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1083314 No. 1083314 ID: 9ea24b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1077945.html
Short VN game in this setting: https://tippler.itch.io/march-time
Discussion: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

Gore and violence warning. No onscreen sex. No chance based events.
358 posts and 120 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1091143 ID: 5cc7cc

"My coins will always be with you. Tbey are a token of your fair lady. A soldier should have a fair lady and a home to return to. I am both."

Jam can hear you from afar. I wonder if the coins would work both ways and let you both talk from afar.
No. 1091149 ID: 3d94a9

You should also let Jam know how happy you were he decided to stay. That you enjoy being close to him. I think we will usually want to join him on the campaign just to know he's safe, especially now that we know the Commander isn't as fond of him as we are.

But you have different skillsets useful in different places. Being attached all the time could be a vulnerability for enemies to exploit.

I wonder if distance sense and communication would be more possible if you had a token of Jam as well. A part of him to always keep close, like a fingernail clipping.
No. 1091153 ID: a7a180

Towns have boundaries. These change over time, but not all at once. Gotta set them somewhere.
No. 1091205 ID: 53560f

Jam, we both have duties to attend to that we can’t possibly spend all our time together. I promise I will always be here in Pliny for you to visit so I want you to entertain an idea for me. I can’t always join you or be everywhere, so the solution is to make friends everywhere you go instead.
I know this seems mean but I wouldn’t suggest it to such a dear friend as you if I didn’t think it would be good for you to see the world and all the different people and spirits in it.
No. 1091213 ID: 443007

Jam needs to understand that he can't have all of you. Because if he does, then you won't be 'you' any more.
The mortals do not understand yet that life is made of patterns and codes. If you eat these things, it means breaking the patterns apart to recycle the matter. The matter exists but the pattern is gone.
He is very lonely because many of the things in the world are based on his patterns and so there aren't many things around him that are not him.

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1087613 No. 1087613 ID: 46e818 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Our work is done.
The raider's camp is broken.

Finesse, Tislomer, Ashedel and I traveled again to the villages of the Timore Woodlands, bringing with us the abducted children we recovered from their captivity.

Finesse's old village, Ihnesh-Nayevh, was presentable, but still recovering from the previous chaos. With their stolen children reunited, and the blessings of the Seer reaffirmed in symbol, they pledged themselves without hesitation to our cause.

Still, we chose to give them the time and distance to recover themselves, and I vowed to send an emissary in the coming days to establish a more foundational agreement.
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No. 1091155 ID: 273c18

Alright, looks like we know where the necklace goes, but the "idol" on that pillar is crumbled? Examine that a bit closer.
No. 1091156 ID: 7493dd

In the pedestals, there's seem one of the idols is broken.
No. 1091204 ID: 8b1abb

just in case it needs to be said, lets avoid standing in the creepy sacrificial circle while examining the things
No. 1091209 ID: 2f41db

Hopefully miss openda will be able to identify the entities associated with each idol.
Its possible theres more diminished gods out there than mister lollipop.
Potential allies and enemies all.

Going to have to remember to make sure that ladder leads somewhere secure big M

Mind you... if it does lead outside somehow a sally port is always a good thing to have in any holdfast as long as it is well hidden and lockable.
No. 1091212 ID: eb0a9c

I would be flabbergasted if Red Fang didn't torture and murder prisoners down here.

Wait a minute. We've... we've seen this.
That X, it-
I think its respective entity may be dead.

Don't reunite the amulet. If all seven are equipped, I don't know what will happen.

Take notes, leave everything untouched.

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1091157 No. 1091157 ID: 08229c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen


"Dost thou seek any further companions for thy company?"
7 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1091179 ID: fe6604

Worst case she's a meatshield. Plus she's a girl so she has other uses...
No. 1091198 ID: 1f4d3c

Operating on the basis that more girls is better, I elect to bring them.
No. 1091202 ID: 53560f

You should establish rules so she doesn’t just do whatever she likes and consequences too for breaking them. She definitely seems like she needs some kind of higher authority in her life considering the state of her room and how she acts around others.
Also we just saw the world in colour for a half-second there. I wonder what caused that?
No. 1091210 ID: 2f41db


Its rough jane, i know.
But you gotta focus on the goal.
Take down the necromancer.

If this necromancer is doing something down right weird you need your own weird to figure it out and explain it.
and maybe counter it.
At the very least youll be armed with knowledge.

Plus, you know, for all the people youve met since we turned up, she fits the "needs to get out more" catagory more than anyone.
No. 1091211 ID: eb0a9c

From her enthusiasm, you could set some extremely disfavored terms; one share of loot for every four to each other member of the party, the university sponsors the expedition, she has to pay for the supplies, etc.
See how far you can push her.

