by mountain ranges.

From where you stand you can hear when the occasional truck passes through Cedar Ridge's main road. Barely. It helps you keep your facing when you're unsure which way is home.

You are in the north in the outskirts of town.
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No. 1090504 ID: b8d5aa

Don't tell him anything, or admit anything. You're just on your way to band practice. Look, you're just going home, okay? Why is he making such a big deal about it?
No. 1090511 ID: a7a180

No. 1090519 ID: 2f41db

Tell him you didnt do it!

Ask him what the hell is going on here.
You were just taking a normal shortcut home and theres an arm on the floor.

He used to be your friend and even if hes decided to insert a nightstick up his ass for a career, you dont want to make life hard for him.

He was cool once.
Thats still gotta be buried somewhere.
No. 1090533 ID: eb0a9c

"I like jumping across rooftops, okay?! Now answer my question: why the @#$% is there a severed arm in an alleyway?!"

Act like you didn't know this was a crime scene. Your cover story: You were busy challenging yourself to jump across rooftops, and you fell while failing to make the bonus score gap. Then you freaked out in silence for a few minutes when you noticed the severed arm.
No. 1090560 ID: fef0ba

Your waistline is fine, don't even worry about it. Worry more about the severed arm holy shit-
This! Say hey, you found a finger on the roof and then you found the arm and ask if there's a fucked up serial killer or something.

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1069187 No. 1069187 ID: b15e1f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Written by Naocat.

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No. 1078186 ID: 598d4a
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>Time to get a perfect strike on your first go so the client knows that you are a capable detective who can get the job done.

Cooper steps up to the lane, takes a breath, and throws their first ball. It’s a good 8, but splitter. They drop to their knees, devastated by being a capable detective who cannot get the job done. “Anyway, now that the pleasantries are out of the way, back to business.” Zenith states. Harvey shuffles in his seat and nods.

>Hm, maybe we should ask to learn a little more about the history of his relationship with his wife

“Let’s take it from the top. Give me a timeline. What was your relationship with Beth like up to this point?”

“Well let’s see here… We met when I was 19 and she was 21. We went to university together. We didn’t hit it off instantly, but she asked me out and, I guess I had a thing for her too. She’s warm, funny, loves talking, and I was a pretty good listener. We were there for each other. For some reason, she felt safe around me. Eventually, we moved in together while I was finishing up college, but then I got an offer from the Naval Armed Services for a couple years to be an extra bit of muscle. We were looking at hard times and almost no wiggle room for finances, and the money from the government couldn’t hurt, so I was sent off to the seas. We sent each other letters and such and we missed each other dearly. I’d like to say I got so sad that I cried until I went blind in my eye, but it was probably something to do with the head trauma. When I got back, we got married and that was that!”

“No children?”

“Oh heavens no! As compatible as we are, we’ve still got uh… The wrong… Biological compatibility. Besides, Beth hates kids. As much of a great wife she is, she’s told me how awful of a mother she’d make. I don’t quite see it, but I’m
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No. 1078231 ID: dd3fe0

Walk them through the traditional ways of determining if a spouse has a secret lifestyle or a hidden life or is cheating or has some sort of secret problem -- following them, tapping and checking devices, stakeouts, going through trash, so on and so forth, and all the other forms of invading privacy that are the private detective's remit.
No. 1078232 ID: de5cb4

Ask him about their home life. Their hobbies, jobs, etc. What's a typical day in the Agguire house like?
No. 1090545 ID: 17abec
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>Ask him how their sex life has been lately. Only in as much detail as he's comfortable with. Has she seemed unsatisfied? Has she hinted at wanting to try something new?

Cooper sits back on the bench, ready to ask away. They heard everything said before, and wrote it down, given how good their hearing is. They lean back a bit, then start their interrogation. “Okay, give me your baseline on sex. What’s your deal? Who takes the reins?” He stammers, embarrassed. The questions were a bit easier up to this point, but the sudden shift to sex talk was jarring. “Woah, take it easy man. I’m not here to judge you on this kind of stuff. Look, I’ll be transparent too. Let’s see… I like putting my dick in things, but it’s sweeter when someone else has the control. Love getting gagged too, mouth stuff in general is hot.”

Harvey coughs, reserving his judgment. “I uh… I guess I like cuddling? Beth is very warm in more ways than one. But I like letting Beth take care of me. She’s got very delicate hands, and… I don’t know how to put this… Her mouth-”

“Can do a lot more than talking~?” Cooper teases. Harvey nods, clearly trying to hide his crotch. “Yeah, Zenith says that about me too.” Zenith throws his first. But the saucy comment interrupts his focus. It goes straight for the middle, but veers off course and hits 3 pins. He may not be a bowling star, but he is a capable detective.

>It would be nice if she just wanted to spice up the bedroom and simply hadn't got around to asking her husband yet.

“Has your wife tried anything experimental in the bedroom before? Maybe she was just trying to spice things up with you?” They grin, excited to hear the real dirty stuff.

He takes a breath like he was preparing for a confessional. “Well she’s tried to do a few things before, but I
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No. 1090558 ID: 5ebd37

We know this is hard for you Harvey, but its important. This whole situation could just be a misunderstanding, and it would be terrible to leap to any conclusions that end up ruining what seems to be a deeply loving relationship.

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1087613 No. 1087613 ID: 46e818 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Our work is done.
The raider's camp is broken.

Finesse, Tislomer, Ashedel and I traveled again to the villages of the Timore Woodlands, bringing with us the abducted children we recovered from their captivity.

Finesse's old village, Ihnesh-Nayevh, was presentable, but still recovering from the previous chaos. With their stolen children reunited, and the blessings of the Seer reaffirmed in symbol, they pledged themselves without hesitation to our cause.

Still, we chose to give them the time and distance to recover themselves, and I vowed to send an emissary in the coming days to establish a more foundational agreement.
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No. 1090513 ID: 2bacbe

Any idea on how big the room is? I guess it's gotta be big to have pillars in it.

If it's small enough to conceivably scout out, would it possible to send someone in as a single scout, maybe with some invisibility potions from Tislomer? She can still brew something like that up right?

Alternatively if it's a huge cavern I say wait until you can get some sort of expeditionary force to investigate.

Either way we shouldn't just leave it alone.
No. 1090514 ID: eef602

fuck danger, EXPLORE THE CAVERN!
...with the proper safety equipment first at least.
No. 1090515 ID: ea9c0a

Better take a look. Carefully. Be prepared to close it back up again solidly, and in a hurry.
No. 1090517 ID: 2f41db

No one goes in alone, big M.
No one goes in without two people posted guarding the hole.

This is a magic mountain as you well know.
Any nastiness that could be lurking will be amplified.

Ask pendle for advice as hes got experience in archeological endevours though dont ask him to go in.
Light duties for the man. He had a rough time.
No. 1090549 ID: 7493dd

Hey look The Fire Exit, I was wondering where it was.

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1089327 No. 1089327 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]


These are the voyages of the starship The Shed Scale. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly come where no one has come before!

It’s a small thrust for you… but a huge plunge for Sakkilian kind!

Wiki and previous threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Starlight_Afterglow
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No. 1090491 ID: 5ebd37

Ah, he's an idiot then. Tempting to just let him try to warp back to the home galaxy, a journey which the entire colony fleet couldn't manage unscathed, and thus never be your problem again. But we can't just give him a ship. He'll have to earn enough to pay for us making him one or to buy one from a colony.
No. 1090501 ID: 273c18

Throw him in the brig until he sobers up and realizes his situation.
No. 1090508 ID: 2a82d3

Since he's quick to jump on the track for custodian duty, be patient enough to explain to him your mission, what we're all doing here, and what has happened so far. Being descriptive of the hazards will sober him up real quick. You'd think the recruiter would've informed him of the basics.

Is he even on the manifest? Ask him his name. If it doesn't match the one on the capsule, it all but confirms he isn't supposed to be here, yet he still managed to get on board somehow. Even if it's only shear luck, that implies getting rid of him will take a lot from you or cause you even more problems outside the ship. Either way, ejecting him might be a bigger pain in the rear.

It is tempting to outright grant him his request to send him out the airlock, ship depending on good behavior. The pirates would definitely like the cut of his jib. Whether that means as a buddy or a meal, who can say?

Make sure Security has a picture of his face, to keep them on their toes. He's good for readiness, if nothing else.
No. 1090516 ID: 3ac9ce

>Pink Punk Sakkilian
……is it possible that he bribed his way onto this trip? Or was he dukb enough to think this was a smuggler ship, instead of an official military vessel?

You should at least remind him that this was a one way trip. Make sure you emphasize the fact that there's no way to go back to our home galaxy.
No. 1090518 ID: eb0a9c

"Do stuff or go to cryo. That's the offer everyone gets, that's all you're getting."

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1073931 No. 1073931 ID: 706b74 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Adult content 18+

First thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/860238.html
Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Moot_Point
Previous chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1049539.html
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No. 1090390 ID: 273c18

Dang, we never heard that thing behind us? I guess we need to be more alert.
Thank your guide/savior and ask which way you should go next.
No. 1090394 ID: 43bc19

I’m almost afraid to ask what that thing would have done to Gabe. Was it some sort of demon?
No. 1090416 ID: 7cbed7

Perhaps this is the thing that Gabe was following, having been misled, and it followed him out after Kol changed his course. Fortunate, in any case, that our guide was here to take care of it.