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1090792 No. 1090792 ID: 435f13 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

A warmup quest in 10 updates or less.
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No. 1091195 ID: 365de0

Wow! Your parents are going to be super proud of you for kidnapping a princess! Now you just have to do your other objectives and you can go back to your nap.
No. 1091200 ID: 282281

Wow she has bigger tits then the dragon
No. 1091201 ID: fe7e50

Kick this crossdresser out.
No. 1091206 ID: 273c18

Ask who sent her. Your parents?
No. 1091208 ID: 2f41db

The boldness on this one...
but im not sure thats a real princess.

Taste Test!
Give her a big lick and see if she tastes like commoner or inbred posho.

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1087551 No. 1087551 ID: d256d1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Catch, breed, and battle turtles to become a true TURT MASTER! Set up your own turtle shop to become a world class TURTLE MONGER! Uncover the mysteries of this world to figure out why your society has built their entire economy around such SLOW, USELESS creatures!

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No. 1091168 ID: d256d1
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Now that Alia’s answered all your questions, she heads East to collect some more BARK FUNGUS.
Are you ready to begin foraging? Where will you head first?
No. 1091170 ID: 273c18

Let's go shroomward.
No. 1091178 ID: 5ebd37

Shroom time
No. 1091197 ID: 184595

All in on shrooms, tackle the hardest problem while we're still fresh.
No. 1091207 ID: 2f41db

Now we know lil balboa will be cared for its time for bravery.
Shroom with a view.

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1071850 No. 1071850 ID: ed041d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Clark IV, a world under fire.

The Interstellar Transit Authority currently holds the planet under martial law. The planet has seen a turbulent past century, guerilla fighters have been holding it hard and there has been no progress in taking hold.

Mercenary companies have been brought in to step in as a force multiplier, but they are beholden to no one but whoever pays the most.

Corporate entities have also begun to set their eyes on the planet below.

It is hell.
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No. 1090956 ID: 5ebd37

Do we have any way to take the missiles out of our launcher? Pile them up around the reactor, then sabotage the coolant system. It heats up, they explode, and you have time to get far away.
No. 1090961 ID: b3eab7

Sabotaging the coolant system is #1 priority.

For extra irony, if some cooling system parts are of roughly similar shape and size as the missiles, you could do a little substitution...
No. 1091049 ID: ed041d
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You activate the missile pod and slowly slide the missiles out, it's an arduous process but it works at the very least. You begin to pile them near the Reactor's control rods and coolant.

You have this under control, it'd be very easy to just... leave now. Do you want to? Is there anything else you want to do? How would you even get out of the factory?
No. 1091051 ID: 714fab

Better not tempt fate, time to leave

Wish we could bring the guard out with us, but he couldn't travel through the pipe safely
No. 1091203 ID: b3eab7

Just try and make the sabotage non-obvious (no leaving behind an open hatch that should be closed) then thank the other guy for his diligence and let's see how we leave.

Leaving the way we came in is probably the safest, but we could possibly get some intelligence if we leave by the main entrance. Main problem with that is... can we fake it? I fear we may need some IFF key.
Wait... could the IFF key be installed in the supertank's comms already? You should check it, that would make leaving so easier.

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1034777 No. 1034777 ID: 8483cf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Attention, duelists! It’s time for a massively multiversal Questden card tournament!

The quest will follow the duelists of Group A in their quest to win the grand prize: their heart’s deepest desire, to be granted by the host of the tournament.

Group A’s Duelists
Name, Author, Quest Title, Wiki Link)
- Lady Serah Kensington, Donut, Lazy Fairy, https://questden.org/wiki/Lazy_Fairy
- Enid Anderson and Franklin, Himitsu, Perpetuity, https://questden.org/wiki/Perpetuity
- The Mystery Duelist, Clockwork Seal, ???, https://questden.org/wiki/ClockworkSeal
- Carl Marks, tippler, Good Impression/Girl Talk/STAY INSIDE https://questden.org/wiki/Good_Impression

- Companionship (and Attendants), Donut, Mosaic, https://questden.org/wiki/Mosaic

Many thanks in advance to all the guest artists providing card art and depictions of duelists!
399 posts and 165 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1091188 ID: c6ae21
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Franklin & Enid’s Field:
Lillian, The Olympian (A) [3000/3000]
2 Face Down S/T

Charisse’s Field:
Corn-Quasidragon [1500/1000]
Kiwi-Molebeast [2300*/1400] (Originally [1800/1400])
Durian-Skunk (Currently an Equip Spell, equipped to Kiwi-Molebeast)

Charisse wastes no time dropping her latest draw on the field. “I activate the spell card Cute Characters are Merchandisable! In exchange for sending a level 2 or lower character from my hand to the Graveyard, I can draw 2 new cards.”

“...Isn’t that just a worse version of Crate of Greed?” Franklin asks. “Why not play that?”

“Hey, if I saw a card that just said ‘draw 2’, I would have taken it, really. There was only one copy at our table though, and Basmati beat me to it.” She jabs a thumb towards the gray girl sitting in the bleachers. “Them’s the breaks of a draft format.”
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No. 1091189 ID: c6ae21
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The kids share a look. “We should activate this now, right?” Franklin asks.

“Probably? It could just give her a card to use against us next turn though, and it sounds like she already has a play she can make, but maybe this would stop her from…” Enid mutters. Her thoughts devolve into mumbling too quiet for Franklin to follow.

“Um… Enid?” He probes. She flinches.

“Er– What do you think?” She asks.

“Well… I think if we don’t use it now, we won’t get to do it later. So, we should. That makes sense, right?”

It was good enough for Enid. “Okay. We use the Trap Card ‘No Peeking…’ in response. We both take two cards from the top of our deck face down, and set them in empty spots on our field. And since we activated the card, we get to pick the spots your cards go in as well.”

“Wait, if you put your cards in your Spell/Trap Zones, can I choose to destroy them when my card resolves?” Charisse asks.

“It’s a little complicated… These wouldn’t be considered Spell or Trap cards, ‘cuz we don’t know what they are. They could be though, so they’re potential targets. That means you can aim effects at them, but we’d have to flip the cards face-up to check if the effect would actually apply or not.”
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No. 1091190 ID: c6ae21
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[Enid: 6000 LP - 3 Cards in hand]

“This could be good,” she mutters. Their draw was the Quick-play Spell ‘What Did You Do to Marcie!?’, which forces a character’s Attack and Defense stats back to their original values.

“We enter the stand-by phase, and we’ll be guessing one of our face-downs.” Enid points at one of them, before huddling close with Franklin to discuss it.

“We’ve already removed a good chunk of characters from the deck.”
“But we also have more characters than anything else.”
“A good spell would be helpful…”

They break apart their huddle, staring down the mystery card for another second before answering. “We’re going to guess Spell!

The card flips up to reveal… a Spell Card! “Yes!”

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No. 1091193 ID: a7a180

B, 3, 4.
No. 1091199 ID: a30439


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1073931 No. 1073931 ID: 706b74 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Adult content 18+

First thread: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/860238.html
Wiki: https://tgchan.org/wiki/Moot_Point
Previous chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1049539.html
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No. 1091163 ID: 8a1605
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“I’m guessing that space works differently here than on our plane.” Casey glowers at the distant palace as if it had offended her. “There’s gotta be a way to get there quicker, right?”

There’s a rumbling in the distance as a dune heaves up and then sinks. The phenomenon travels in a line, headed towards them as something massive burrows through the sand.
No. 1091169 ID: 17abec

well whatever way you want to get there, you may want to do it quietly. Or hitch a ride, whatever you guys are gutsy enough to do.
No. 1091171 ID: 273c18

I think we're gonna need to ride that worm. Casey can bind it, Gabe should be able to make a portal for everyone to get on its back.
No. 1091175 ID: fa3034

Ride it, ride it, ride it
Or at the very least, portal away if gets too close
No. 1091196 ID: 184595

This is what happens when you walk rhythimcally!

If we're gonna ride the worm, we're gonna need hooks. Can Casey provide those? Failing that, another jump might be in order, to speed the mice toward the Palace. If the previous jump is any indication, Gabe should feel free to overshoot.

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1081887 No. 1081887 ID: df47b5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

We have something on the order of a week until this possible patron for my dungeon arrives for his tour, but we're making steady progress.

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No. 1091144 ID: 1effd3

Gardening Sapbombs!
No. 1091145 ID: 273c18

>fusion theme is due to the dungeon being underdeveloped in comparison to our denizens
Shit, we better fix that.

>I don't know. She doesn't talk
Well ask Reisarf to ask her and tell you the answer, then.

>gazerskin robe?
Feels more on-brand for Reisarf, honestly... Maybe we have a surplus and can make more than one?

Woody Brute + Rockfruit
No. 1091147 ID: a7a180

Since he can only maintain one at a time, we really should test that Centaur fusion first as a matter of practicality. However, I support testing the handy brute simulacrum long-term.
No. 1091186 ID: 486840

>>Gazer Golem Robe
Well, the skin supposedly had shapeshifting properties, and was part of something alive, maybe we could try giving it the ability to mimic materials, and some minor self repair ability. Just enough on the latter to keep it free from wear and tear. The mimicry might have some fringe utility for Merud's research as well.

>>Amalgam Golems
Both the Gardener + Sap Bombs and the Woody Brute + Rockfruit option seem great and on brand, so either or both of those should be good.