And this guide--it's in Binder colors. Is this a presence Casey knows, if only by reputation? A word of thanks may be appropriate, but it's probably best not to pry. We must speed the mission forward as discreetly as possible.
No. 1090422 ID: b491ec

um, excuse? good to know there are living(?) things here that aren't maybe a fate, though one wouldn't think so given... souls go here, not even to stay
No. 1090506 ID: 613a07

Uh, folks, I think we might actually have just encountered our
first of the Fates: “ MINERVA, the moon, preserver” (appearance tracks: a huge white owl, see the post referenced above in Chapter 4 https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/872282.html )

In this case, what seems to ace been preserved is Gabe’s ass, perhaps from whatever spite is left of Muir in this realm if my intuition is right.

Ask if your guide is known amongst mortals by the name, or serves, Minerva, and what they mean by “followed”? Followed through the gate just now, or followed in a broader sense?

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1082438 No. 1082438 ID: 2916f1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A Sci-Fi Mystery Quest about Ethics, Loss and Finding Oneself

Thread 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1079873.html
Discussion Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/141592.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/History_Unmade

You're trying to get used to this face of yours; to the artificiality of it, the familiarity and the sadness it invokes. You imagine it will take time. Your captors helpfully reinstalled the mirror above your sink but you're starting to understand why you might have taken it down in the first place. Before the amnesia.

With this face comes a name: Disquiet-247. Disq for short, you've decided. A familiar name, but devoid of context like so much in your life right now.

You still have so many questions. Shyama put his foot down though. Said you clearly needed a break. Maybe he's right. Maybe this is a good time to collect your thoughts.
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No. 1090429 ID: def3bb

Alright, so there's several issues here. Assuming your tech level is roughly equivalent to my timeline and calendar's 1969-ish, you are in an incredibly awkward position, technologically, vis a vis 'useful things I can give you in a timeframe of weeks to months'. There is a ton of useful technology I could help you develop, really game-changing stuff, but most of it is either, itself 'a form of infrastructure' or something that requires a massive, pre-existing web of related industry and infrastructure.

Of course I could help you develop that, but that is still in the 'years to decades' range. Examples exist from all over different sorts of technology; like if you put me in charge of microchip and computer engineering and software development at your largest institution for that, I could shave decades off of development to get you to the point of having, say, neural network based generative artificial intelligence. Or, put me in charge of some sort of space and satellite command, and I could help you develop a Global Positioning System, with massive economic, social, and military benefits, and associated satellite based telecommunications and weather monitoring technology. I could even, along with microprocessor and microchip development, help you build an Internet, a network of digital networks, which is likely the next big civilization-defining infrastructure development. But, again, years to decades!

Associated with satellite monitoring, there's climate data and models that contributed to nuclear dearmament in my timeline, stuff that helped project a potential large scale worldwide agricultural collapse and mass starvation and existential risk to humanity due to that after a large nuclear exchange due to the onset of nuclear winter. This contributed to various treaties and nuclear dearmament and de-escalation policies. So that's a thing to be aware of as well.

Or, for direct
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No. 1090479 ID: f75ce2

'Erode our enemies cohesion from the inside' is a dangerous mission statement when it comes to nuclear powers, but yeah...

I think we could need a change of scenery and think about what we found out so far. How about telling Shyama that we will do our best but it would help to maybe take a guided tour through the facility to jog the memory of specific technologies for them to reverse-engineer.

That also could give us a way to access our own level of technology since most of our memories and knowledge seems to be stuck in the 21st century for some (...) reason, aside from the blurt about quantum-computing...
No. 1090480 ID: f75ce2

So am I getting that right - we've been mistrusting Shyama this entire time. He has outright confirmed that he has been hiding information both from us and from the world at large. But now that he asks is politely to help his side in a war we have no info about past his word, we're suddenly eager to share all our stuff with him?

How do we know this is truly what our tech will be used for?

Also, uhm... "I'm fine, Shyama, but Vijaya over there doesn't really seem okay."

I say we should ask to see Maya again. She and Vijaya have tickled more memories to the surface than Shyama could ever manage. We don't need to tell him this, but speaking to Maya, Vijaya and Gamal may also help us learn more nuance about the conflict and give us a better idea of if supporting this group's efforts will even actually be helpful.

But seriously, is Vijaya okay? Does she need a cup of water and to sit down for a sec?
No. 1090482 ID: dd3fe0

I think we need to ask them more, specifically, about why and how their side has the moral high ground again. See what rhetoric they give.
No. 1090498 ID: b3eab7

Well we sure don't want a second nuclear holocaust... But we'll need guarantees to ensure our actions don't cause it instead of averting it.

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1080954 No. 1080954 ID: 5ebd37 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

(Will contain gore violence and death)

This winter has been harsh.
The snows started in September, by mid October the woods were buried.
Now the new year has brought the worst storm yet, and the dim sun overhead reflects the waning hope of those huddled around fading hearths clutching empty bowls.
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No. 1089906 ID: 462d8c

Try the silvery fluid
No. 1089917 ID: 184595

We're hunting fungal creatures; let us take the green goop.

If we want to make a secret ally of her, then it would do us well to make a gesture of goodwill. Ask what she's interested in finding within the mansion, and offer to keep a lookout for it during your hunting.
No. 1089931 ID: d37872

greenish goop, getting stunned in video games is so annoying so use that for a hit and run strategy.
No. 1090494 ID: 5ebd37
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You choose the paralytic solution and offer your long knife. Lisel dabs a bit of the green slime onto a rag and methodically presses it along your weapon's edge. "There, give it a few minutes to set. And mind you don't go and lick it, though it smells refreshingly of mint." The two of you take a seat along the tent wall and observe the bustle while you wait. You remark that this is your first time being among other animals. The elders would do the talking those few times that travelers came by your small nest.

"Well you are in good company among these fine folk." the chemist replies "Given the harsh circumstances they have done exceedingly well." She sniffs "Hah, you woodlanders can be a downright odd lot though. Those tinker shrews, they seem to operate half on craft and the other half on mysticism. And the bugfolk!" You look at her quizzically "Ah, you wouldn't have met her yet; there is a moth priestess here. Up on the high shelf she keeps to herself, sending her beetle guards out to hunt. Apparently they are here to rescue their princess." At that you have to scoff. A princess, from one of the legendarily reclusive bug kingdoms, here? Lisel grins at your disbelief "I have not seen any sign of this being true, but to rescue a princess, why, surely that would give you access to their lands. They say some of the insectfolk produce strange substances within their own bodies. I would so love to investigate that for myself. Ah, well. The solutions ought to be set by now." she rubs the edge of the knife and nods, handing it back to you.
No. 1090495 ID: 5ebd37
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The dim light of day greets you as you follow the other hunters out of the woodshed. Last night's storm has died down to a gentle drift of flakes, though the sky remains a desolate gray. You and Lisel lag behind the others, as the little chemist struggles through the deep snow. Sound carries in the still and frozen air, distant crunching alerting you to the presence of a wolf, its hulking shape intimidating even at this distance. You watch as it patrols through the trees, your eye following the dark line that tethers it to the house.

The pair of you catch up to the others outside the library window. Single file you shimmy up the rough cord to the sill and make your way inside. The pallid light filtering through the dusty windows barely penetrates the room, stacks of shelves looming above and stretching far into the gloom.

While the other hunters start making their way down to the floor, Lisel nudges you and then makes a show of patting her pockets. "Oh dear, I seem to be all out of carbolic and lye powder. I'm just going to borrow Tem'rty and gather some at the washroom. We will meet up with you at the hunting ground." The other hunters wave her off, and she leads you down into the tangled stacks. Once you are halfway across the room she pulls a small lantern from her sleeve, twisting a knob to fill it with a harsh white light. "Now we have a bit of privacy, we can discuss how we might help one another not just survive, but wrest the secrets from this rotten manse."

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1081683 No. 1081683 ID: 127310 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

quest about making a house. will likely contain violence, blood, gore, death, and horror themes, though will try to keep a lighthearted tone. other nsfw content may arise given your suggestions.
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No. 1090369 ID: 8f9bc4

I suppose the dial indicates degrees of separation? 1 would exchange a glass of milk for a different glass of milk, while 3 makes a jug of milk, similar, and 6 makes a fistful of grass, far removed.

The echo chamber makes things? You were just testing it, to see how it functioned. Ask Gretchen if she wants to echo chamber anything, before heading home for the evening (because apparently it's become quite late?)
No. 1090376 ID: 18ae7d

Further testing required (when not hosting guests) but we can rule out the echo chamber simply making more of whatever substance is in it. Actually this makes sense, if it is about echoing further and further back through an item's history. If that is true then one of the settings between 3 and 6 should turn milk into cow (maybe don't test that right now)

All that to say, I don't think your going to get a non-milk drink out of it. Ask Gretchen if she would like a go at it.
No. 1090391 ID: 273c18

Glass->grass. It changed the letter. Looks like the dial determines how similar the resulting object is(similar to a certain SCP). Try 4 or 5 to see if you can get a different drink out of it without turning it into something inedible.

Tell her you're just experimenting. Why, is there a way to get specific things? You'd like a different drink.
No. 1090487 ID: ab4bb7

Actually, it might be because cows turn grass into milk. If we turned the dial to 4 or 5 would produce a steak? An entire cow? Raw milk or the half-digested cud that cows store in their stomach, depending on if it was 4 or 5? Would a 7 produce dirt? Grass seeds? The possibilities are endless, as long as you're only looking backward in time. There's only so much you can do with milk, though, so let's stop for now.
No. 1090488 ID: 80c73b

Actually. Come to think of it. Have you asked anybody else in your family about your uncle, or his house? Did you even tell anybody you were going?