Though, we should keep the Hammer Brute + Treated Slime option in mind for after Hin comes back, since her Gelforging could be a key piece to really solidify that idea.
No. 1091194 ID: a7a180

Gazer golem robe features:
-bigger on the inside (roomy pockets)
-eyespots can be waved around to confuse and frighten predators
-jersey number on back (01)
-chemical/potion spill resistant?

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1083617 No. 1083617 ID: 6be2b4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

First time doing a quest, bear with me if I mess up. :)
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No. 1090982 ID: 5ebd37

Tell her Jacob got drunk and spilled the beans; he and Vax were going to take the box for themselves after they got the answer out of you. So lets knock him out and get back to the box before the other guy steals it.
No. 1090995 ID: 2f41db

Well done tanna.

May be possible to just move the bow aside with a finger tip while saying.
"I need your attention on me friend.i have to explain something."
Gentle movements and suggestions that fly parallel to their normal behaviours keep the charm from breaking.

Drugging vax is a sound idea, though have to take into account any physiological resistances he may have.

I doubt shed take the drug.
Shes a trained poisoner too.
Enough so that she may interpret it as a hostile act.

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No. 1091002 ID: a671e8

It look like Evel’yee can be rely upon for the next hour. Good job convincing her to tolerate Mina betrayal. Good thing she wasn't very loyal to her actual friends to begin with.

>...stab the sword away from Evel'yee, into the bow so you can slice the string.
The spell will end if you harm her, so don't confront her unnecessarily or try to sabotage her bow. The last thing we want is an accidental hit during an altercation.
Persuasion seem very effective in her current state, but if for some reason you still want to disable her after the combat is over just hug her. She is tiny and weak and won't oppose a friendly hug from behind, once you get a good grip she shouldn't be able to escape.

>Tell her you're going to open the box, and you need Mina's help to do it, but Vax is going to get in the way...
That should cover the main points well enough during combat.

>Tell her to help you drug him so he falls asleep
This idea is too dependent on her turning completely against Vax. It would be better than having her try to kill him, but she could refuse to attack him at all.

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No. 1091003 ID: 2f41db

>cut out the females.
Its less a call to gender solidarity and more a swift way of saying everyone down here but me mina and you have turned on you.
Any way of conveying that isolation is equally good.
Just conscious of time available during whats still potentially a combat situation.
No. 1091192 ID: 8f9bc4

Vax has been enchanted to steal the box, and you arrived just in time to stop him. You just want to tie him up, while you figure out how to dispel the enchantment.

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1080954 No. 1080954 ID: 5ebd37 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

(Will contain gore violence and death)

This winter has been harsh.
The snows started in September, by mid October the woods were buried.
Now the new year has brought the worst storm yet, and the dim sun overhead reflects the waning hope of those huddled around fading hearths clutching empty bowls.
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No. 1090622 ID: 273c18

Oh? That sounds interesting. What places hold secrets of interest?
No. 1091113 ID: 5ebd37
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The stacks tower over you as you follow Lisel across the dusty floor. Abandoned puppets can be seen, perched on shelves or dangling limp. Their lifeless eyes nonetheless leave you feeling uncomfortably watched.

You walk along, pondering what you could offer this odd mouse, and what you need from her. The sound of your footsteps is eaten away by the dense carpet, the air itself seeming to close in on you, until you speak just to break the dreadful silence. You recount a bit of your family's plight, how you need to find a source of food if they are to have any hope to survive, and time is not on your side.

"Ill times indeed" Lisel commiserates "If you will but aid my research, I'll do all I can to assist your quest. Allow me to explain why I'm here."
No. 1091114 ID: 5ebd37
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I come from a family of house raiders, far to the south. Far enough away from the forest that the humans still think talking mice are just a myth. It certainly makes raiding easy when they just leave traps and poison out as if we are dumb beasts. My family have been living in a great house, bigger even than this one, for several generations now. The lord of that house's son is a man of science and learning, and I was his secret apprentice. Watching his experiments, reading books left out at night. At first it was to better help my family avoid poisons and the like, but I became fascinated. There is so much that can be done with just simple substances that could make all animal's lives safer, easier!

The young master has correspondence with other scientists, sharing discoveries and inventions. One day a package came with the most extraordinary sample. A vial of glowing, boiling fluid with more energetic properties than anything I've even heard of! The attached letter spoke of the substance's life-giving effects, though I see now the writer meant that in a far more macabre sense then I would. But at the time I was spellbound, mind awash with the possibilities! Sadly, the sample soon faded once opened, and none of the master's return letters were answered. But I couldn't just let it go, so I trained a replacement and set out to find the source. Years later and I've finally found it, here, in this house.