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1083617 No. 1083617 ID: 6be2b4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

First time doing a quest, bear with me if I mess up. :)
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No. 1090341 ID: dd3fe0

Trying to think of leaving does something weird to your head due to the blatantly visible compulsion to 'Get The Box' that we see on you. At least that's a workable compulsion, LOTS of room for interpretation there! It doesn't say to directly touch the box, it doesn't say what to do with the box once you 'get it', it leaves the specifics of what it means to 'get' open to interpretation, it doesn't have anything to say about what precautions you take, whether you can share with others that you are under a mind affecting compulsion, etc. etc. It's also way weaker than Jacob's compulsions to open the box. Oh! Fun factoid, in my language, the word 'Geas' looks like it is pronounced 'Gee-us' but is actually pronounced "Gesh".

Anyway, there's a BUNCH of types of mental compulsions out there, and not all of them are a full-on Geas, so let's not assume specific and detailed features about the nature of a compulsion based on anything other than what we can actually observe (ie, like how we can observe yours has less of a push than Jacob's).

Hmmm. If we are super unanimous on encouraging you to do something and a lot of us are pushing it, you might find that tricky to resist. I personally promise not to abuse that, and to call out bad actors, preventing harmful consensus scenarios.

Wow, old you knew her poisons! Pity there aren't more nonlethal poisons here, that is really a quite effective use-case, you know, having a debilitating effect, something fundamentally different than the sort of thing one can also achieve with a sword in someone's gut.

Grease is also a useful combat spell. The Paralsis bit is useful too. How confident are you in turning a final lethal blow into a nonlethal one? Like if you think you are getting a last good hit in, you pommel strike instead of edge strike and knock them out? How about
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No. 1090343 ID: 8f9bc4

> Wouldn’t a Geas be detectable though?

Heck if I know! Might be a good thing to inquire about. Maybe there's a kind of god-magic outside the weave?

> Artifact sure is a scary way of describing the box…

Oh the box probably isn't an artifact. But what's in the box? Does it terrify you what could be in that box, making people kill to release it? Yeah, artifacts are terrifying.

> I definitely didn’t see anything like that.

Then it's a good thing Whisper sent us, because we're detecting Geas-like effects where even seeing the Weave falls short. Oddly, he didn't send us for that purpose. He just sent us because you were going to die, and he wanted to save your life for some wager of his.

> it really is that bad.

Don't worry Tanna, we're going to get the box, and we're going to get you safe. Whatever you have to do, we'll deal with it as it comes.
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No. 1090344 ID: 8f9bc4

No. 1090363 ID: 2f41db

Agreed with the other winds.

Evalee is the prime target.
Im torn on paralysing her or charm.
If charm, then presuming it takes tell her "help me take down the lizard and we can open the box together."
Charm works best when the requests you make still essentially align with the demeanour and aims of the target. If the idea fits smoothly with them, itll slide right in. If its against their nature, itll be jarring and maybe resisted.
They have a fractious relationship, its a goal she'd approve of and you can then get her to lead the way, giving you a chance to backstrike her with the debilitating poison.

Maybe cast through the crack in the door, if that puts you out of the silence zone.
Buy some seconds of confusion to get the jump on the lizardman.

The good news is if it comes to violence you are well equipped to heal your and their injuries, all the same thats the last and least favorable option.
No. 1090486 ID: fd4a07


Casting through doors might not work due to limits of the Weave, there's various reasons why murderholes and arrowslits and the like might need to be a minimum size for the aperture for magic to be cast through them. Something to ask about later.

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1081887 No. 1081887 ID: df47b5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

We have something on the order of a week until this possible patron for my dungeon arrives for his tour, but we're making steady progress.

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No. 1090264 ID: 5ebd37

amalgamate would greatly speed up the development of new golems. Combine, observe the effects, and then figure out how to replicate.

You should get Merud a new robe.
No. 1090365 ID: 1371b2

We could use more dependable order in this dungeon and less lone heroes doing wild things when we’re not looking.
No. 1090426 ID: 031458

Amalgamate. It'll give Merude lots to experiment with.

Speaking of golem's, question, Deem.
Eventually, when you're fragment matures into it's own core, do you think she'll prefer to live as an independent golem or do you think she'll quickly settle down somewhere and start a new dungeon?
No. 1090483 ID: 273c18

Wait, which timeline does Stargazer remember?
No. 1090484 ID: 2409f2

Both of them seem like they'll up our overall level of power pretty heavily, golem garrison letting us float a larger contingent of enemies, and Amalgamate letting us refine quickly through combination.

I'd say it follows the way we are to go with amalgamate. Mutation and evolution is more your thing than having an army at your back.

And, just as a funny thought, now that Reisarf has a clone of him/herself, you know he's eventually going to get freaky with himself.