You've seen it, haven't you? The fluid that bursts out of the reanimated corpses that roam these halls. That's what I have been seeking, and I exaggerate not when I say that with it I could change the world. What samples I've managed to obtain have been inconclusive, and I don't have the tools to fully analyze. I just need to find where they produce it, or if there are any notes.
No. 1091115 ID: 5ebd37
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You stop as the pair of you come to the closed library door. Lisel hops in place a little, excitedly. "Oh its so good to be able to talk about this with someone at last. The others are just too wrapped up in their own problems to see the potential here." She looks up at you with eager eyes "So what do you say, shall we work together?"
No. 1091146 ID: 273c18

Alright, but on one condition. If it turns out that creating or using this chemical requires the suffering or deaths of living people, then she'll stop. If this is a means to reanimate dead flesh and control it *without* the living paying a terrible price, then... well, that's gross but definitely useful.

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1089578 No. 1089578 ID: 521475 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Despite some of you being complete strangers, you've all been seated together at a restaurant in Nexus, due to the law against dining alone after sundown. Some guy tried to sell you a memory crystal containing a treasure map.
A pretty lady at another table (who turned out to be dragon-blooded) bought him a drink (which turned out to contain yozi venom) and then, while he was dying, grabbed the crystal and ran off. Might want to be out of town before her employer realizes that one of you actually managed to boot it up first, and got a pretty good look at the map.
Site's over a thousand miles away, but most of that would be river travel, and there's an underground manse, so it should be easy enough to zero in on with geomantic surveying tools even if the map, or your memory or navigational skills, end up a few miles off-target.
If somebody's willing to pay for yozi venom (which is not cheap!) to cover it up, gotta be something seriously valuable out there.

Destination is ~800 mi southeast of Nexus as the crow flies, and half that far north-northeast of the ruins of Denandsor, right in the middle of rocky uplands between the headwaters of the Rolling River and a minor tributary of the Grey River.
So, you could take a more direct route up the Grey, but then face a longer trek overland,
or start by going up the Yellow past Great Forks and then turn south along the Rolling.
Or try something more complicated, to take advantage of esoteric travel options and/or throw off potential pursuit.

Houserule hub: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10VAUEYEqWYWcQ9gz4bk9uok8OkAIYl1cy50KEw2y75o
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No. 1091082 ID: 965bce

rolled 6, 1, 1, 10, 2, 9, 5, 9, 5, 4, 10, 8, 5, 5, 6, 9, 10, 7, 3, 3 = 118

>Wounded goon who organized the ambush at Fleegman's apartment is stabilized.
>Second medical emergency within two hours
"Is this going to be a pattern?"

>Wounded goon who organized the ambush at Fleegman's apartment is stabilized. Might eventually regain full use of his left arm, with luck or further treatment.
With bleeding staunched and immediate death off the table, let's see bad the rest of it is. (Perception 4 + Medicine 5), plus Flawless Diagnosis Technique. How bad is the crippling wound, how many health levels is he down?

>"What will you do with them?"
"To be clear, I did not keep him from Lethe just so someone could add further knives. I'm not in the business of facilitating torture."

> lay a false trail and/or bring reinforcements closer to the destination
"A feint might help in reducing the rate of medical interventions."
No. 1091094 ID: cfc7cc

"No, my friend wasn't running away from a back-alley knife fight! He's no coward! And, um, also we aren't criminals and definitely would never be involved with such a thing. Some fey horseman came from the firewander district, lanced and trampled him."
"Well, that does sound fairly consistent with him having been struck first in the shoulder, with superhuman force focused on a sharp point, knocked down by the impact onto cobblestones, and then crushed by something weighing several hundred pounds moving at about 20mph, but...
>Flawless Diagnosis Technique
"...something's not quite right."
"What do you mean? There's even a clear hoofprint on his jacket right there."
"That definitely is an impression from a horseshoe, but it doesn't quite line up with the deepest bruising."

After some further alchemical tests...

"Aha! There's no traces of wyld taint in the wound. And who ever heard of a fae horse with iron shoes?"

Turns out that Cold had a horseshoe he was carrying around on a string, intending to eventually enchant it. Inflicted the puncture wound (and concomitant shattered scapula) with a knife, rather than a cavalry lance, and apparently managed to put a cavalry charge's worth of force behind it with a jump from a standing start. If not for a sturdy mammoth-hide jacket, might have torn open the brachial artery, killed that poor bastard on the spot.

In mechanical terms, the patient is down five lethal health levels - four from the initial strike, plus one from subsequent bleeding - and if that broken shoulderblade is allowed to heal wrong, he'll be at a persistent -2 wound penalty due to chron
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No. 1091139 ID: 7ce054

"A fey noble rampaging around Nexus sounds like a real problem. Perhaps we should delay our departure long enough to take care of this threat? I would hate to bring further strife to this city, such as it is, but this may be the only way to ultimately bring about peace for all." Caitlyn suggests, taking the thug's description seriously.
No. 1091140 ID: 094811

“Yeah….that’s bad. I also say we deal with this, the wyld can be….problematic. Believe me. I know more than most.”
She was just standing nearby, leaning against the wall of the barracks, her ears dropped down a bit in worry.
No. 1091141 ID: 094811

*Drooped, sorry.

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978305 No. 978305 ID: 2bd15b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

chapter 1 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/757996.html
chapter 2 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/777113.html
Discussion thread https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/107070.htm
Chapter 4 https://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/929115.html
Draw thread, where you can ask me to draw certain things

wiki https://tgchan.org/wiki/Root_and_Branches
1264 posts and 344 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1090789 ID: 047965

*Corax blinks, then pulls out a tape recorder and hits record*

You are one of the Silent Whisperers, the one responsible for the death of DeRvan Glashrauder, could you state that again for the record?

You also claim that you are responsible for many other deaths on the lower levels of reality. I take it many of them may have been ruled as suicide or perhaps are people who acted so unlike their usual character that it led to their death?

I also take it you have acted out ploys to ensure the success of Happy the Tragedy Phantom using various methods at your disposal. Please state them clearly for the record.

Inner thoughts to “Peregine”: I need you to connect to our Empathic Bird and to Contaminator. If you have taken control of Peregrines body I need Contaminator to trap this thing in her. If this thing has worked for Happy then my assumption was correct and using her as bait worked, but now she needs to decide whether or or not she will fight against him. Get that message to her. Have the Empathic bird help you, if she can read emotions and perhaps even manipulate them, I need Contaminator to have courage and bravery.
No. 1090972 ID: ae9a5f
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No. 1090974 ID: 693f6f

Hmm. Before I make a decision I have questions I'd like to ask you. You and your compatriots in the Silent Whisperers are targeting me and my colleagues. You have infiltrated the Dimensional Tribunal, and yet you just seem to want to stop me from finding Happy. You killed DeRvan via possession, and yet you only make me pass out and we are having this conversation in a dream, you left out how I made it back to my bed chambers meaning someone had to have found me or perhaps your traitor carried me back. Why not just kill me like you did with DeRvan? Unless you can't or something is preventing it.
No. 1091136 ID: ae9a5f
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No. 1091138 ID: b0659f

Hmm. A poorly constructed lie interspersed with half truths, and one made up at the last minute. Everything you say just doesn't make sense an contradicts everything else.

DeRvan was a sociopath, too narcissistic to ever truly consider suicide, let alone how he did it, you did that one, you were the one who put the grenade to his head. I have no doubt you CAN influence thoughts and ideas, a poke here and there, but your traitor "Echo" is living proof that you can take possession of someone, perhaps even before they go full catatonic. For further proof of this, you are literally saying you can possess Spirit Contaminator in order for me to question you, and are even using her visage now. You also did it to me and made me fall asleep, but again that's all you did. Why not just kill me? I've thoughts of suicide more than one, especially after I got out of the army, but I didn't.

What is your incentive to actually stay in her body long enough for me to question you? If you're actually going to stay for that, show me.

I'll call your bluff.

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1086689 No. 1086689 ID: 2eb1da hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

NSFW for nudity and possible lewdness
Chapter 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/823974.html
Chapter 2: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1059064.html
Chapter 3: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1068906.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/Calliope
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No. 1091069 ID: 17abec

If someone else is out there, they could be important. Go out to see what they're on about
No. 1091070 ID: debc82


Check the figures. Something about them was enough to grab you; that's more important than funky dream-logic.
No. 1091076 ID: 0da68b

Also do you remember this room of bunk beds? If not, ask mister Carter cause it might be his memory now.

But yeah, examine the bunk bed room. I think the people and driveway is no longer out there if this isnt your living room anymore.
No. 1091111 ID: 7c151e

check the figures, ignore the weirdness of the backrooms and head outside, odds are it could be either a memory from you or Carter's
No. 1091135 ID: 8f9bc4

Those figures weren't memories. They could be people, or some sort of mechanical process activating. Approach with caution. Their eyes may be open.

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1084137 No. 1084137 ID: 1effd3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

From nothing, a new beginning.
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No. 1091005 ID: 861ceb

wait, which of the flowers are pointing sticks at you?
No. 1091006 ID: 7c0da2

It's very pretty in here. It's so colorful compared to outside. Be careful not to step on any flowers.
The static symbol on the door panel is interesting. It seems whoever built this place knew about runes and how to use them.

Oh, yeah, good idea (except the smacking part, please don't). They're plant, they'd probably like having more water. In fact, you could even make them a pond with a Stream rune.
Anyway, be nice to the local flora, talk to them, make it clear you are not a voidling here to eat everything. If they don't seem to understand you, maybe sing at them? How good are you at miming?
No. 1091110 ID: 02a379

Flare for self defence?
No. 1091131 ID: b0aae4

That'd burn everything and everyone. Maybe us too.
No. 1091133 ID: 8f9bc4

Tell them you're just here for the ash, not their delicious juicy fruits! You have no interest in their mouth-watering, tempting, succulent flesh!