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1084137 No. 1084137 ID: 1effd3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

From nothing, a new beginning.
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No. 1090466 ID: 031458



Seeking ashes could lead us to fertilizers, steel, weapons, bones, ruins, building materials, food, cookware, alchemy tools and ingredients, a variety of strange runes, secrets of entropy both grand and terrible, and possibly even survivors of fallen world's.
To seek ashes is to seek the forgotten embers of the warmest of hearths and hottest of fires. The echos of the most brilliant forges and brutal wars. The violence and power of nature's most awesome mountains and man's most terrible hubris.
Ashes whisper the secrets of times long past; They've so much to teach.
No. 1090468 ID: 273c18

No. 1090473 ID: 8f9bc4

Not the most ideal land expansion for adding new things, but with more space in the middle you can even build a little house. Not that you know how to build a house!
No. 1090475 ID: d87606

Let our keyword be "Healing." We seek to make of our island a scab over this shattered world, and encourage it to once again live and grow. As we have restored the divot in the crescent, may this recovered land purify the toxifruit, and recover their original and nourishing form.

With that as our task, let us stay here, and tend our garden. Rapidly, we see that we are building no simple retreat from which we conduct our sorties, but a place that is alive, and that must shelter and husband a growing ecosystem. Add to it the toxifruit, and harvest the mushrooms.

And continue in your office, Runelearner. You have gained much knowledge lately, which shows glimpses of knowledge yet to come. Once our fledgling habitat has begun to flap its own wings, we must set our sights on determining how the Voidlings create the stuff of your power.
No. 1090481 ID: 2f41db

Im glad silv got a chance to play, even if it was brief.
Not just for the voidlings.
For her too.

...last of the food.

That looks like a priority.
May come with storage too.
Dowse for food.

Keyword: enclosed

I would have go with seconding ash because everything said there is accurate and i hope we go in the future but ash is likely to destroy anything edible despite the other wonderful discoveries to be made.

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1083314 No. 1083314 ID: 9ea24b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1077945.html
Short VN game in this setting: https://tippler.itch.io/march-time
Discussion: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

Gore and violence warning. No onscreen sex. No chance based events.
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No. 1090407 ID: ca8543

We're going to need to spin this carefully. And we're going to need to be double careful not to use phrases that would upset Jam. A bit of a juggling act.

"I am sad to hear that your conditions are not good, and that the lord has kept better aid from those who need it. I think it would be very good if we could distribute the resources to those who need it, but the lord has forbidden me from interfering in governance. It seems that he dislikes those who are different." Prime them with the fact that the lord is in the way of getting their people the help they need, because he is racist.

"I went behind his back, however, because despite my power I cannot protect everyone forever. I was able to leverage my prowess to negotiate a treaty to stop the war from harming Pliny again after the fall of Jamuk. However, the lord will not simply leave Pliny under the guidance of a spirit, and I fear he will lead the citizens into more bloodshed. What do you think I should do?" Gauge what the kobold thinks is best, while probing to see if any of their ideas match what you already want to do. If they do, it will seem like the kobold's idea, and be more easily accepted.
No. 1090469 ID: 9ea24b
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I need to assess how the kobolds feel about their current situation. I do not want them to decide I am a traitor like George did after I told him about the peace deal. “I hope your conditions improve. Would you say the lord has been fair in his treatment of you? He has forbidden me from interfering in matters of state, which I find impertinent.”

The kobold balances the mostly empty bucket on her hip. “I’d say he’s alright. We were impressed that the king sent anyone here, Jamuk didn’t get many reinforcements during the siege.”

Not promising. “What would you do if the Vishelt army decided to return here?”

The kobold looks haunted. “I-I do not know. We are so weak now…They would surely slaughter us.”

I perk up. “Ah, but what if I told you that I had brokered a peace treaty? The side effect is that Pliny would be considered Vishelt territory instead of Geoun’s.”

The kobold looks around, uncomfortable. “But the lord didn’t say anything about a treaty. Should you be telling me this? I was just here to fetch some water and I don’t know anything about any secret plans.”

I sigh. It does not seem like the kobolds are comfortable with treason. “Do not worry about it. I will keep you safe.”

I slip back into the well. Sometime in the early afternoon I hear George speak to his woman friend.
No. 1090470 ID: 9ea24b
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“–don’t know what to do Beatrice. I don’t want to take you from your home but it might not be safe soon.”

“Is this about what happened to your nose yesterday? You’ve been quiet…”

“I didn’t feel safe speaking because of the spirit, but I’ve made the decision to leave. You don’t have to come with me, it will be a hard life away from town.”

There’s a lull as Beatrice thinks.

“I’ll go with you. We can find other refugees and small farmers. I trust you.”

It sounds like George has made the correct choice and is leaving Pliny soon without informing the lord of my deal. I credit Erogalf and I’s good relationship with him up until he attempted to kill me.