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1062275 No. 1062275 ID: 08229c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen


The first bite refreshes me. I can feel my mind wake and I'm aware of myself once more.

But, the meat is sour. It is from an emergency stash. One that I would only use as a last resort.
And this is definitely a last resort. Parts of me are still splattered all over the place. Another tick and I've have become one of the feral lost ones.

It's gross. A brain from some forgotten place. A building where those who were deemed unfit for society were kept. Still, with half of my own head blown off I don't really have much of a choice, do I?

I ward off the sour taste and focus on healing. My own brain starts to restore, along with my head, my face.

I'll have to get a new eye again.
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No. 1091117 ID: 93db89

I can’t tell if she asking to join the hunt or asking to bed you.
No. 1091119 ID: d6f0f6

A puppet master would be a handy companion.
also Calamity Jane huh? Maybe you should start wearing a cowboy hat.
No. 1091122 ID: c10e31

Why can't it be both~
No. 1091123 ID: 2f41db

I do believe we did.
No. 1091125 ID: dd3fe0

Yes, bed her, yes, have her join the party.

Also ignore the one obsessed voice. Sometimes voices get stuck on a topic.

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1082765 No. 1082765 ID: dc13c4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Previous chapter


Discussion Thread

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No. 1090996 ID: 48bc96

Seems they are unpragmatic about this. Healthy skepticism would be fine. However this is what happens if xenophobia overrides good pragmatic sense. Give archer a chance. Perhaps his genuine courage of conviction will be enough. Otherwise, well, should they prefer to languish, fine. We'll play the long game and be good neighbors. However they feel they'll have to get used to us since we're staying.
No. 1091045 ID: ae9a5f
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Give an emotional speech.

B) Give a condemning speech.

C) Give a humbling speech.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1091052 ID: 714fab

Oh good job archer.
A) try something more honest and "real" seemingly. They don't like us and we don't like them, and that's okay. But we're not going anywhere so it would be better for everyone to work together.
No. 1091116 ID: 27fceb

Let's give a condemning speech but make it a light condemnation and end it up with their appraisal.
No. 1091120 ID: c10e31

First off let's get one thing clear here. We have stolen nothing. Had we desired their stuff we'd just send our army and take the stuff. We refuse to be tyrants. We prefer trade because we both profit from doing so. Past that it's hard to say for sure. We've made the strategic case in a persuasive way so if they are still unpragmatic about this they'll just ignore what we say regardless of how much sense it has. ...Option 1 because emotions may succeed where logic has failed.

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1086981 No. 1086981 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

[Super NSFW]
May contain breeding, vore, transformation etc…

”Prurient Passage”
A Lascivious Labyrinth side story.

Wiki and previous threads: https://tezakia.net/wiki/Lascivious_Labyrinth

Somewhere deep in the most tenebrous wilderness, far from civilization and decency, it is said that a grand temple of the demi-god Wjares lays hidden. In those ancient rumor-shadowed halls, acts of unbridled hedonism and profane rituals were indulged in wild abandon, all to please the demi-god the structure was dedicated too. It is a place where instinct and impulse is acted up- huh? You’ve already heard this before? Alright, fine…

Welcome to the Prurient Passage! Hope you enjoy your stay…
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No. 1091087 ID: 681cb5
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>Could tell her about your potential future children as you breed her? Their achievements as warriors and such.
That’s odd. All you can see is the one child she’ll have now. Is it possible she won’t get pregnant again? You rather not look into it further, ‘lest you make it written in stone. Still, even if you see something or the lack there off, it might yet not come to pass.

Bahravus: ”You know… I can see the future…” you groan as you continue pounding her posterior, “And I’ve seen our future child…”
Scar: ”Ngg… then you better empty those fat nuts of yours into my fat ass!” she slaps her rear loudly, “To make sure that future comes to pass!”

One hand on your hip and the other grabbing her leg, you push yourself as deep as you possible can before you blow. Pressing your lower head against her cervix, you start shooting rope after rope of your fertile seed directly into her womb, feeding it with all the baby batter it should ever want.

Bahravus: ”F-feel that?” you stutter out between cock twitches, “This l-load will become our son… a powerful g-goat wizard.” Grabbing a hold of her ass, you plunge yourself even deeper, “He’ll breed a whole tribe of Jackals on his own.”
Scar: ”Push deeper!” she moans, “Make sure you pump our future son into my womb!”

Hilting yourself one final time, you empty what’s left of your ball batter into her, coating her womb with your life giving essence. You can feel your sack contract one final time, as your last shot finally overfill her hungry hips and makes your seed leak out around you.