Should I assassinate the lord tonight to ease the transition or wait in my well until the army arrives?
No. 1090471 ID: ded463

Their hesitation is understandable, but at least they don't sound angry or hostile, and the kobolds know to lay low and stay safe now. I think you did well.

It would be perfectly clear who assassinated the lord, but it will also be perfectly clear who brokered the treaty, and his death should break the morale of the Geoun guards he has here in town and leave them without a commander.

It would be better for our image to allow the lord the chance to leave knowing he is well outclassed, but doing so without backup would risk being overpowered and killed again.

Tonight, let us see how Erogalf has fared and what Jor and the others think, then decide how to handle the lord before the army arrives tomorrow. Erogalf has spoken with the lord before and may know more of his character, and Jor seems like the type to stay informed.
No. 1090472 ID: eb0a9c

No, the townsfolk are already enthralled to anti-spirit propaganda, don't give them evidence to that theory.

However, you can slowly poison the lord, weaken him just enough that he doesn't show any severe symptoms. Something else can kill the bastard if you nudge the odds in their favor.

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1088718 No. 1088718 ID: 7a1a17 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This will be a NSFW quest! Expect nudity, violence, gore, sexual intercourse, confusing story lore, cryptic bullshit, borked updates, and stupid names
Discussion - https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/129715.html
Wiki - https://questden.org/wiki/The_Family_Business (I swear I'll actually do something to this page. Someday...)

Pain. Dizziness. Nausea. Loss of Appetite. A typical morning for me.
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No. 1090440 ID: de798b

Hmmm, don't you think that sounds a little bit too cold and dry when you're trying to talk to a woman in heat? Try to put some more teasing in there. Tell her that if she unties you, you'll make her feel better than any of the others could with their men.
No. 1090441 ID: eb0a9c

Tease her. Make her beg for your erection. Give her an extra taste every time she bends the knee.

As for recruiting her once she's too far gone and marked by her clan, we have a Gormoamhi in Venian's party now. So, they should get along. Maybe.
No. 1090460 ID: dd3fe0


See, I don't think the whole 'make her submit to us sexually over everything else' is the best play here. That just inverts the dominant/submissive social relationship in her mind. It doesn't *invalidate* it or *mock* it enough! If we want to invalidate it completely, we need to do more than JUST get her excited to break taboos in a fun way -- by the way, tease her about helping her break a LOT more taboos! -- we need to invalidate the entire structure as a whole. My view is we should overtly lean into 'switch' play; swapping who is dominant and submissive, who is taking the role as master and slave during sex, several times during this (no doubt extended) sexual session. Not just for positions, but what is said and allowed to be done and the roles. Make the whole concept of these things being unchangeable a bit of a farce.
No. 1090463 ID: dd3fe0

Mmmmm. How about this:

"Yea, breaking taboos is so fucking hot. Follow my lead tonight, and I can help you break all the taboos and not get caught. First, undo my binds, I promise to not try to escape, and if you follow me tonight, I will introduce you to the likes of pleasure the other women can only dream of."

Some taboos to break:

"Yea, on your first heat, you're going to beg a non-person to get you pregnant, and then we actually do it!"

"Let's make me a half-person and your claim-mate, except not really. To everyone else, that's what I'll be, but to us, we'll be that wonderful mystery that we discover tonight!"

"We could make you submissive, have you beg for my cock and cum, be a lowly female, turn the normal way these things go upside down. Yawn. Instead, let's make a joke of how those stuck up other Gormoamhi do things. Let's swap back and forth who's the bottom throughout the night instead! Lemme tie you up for a bit, give you an erotic spanking, then we fuck, then you tie me up and do the same!"
No. 1090467 ID: 031458

You want taboo, huh? How about this:
Release my bonds and lay down.
I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you!

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1087342 No. 1087342 ID: 15a025 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Another experimental one shot.

*Art style may change at a moments notice or even with in the same update.
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No. 1090413 ID: 5ebd37

smack that syringe with the flat of the axe. It will drop or shatter, and then its time for a mask pull.
No. 1090414 ID: 8f9bc4

Oh no! He was a mime all along!
No. 1090420 ID: 7cbed7

Another experience in favor of clocking anyone wearing a mask on sight. Defend yourself, and clobber this cook. Might as well let that "patient" free when you're done up here, but you can't stick around. You've got wood to find and burn.
No. 1090453 ID: 2f41db

Axe is too unweildy for close struggles.

Time for the old angry one-two gretchin!
Grab their snoot and yank it so the eyeholes arent aligned right then Kick for the crotch,

Then grab nearest object and chuck it right at them.

Then get the distance to decide your next move.

You are a svelt, agile deer and doctor snootmask has robes and a restricted field of vision.