Scar: ”Ah… Wjares damn, goat cock is amazing…” she whispers as you pull out your already softening member from her, mak
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No. 1091088 ID: 681cb5
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Taking a seat at the entrance to the passage, you try to catch your breath… but you barely manage to sit down before the two Sakkilian ladies are on you, craving your prey cock once again.

Gutslut: ”Damn, these nuts are soft…” the one you didn’t fuck whispers, nuzzling against your still rather hefty sack, “I wish I was bred by this mighty schlong instead of our brothers tiny ween.”
Scar: ”Well, I’m sure our old master won’t mind another round…” the lady with a scar lays down behind you, “Or do you have any other ideas for us, hmm?”
Gutslut: ”Mmm, can’t get enough of this sack…” the one between your legs mumble, before she starts kissing you balls over and over again, “I bet he would fit both of us in there… All snug and warm…”
Scar: ”Damn sis.” the other one smirks, as she watches you slowly growing hard again, “I knew you were a gutslut, but wanting to get churned by the first prey cock we run across?”
Gutslut: ”Oh please.” Sticking out her tongue towards her sister, she teases, “Like you haven’t been fantasizing about being turned into another inch on it.”
Scar: ”To be fair, it’s a sweet ass cock.”
Gutslut: ”Wjares, it is…”

Wjares damn it, girls, give an old man a break. You’d rather just lie down and take a nap right now, but these two thots won’t leave you alone. In fact, you’d rather just stay home and take a snooze in your hammock, if it wasn’t for this darn curse. *Sigh* but what is an old man too do…? Breeding is a hard but honest work, at least.

Bahravus: ”So, ladies…” you huff, “What do you know about the Passage? What can I expect inside?”
Scar: ”Huh? Why are you asking us?” the scarred lady smirks, “We
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No. 1091089 ID: 365de0

I want to bind them as more imp servants after they give birth. Have the mothers of your children flutter around you as small sexy trophies.
No. 1091095 ID: 5ebd37

That's a good idea.

In the meantime, maybe these two could introduce you to the tribe? You could clear your problem in one fell swoop.
No. 1091107 ID: aad029

Well, perhaps you can test out that idea of opening up some holes for demons to stick parts of themselves through. There are plenty of goat demons, if that's what they have a taste for. Perhaps the one you didn't oracle for can even take a couple bonus demons in her along with your offspring, restock the local population. Maybe some demon would even offer you something in return for the chance?

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1084176 No. 1084176 ID: 0d1c28 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

This is a NSFW clothing damage adventure!
the quest will contain nudity and violence and possibly some sexual content
Lewd suggestions are encouraged but not required.

celebrate your future, celebrate your doom and prolong your final moments

This quest is funded by Patreon,
if you'd like to see more consider sending a few coins!

Previous Threads

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No. 1090875 ID: 322af8

C first. The others can tell him what she is singing. Then he should keep looking for what could be causing this.
No. 1090912 ID: 5d4906

A, don't need to give the other sisters a headache. Just ask them the lines of the song she was singing.

Additionally, ask the sisters if Laret also mentioned hearing that singing or did she suddenly just break out into song. Might give us an idea on if this progresses to something worse. Maybe grant the Hydras permission to shut you up if you start breaking out in song uncontrollably.
No. 1090923 ID: 0c8329

B makes most sense to me in case more information is revealed.
No. 1090950 ID: c33a11

Lets put the pumpkin back and ask the Hydra how much of the song they remember themselves. If any of the other heads can remember the whole song then we should just put Laret to sleep.
No. 1091083 ID: 4c750c

Learning those lyrics might be crucial information, HOWEVER! If N’Thar could already hear the music *while* she had the pumpkin in her mouth, it’s fully possible this song is being spouted forth from other vessels scattered across town, which could be REALLY bad, depending on the contents of the lyrics.

Therefore I would prioritize a plan of C then D, but if you absolutely must know the full song immediately, then >>1090950 seems the way to go about it. C -> A if the remaining sisters can give us the full song themselves The pumpkin still being put in to inquire as to whether they can recall the lyrics, then taken out for B in the event they cannot.

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1087619 No. 1087619 ID: 6290ec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

If we open our minds to the existence of other universes, there's no limit to the possibilities that we could experience in the world of boning.
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No. 1090973 ID: ebae20

C, and E
No. 1090975 ID: 1ff64e

A hard armored suit like that is probably an atmospheric diving suit, which doesn't risk decompression sickness since your body isn't compressed to begin with.
No. 1091000 ID: 9188de

No. 1091034 ID: e8918a

No. 1091036 ID: 3e5b92

Hey, uh, if your mom is a bat, what is your dad?
Also, how did your dragon mom and die? Fanboy stampede? Stalker breaking into their house to steal their socks, gone horribly wrong?

Anyways, let's sing the wake up song and shake her if that doesn't work.

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