Use mobility.
No. 1090461 ID: 465392

I think they must not have heard you the first time, you're not here to stay under their care, you're here for your wood and wheelbarrow.

Maybe make that clear to them with your axe. You feeling choppy or smashy?

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1085368 No. 1085368 ID: 4591f8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Jury Summons with Hannah Dummons
Warnings: SFW. Death likely. Gore maybe.

“In a world of animals that would tear each other to shreds for a dime, there is one force that can maintain the good in the world.”


“Justice isn’t a clean blade. However, today, it is in your hands.”
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No. 1090359 ID: 2f41db

Time to unfuck this shit then!

Tell her you're ok, then ask her what her story is.
The noise of conversation may help cover your embarrassment and noise as you struggle
No. 1090375 ID: 18ae7d

As your dad would say; if you got yourself in There you can get yourself out.
Ask her if she has any metal bits she can slide to you.
No. 1090415 ID: 8f9bc4

Can you make a gun out of your complete failure?
No. 1090421 ID: 7cbed7

We're not okay, but we now have a bit of a better vantage point than before. Can we see around any corners? Can we see into any other cells better than when our eyes were behind bars?

Does Barbara have any butter, oil, or other grease? Out of pure curiosity.
No. 1090431 ID: ab4bb7

Just focus on getting unstuck. From the sounds of it, the jury's actually pretty lenient if they let your actual-serial-killer-in-the-making of a roommate go free. But you can't enjoy their possible mercy if you're executed for being too stuck to comply with guard-bot's instructions.

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1087551 No. 1087551 ID: d256d1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Catch, breed, and battle turtles to become a true TURT MASTER! Set up your own turtle shop to become a world class TURTLE MONGER! Uncover the mysteries of this world to figure out why your society has built their entire economy around such SLOW, USELESS creatures!

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No. 1090295 ID: d256d1
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“The BARK FUNGUS is the main thing I need. It’s also the hardest to find, since it doesn’t grow in large chunks. You can leave that stuff to me, though. You just focus on the rest of the stuff on the list.
You can find BLOOMS just about everywhere.
I marked a good spot to find MUSHROOMS on your MAP—but there are a few poison TURTS that live in that area too, so be careful.
BERRIES grow near the river bed."

Alia stresses that she needs to finish the recipe she’s working on tomorrow morning, so she’d like to have all the ingredients ready tonight. She’s marked her CAMP on the MAP she gave you. You can go there whenever you want to rest for the night, even if you don’t have everything on the list—but the more you do have, the happier she’ll be.
Are you ready to begin foraging? Or do you have questions for Alia before you leave?
No. 1090298 ID: 361537

Besides night and poison turts, any other turtle threats we should be aware of?


Wanna see our Rock Turt? Any tips on how our rock turt can help out on the scavenger hunt?
No. 1090299 ID: 5ebd37

Heading to the mushroom patch, then going north along the river should let you get all the ingredients and end on the campsite.

Is rock strong against poison?
No. 1090313 ID: 2f41db


What shes making?
Will she make sure lil balboa gets a good loving home if i die out there?
Does she have a cool turt of her own?

Then boldly head out into the dark.
Dont let anyone see your fear.
Except lil balboa.
He knows your heart anyway.

Head for the river.
Maybe the poison turts will be asleep the later you leave it.
No. 1090418 ID: 7cbed7

I think ROCK doesn't resits poison outright, but some ROCK TURTS with the TIGHT SHELL are immune to getting poisoned. That's what my friend told me, anyway, and I have no clue if that applies to Li'l Balboa.

We've seen some of the mushrooms before, I think, so we know those, and don't have to be afraid. But as a first step towards TURT MASTERY, it's probably a good idea to ask how you can work with Li'l Balboa, and make sure that you know how to train our new TURT without courting undue danger.

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1071850 No. 1071850 ID: ed041d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Clark IV, a world under fire.

The Interstellar Transit Authority currently holds the planet under martial law. The planet has seen a turbulent past century, guerilla fighters have been holding it hard and there has been no progress in taking hold.

Mercenary companies have been brought in to step in as a force multiplier, but they are beholden to no one but whoever pays the most.

Corporate entities have also begun to set their eyes on the planet below.

It is hell.
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No. 1090261 ID: 1effd3

don't berate him, tell him how his boss will get berated for this potential breach in security!
No. 1090379 ID: ed041d
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:PilotIconF: This station is meant to be assembling the Juggernaut correct? Your commander is in some deep trouble, however you might be able to avoid that.

:GuardIcon: I-I will?

:PilotIconF: Yes, you will, you just need to do a little something for me.

This is your chance, what will you do?
No. 1090396 ID: d3e469

Freakin' judo chop!
No. 1090411 ID: 5ebd37

tell him he needs to stay here and monitor the console while you test the warning systems inside the super weapon.
No. 1090412 ID: 8f9bc4

Well you—oh.


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